A tremendous successful GMBA Orientation on Sep 03, 2017
Activity day:2017-10-23 
Published At:2017-10-23 
Views:112  2017-10-23 updated

新面孔、新名字、新希望、新關係、全新的名字 - GMBA 2019


文: GMBA辦公室

撰文者: GMBA一年級Gopal Karunanithi 葛培




早上的Team Building活動,其目的是為了打開彼此之間的隔閡,進而拉近大家的距離。透過相互介紹每個人的個性與來自何處,還有一些分組活動,同隊組員更了解彼此,無形中帶出團隊精神以及向心力。在小組分享時間,大家藉由自身過往的經歷去分析問題,不僅觀察到他人的潛在能力,也發現自己的另一面向。


簡而言之,這次的Team Building以有趣的方式成功將大家凝聚在一起,GMBA執行長陳家麟教授的歡迎致辭切重要點,韓廷允教授簡介GMBA的核心價值與葛明伊教授帶領的Strengths Finding團體活動,不僅理順了我們接下來對GMBA課程該有的思維,也幫助大家認識到團隊合作的重要性。誠如陳家麟教授所說的: 我們的道路已明確指出,現在是大步前行的時候。



A tremendous successful GMBA Orientation on Sep 03, 2017

New faces, New names, New Hopes, New relationships yet with one brand identity -- GMBA 2019.


As a new GMBA student, I was surprised that the orientation ceremony was well-organized and perfectly coordinated. Though our schedule says that classes will begin from Sep 11, today we got the chance to learn event management from our coordinators, cultural management from folks from different countries and even start to work with our future classmates for discussions. I was grateful to be one of these intellectuals who are masters in different fields.

During the team building session, we broke the ice among us, got to know of each other, understood everybody’s nature, learnt team-building & leadership qualities, shared our knowledge & experiences and above all, identified the inherent potential abilities and limitations of ourselves. Fun filled environment with a focused goal makes this orientation very special. Group activities groom our thoughts which helped everyone to realize the importance of synergistic performance. Simplicity of the Director, Professor Chia-lin Chen’s welcome speech is extreme. According to him, our path was set clear so that we are now on track and ready for the race.

I personally felt that I am on an international tour during my orientation program. Beside of that, the variety of foods, fruits, juices, cakes prepared for lunch even made this orientation more luxurious. What a lovely day we had !!! I owe my gratefulness to NTU.