【活動轉知】香港理工大學 2016 PolyU Faculty of Business PhD Boot Camp

香港理工大學工商管理學院将於今年7月17-21日在香港理工大學舉辦名為“PolyU Faculty of Business PhD Boot Camp 2016”的一個訓練营,香港理工大學特別提拱給本校2位學生全免優惠,包括免報名費、住宿(香港理工大學學生宿舍)及来回經濟艙機票(學生需先買后在向香港理工大學申請核銷,上限為HK$4,000)



  • penultimate and final year undergraduates as well as postgraduate (master’s) students,
  • with good academic results,
  • are interested in studying for a PhD in Business



  1.  to help students learn more about options for PhD study in business at PolyU,
  2.  to allow students to explore areas that match their interest, ability and potential,
  3.  to provide an opportunity for students to develop their academic social networks by interacting with top scholars and editors of major academic journals,
  4.  to provide information and advice concerning the generous Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme available at PolyU.




如有任何問題,請直接聯繫香港理工大學承辦人沈君倩主任,Email: ocmarina@polyu.edu.hk