[Seminar] 財金系 5/28 (四) 下午 14:30 邀請 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 的 Prof. Hung-Chia Hsu 演講
Activity day:2015-05-21 
Published At:2015-05-21 
Views:166  2017-02-12 updated

財金系擬於 5/28 (四) 邀請 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 的 Prof. Hung-Chia Hsu 至本所進行專題演講,相關訊息如下:

時間: 5/28 (四) 14:30-16:30
地點: 管理學院一號館2樓重光講堂
講者: Prof. Hung-Chia Hsu
講題: Politically Connected Private Equity and Employment

We investigate the employment consequences of private equity buyouts. We find that, on average, buyouts by politically connected private equity firms are associated with higher job creation at the establishments operated by their target firms than buyouts by non-connected private equity firms. Consistent with an exchange of favors story, establishments operated by targets of politically connected private equity firms increase employment more during election years, in swing states, and in states with high levels of corruption. Further, the likelihood that the incumbent will be re-elected increases as employment increases. We also provide evidence of specific benefits experienced by target firms from their political connections. Our conclusions are corroborated by a number of tests designed to mitigate specific selection concerns, including placebo tests of unsuccessful takeover attempts.