Global MBA Graduation Ceremony 2020
Activity day:2020-06-07 
Published At:2020-07-28 
Views:424  2020-07-28 updated

National Taiwan University (NTU), College of Management Celebrated Global MBA (GMBA) Graduation Ceremony on 7th June 2020, at Sungreat Hall in the main campus successfully. During this unprecedented pandemic Covid-19 situation, GMBA office was closely following the announcements from Taiwan CDC-CECC. The event has been arranged only after obtaining nod for indoor gathering, maintaining social distance.

Total 38 students graduated this year. New Graduates with their families and friends attended the moment. The program started with the entry of Graduates followed by entry of Chief Guest accompanied with Professors. Masters of Ceremony kicked off the event. Enthusiastic members of GMBA office addressed new Graduates in their own languages of their countries. This made the crowd overwhelmed with joy. Graduates cherished the moments of their GMBA life through a beautiful video.

The program moved forward with welcoming speech from Dr. Shing-yang Hu. His inspiring words motivated all Graduates for their future endeavors. He also mentioned how difficult it was for the students and professors to complete this semester due to the uncertainties caused by Covid-19 outbreak. He suggested new Graduates to follow their inner passion to have more successful and meaningful future.

Chief Guest Mr. Joseph N.C. Huang delivered his speech and encouraged new Graduates to be ready to accept more challenges after Covid-19 situation. He emphasized on being proactive and adoptive to this faster changing world. He ended up by congratulating all new Graduates and wishing them a prosperous future.

A short speech from Dr. Audrey Hsu focused about challenges, obstacles, and successes in the career path of new Graduates. She wished them joyful life ahead.

Next Speech was from Mr. Te-Kai Shang, Class of 2020, President of GMBA Student Council 2019-2020. His powerful words and explanation of practical industry situation will help new Graduates to set future goals. He urged everyone to stand together, have more meaningful communications, have better understanding and compassion for individuals, to bring love and happiness to our society.

Lara Sophie Rodolph, Class of 2020, Vice- President of GMBA student Council 2019-2020, had an emotional speech. She thanked all professors, GMBA office staffs, and friends and family for the success of all new Graduates. She called ‘GMBA Ohana’ as a ‘family away from family’.

The ‘Presentation of Diplomas’ was the next activity. Professors turned the tassels and awarded Diplomas to new Graduates. Smiling faces and gorgeous clicks flooded the hall with happiness and joy.

The event was filled with nostalgia and excitement at the same time. Vote of thanks from the MC, followed by photo session, concluded the ceremony.

2020 Global MBA 畢業典禮成功圓滿







同樣是2020年的應屆畢業生,並曾擔任GMBA學生會2019-2020副會長 的Lara Sophie Rodolph也上台發表感性演說。她先向在座的每一位解釋GMBA Ohana的涵意是「像家人一樣的家人」,緊接向所有的教授、GMBA行政團隊以及親朋好友表達誠摯感謝,由於他們像家人一樣的陪伴,才促使他今天能成功從GMBA畢業。



(中英文: GMBA Yvonne Chen and 一年級 Moupiya Ghosh)