Unity is Strength: Teamwork in NTU Business Administration
瀏覽數:1088 2018-09-14 更新
Translated and written by Sheng-Yo Ting, student of year B02
Another year has past, but what hadn’t changed are the records NTUBA sets! This year, we hold The NTU Sports Carnival on a brand new sports track in school. Combining the traditional sportsmanship and our new generations of students, we pass on the spirit of NTUBA!
List of accomplishments:
· Department Champion Winner 5 years in a row
· Best Sportsmanship Department
· Woman’s Track and Field 3rd Place Winner
· Men ‘s 2400M Relay Champion
· Women’s 700KG Tug of War Champion
· Women’s 700KG Tug of War 3rd Place Winner
· Men’s 800KG Tug of War 4th Place Winner
In the mean time, The Department of Management also won……
· 3rd Place School Winner
· 2nd Place Total Group Winner
What many trophies and titles NTUBA has won. It’s very hard to believe how any department can achieve this every single year.
Success comes with a great team behind the scenes. First of all, we give a warm thank you to all the teachers in the sports department that helped hold the NTU Sports Carnival with a 30,000 student and faculty participation. Also, we thank XXX ,the Chairman of NTUBA for providing our athletes breakfast and lunch and also cheering everyone on. Thank you to XXX, Head of Management School for providing us exclusive T-shirts that we are proud to wear, and also holding a celebration party for The Management School. Thank you Mrs. Wang for reminding our students about the school sports events year by year, day by day. Thank you to every one who participated in this event, we look forward to next year!