【資料庫】湯森路透教育訓練2019年4月系列課程〜即日起報名至4 /1 ~
Activity day:2019-04-01 
Published At:2019-03-25 
Views:929  2019-11-28 updated


   本院定期與廠商(Refinitiv)安排了一系列Thomson Reuters資料庫  2019年4月份相關教育訓練課程,

※請用下列網址報名:  https://goo.gl/forms/WV13uquaAfV79Wbx1  

  現場之開課如下:{即日起報名至  4/1止} 

1-1. { 4/02 14:30 } Eikon - 使用入門與FLEXSHET 檔案製作
1-2. { 4/23 14:30 } Eikon - 使用入門與FLEXSHET 檔案製作
2. { 4/10 14:30 } Thomson Reuters Eikon - 圖形工具應用

3. { 4/11 14:30 } Eikon - Excel資料下載與連結入門(4.0版本)
4. { 4/15 14:30 } Thomson Reuters Eikon - 能源市場入門
5. { 4/16 14:30 } Thomson Reuters Eikon - 外匯貨幣市場總覽
6. { 4/25 14:30 } 證券市場與計量模型應用總覽
7. {4/29 14:30 } 人民幣市場綜覽

8. { 4/08 14:30 } Datastream - Excel資料下載及圖形功能介紹
9-1. { 4/09 14:30 } Lipper for Investment Management 入門
9-2. { 4/26 14:30 } Lipper for Investment Management 入門
10. { 4/18 14:30 } World-Check One 講習班


附件1:   Thomson Reuters的資料庫2019年4月份教育(實體)訓練課程     4月網路課程

4.網路課程4月有 56堂,請下載原公告PDF附件,再點選各課程超連結~請自行

(請用本校e-mail)線上報名,須先裝 Webex 軟體. (所有的上課時間為台灣時間

web-1. { 4/01 08:00 } Introduction to Eikon Excel
web-2. { 4/01 10:30 } Market Overview - Global Economy, Financial and Real Indicators*
web-3. { 4/02 09:00 } Eikon Equity Apps - Market Monitoring
web-4. { 4/02 10:30 } Market Overview – US benchmark Yields and G4 Bonds*
web-5 { 4/0 10:30 } Market Overview – US benchmark Yields and G4 Bonds*
web-6. { 4/02 11:00 } Make The Most Use of News in Eikon
web7. { 4/03 10:00 } FX Implied Volatility Smile and Surface Basics*
web-8 { 4/03 10:30 } Zero Coupon Curve Construction and Financial Instrument Pricing with Eikon Excel*
web-9. { 4/03 11:00 } Capturing Interest Rate Trading Opportunities via Rates View*

web-48 { 4/29 11:00 } Eikon Excel for Equities Markets
web-49 { 4/30 11:00 } China's Greater Bay Area - A Bigger Factory Or A Serious Game Changer?*
web-50 { 4/30 11:00 } Eikon FI Apps -Rates Market Monitoring and Pricing
web-51 { 4/30 12:00 } Portfolio Analysis: Identify the Source of Excess Return with Equity and Fixed Income Investment*
web-52 { 4/09 12:00 } Technical Analysis - An Introduction*
web-53 { 4/10 12:00 } Technical Analysis - Bar Charts Interpretation*
web-53 { 4/16 12:00 }Technical Analysis - How to Draw Meaningful Lines*
web-54 { 4/17 12:00 } Technical Analysis - Chart Patterns and Formations*
web-55 { 4/11 09:00 } Datastream Charting
web-56 { 4/11 11:30 } World-Check One Refresher and New Features





    電話:+ 886-2-33665403電子郵件:jy02lee@ntu.edu.tw  
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