Personal Information
Chorng-Shyong Ong
Ph.D. Ph.D., Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Master M.S., Economic, Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Bachelor B.S., Hydraulic, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Office : Building II, College of Management 902
Tel : (02)33661187
Fax : (02)33661199
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Research Field
• Management Information Systems
• Information Technology and Competitive Strategy
• Operations Management
• Online Services Management
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., Business Administration, National Taiwan University
• M.S., Economic, Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
• B.S., Hydraulic, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
• Information Service Innovation Management
• Information Technology and Competition Strategy
• Introduction to Information Management
• Operation Management
No Data Available
2006 - Present Professor, Dept. of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2011 - 2012    Vice Dean, College of Management, National Taiwan University
1991 - 1992    Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Conference Paper
  1. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Ching-Tsung Lin, July 2011, Creating E-Business Value And Firm Performance From Supply Chain Perspective, PACIS 2011.
  2. Michael Yu-Ching Lin, Chorng-Shyong Ong, December 2010, Understanding Information Systems Continuance Intention: A Five-Factor Model of Personality Perspective, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010).
  3. 翁崇雄、陳羿綺, July 2008, 企業部落格應用價值與經營要素之研究, 第十四屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展策略研討會, (Taipei, Taiwan), NSC96-2221-E-002-035.
  4. Lu, Chun-Hung,Chih-Chien Wang, Min-Yuh Day, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, 2008, Using "Citied by" Information to Find the Context of Research Papers, ISI 2008 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5075.
  5. Lai, J.-Y., Ong, C.-S., Laio, C.-Y., Wang, C.-T., April 2008, Assessing and Managing Employee Readiness for Embracing E-business, The Proceedings of ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference (46th ACM SIGMIS CRP), (Charlottesville, Virginia), NSC94-2416-H-002-016.
  6. Ong Chorng-Shyong, Min-Yuh Day, Wen-Lian Hsu, July 2008, Development of an Evaluation Model for Question Answering Systems, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2008), (Las Vegas, Nevada), NSC 95-2416-H-002-047.
  7. 翁崇雄, August 2007, 信息科技策略性分類模式之建議, 信息管理前沿理論與技術研究Advances in Information Theories and Technologies-第13屆海峽兩岸信息管理發展與策略學術研討會論文集,電子工業出版社, (北京), NSC91-2416-H-002-009.
  8. Day, Min-Yuh, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, August 2007, Question Classification in English-Chinese Cross-Language Question Answering: An Integrated Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Approach, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2007), (Las Vegas, Nevada), NSC 95-2416-H-002-047.
  9. Day, Min-Yuh, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Shih-Hung Wu, Wen-Lian Hsu, September 2006, Integrating Genetic Algorithms with Conditional Random Fields to Enhance Question Informer Prediction, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2006), (Hawaii), NSC 95-2416-H002-047.
  10. Lu, Chun-Hung, Guey-Fa Chiou, Min-Yuh Day, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, June 2006, Using Instant Messaging to Provide an Intelligent Learning Environment, Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 8th International Conference, ITS 2006, (Jhongli, Taiwan).
  11. Wang, Shang-Wei, Wun-Hwa Chen, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Li Liu, Yun-Wen Chuang, January 2006, RFID Applications in Hospitals: a Case Study on a Demonstration RFID Project in a Taiwan Hospital, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS39), (Hawaii).
  12. Day, Min-Yuh, Cheng-Wei Lee, Shih-Hung Wu, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen Lian Hsu, November 2005, An Integrated Knowledge-Based on Machine Learning Approach for Chinese Question Classification, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE NLP-KE 2005), (Wuhan).
  13. Wang, Shang-Wei, Chorng-Shyong Ong, November 2005, Learning Behavior in an Asynchronous Web-Based Executive Program, 16th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, (Sydney).
  14. Day, Min-Yuh, Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Lung Sung, Cheng-Wei Lee, Shih-Hung, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, August 2005, A Knowledge-Based Approach to Citation Extraction, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2005), (Las Vegas, Nevada).
  15. Day, Min-Yuh, Chung-Hung Lu, Jin-Tan David Yang, Guey-Fa Chiou, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, July 2005, Designing an Ontology-Based Intelligent Tutoring Agent with Instant Messaging, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  16. Lai, J.-Y., C.-S. Ong, C.-C. Yang, W.-S. Yang, July 2005, Factors Influencing Employees’ Usage Behavior of KMS in E-Business, The Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Bangkok).
  17. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jung-Yu Lai, Yu-Min Wang, Shang-Wei Wang, January 2005, An Understanding of Power Issues Influencing Employees’ Acceptance of KMS: An Empirical Study of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Companies, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS38), (Hawaii).
  18. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jih-Jeng Huang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, June 2004, Using Rough Set Theory for Detecting the Interaction Terms in a Generalized Logit Model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
  19. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jung-Yu Lai, January 2004, Developing an Instrument for Measuring User Satisfaction with Knowledge Management Systems, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS37), (Hawaii).
  20. 翁崇雄, 1996, 提升我國銀行業服務品質策略之研究, 第二屆中小企業發展學術研討會論文集(總體部分), (Taipei, Taiwan).
Journal Paper
  1. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Michael Yu-Ching Lin, January 2017, Is being satisfied enough? Well-being and IT post-adoption behavior, Information Development (SSCI), Vol 32, Issue 4, Pages 1042-1054.
  2. Chorng-Shyong Ong and Po-Yen Chen, January 2016, A Valuation Model For Information Technology Capability-Enabled Firm Value, Journal Of Computer Information Systems (SCI), Vol. 56 , Iss. 2, Pages 137-144.
  3. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Shu-Chen Chang, Shwn-Meei Lee, January 2015, Development of WebHapp: Factors in predicting user perceptions of website-related happiness, Journal of Business Research (SSCI), Vol.68 , No.3 , Pages 591 - 598.
  4. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Po-Yen Chen, January 2014, The effects of IT: from performance to value, Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI), Vol.113, No.5, Pages 70-85.
  5. Liang-Chuan Wu, Shu-Hsing Li, Chorng-Shyong Ongc, Chungteh Pand, September 2012, Options in technology investment games: The real world TFT-LCD industry case, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI), Vol. 79, No.7, Pages 1241-1253.
  6. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Shu-Chen Chang, Chih-Chien Wang, February 2011, Comparative Loneliness of Users Versus Nonusers of Online Chatting, Cyberpsychology,, Behavior, and Social Networking, 35 - 40.
  7. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Shang-Wei Wang, January 2011, E-Service and Organizational Change: A Process Mode, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, Vol.9, No.3, Pages 39-51.
  8. J.-Y. Lai, C.-S. Ong, C.-C. Yang, C.-T. Wang, May 2010, Assessing and managing employees for embracing change: A multiple-item scale to measure employee readiness for e-business, Technovation, 76 - 85.
  9. Chorng-Shyong Onga, Shang-Wei Wang, July 2009, Managing citizen-initiated email contacts, Government Information Quarterly, 498 - 504.
  10. Wu, Liang-Chuan, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Yao-Wen Hsu, June 2008, Active ERP Implementation Management: A Real Options Perspective, The Journal of Systems and Software, 1039 - 1050.
  11. Wu, L.C., Ong C.S., March 2008, Management of Information Technology Investment, Journal of Technovation, 122 - 134.
  12. Liu, Hsiang-His, Chorng-Shyong Ong, January 2008, Variable Selection in Clustering for Marketing Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithms, Expert Systems with Applications, 502 - 510.
  13. Wu, Liang-Chuan, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Yao-Wen Hsu, January 2008, Knowledge-Based Organization Evaluation, Decision Support Systems, 541 - 549.
  14. Day, Min-Yuh, Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Lung Sung, Chiu-Chen Hsieh, Cheng-Wei Lee, Shih-Hung Wu, Kuen-Pin Wu, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu, February 2007, Reference Metadata Extraction Using a Hierarchical Knowledge Representation, Decision Support Systems, 152 - 167, NSC 95-2416-H002-047.
  15. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jung-Yu Lai, May 2007, Measuring User Satisfaction with Knowledge Management Systems: Scale Development, Purification, and Initial Test, Computers in Human Behavior, 1329 - 1346.
  16. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, February 2007, Marketing Segmentation Using Support Vector Clustering, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 32, Issue 2, Pages 313-317.
  17. Wu, Liang-Chuan, Seng-Cho Chou, Chau-Chen Yang, Chorng-Shyong Ong, January 2007, Enhanced Index Investing Based on Goal Programming, Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, Pages 49-56.
  18. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, March 2006, Two-Stage Genetic Programming (2SGP) for the Credit Scoring Model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1039 - 1053.
  19. Huang, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, October 2006, Interval Multidimensional Scaling for Group Decision Using Rough Set Concept, Expert Systems with Applications, 525 - 530.
  20. Wu, Liang-Chuan, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Yao-Wen Hsu, October 2006, ERP Investment Evaluation Based on Options Theory, Journal of Information Management, 1 - 16.
  21. Chorng-Shyong Ong, Jung-Yu Lai, September 2006, Gender Differences in Perceptions and relationships Among Dominants of E-learning Acceptance, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 22, Issue 5, Pages 816-829.
  22. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, May 2006, Optimal Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Expansion of Competence Sets Using Multi-Objectives Evolutionary Algorithms, Expert Systems with Applications, 739 - 745.
  23. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, April 2006, A Novel Algorithm for Dynamic Factor Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1288 - 1297.
  24. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, February 2006, A Novel Algorithm for Uncertain Portfolio Selection, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 350 - 359.
  25. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, February 2006, Fuzzy Principal Component Regression (FPCR) for Fuzzy Input and Output Data, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 87 - 100.
  26. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, January 2005, Motivation and Resource-Allocation for Strategic Alliance through De Novo Perspective, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 711 - 721.
  27. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jih-Jeng Huang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, October 2005, A Novel Hybrid Model for Portfolio Selection, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1195 - 1210.
  28. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jih-Jeng Huang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, July 2005, Building Credit Scoring Models Using Genetic Programming, Expert Systems with Applications, 41 - 47.
  29. Huang, Jih-Jeng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong, May 2005, Multidimensional Data in Multidimensional Scaling Using the Analytic Network Process, Pattern Recognition Letters, 755 - 767.
  30. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jih-Jeng Huang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, May 2005, Model Identification of ARIMA Family Using Genetic Algorithms, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 885 - 912.
  31. Ong, Chorng-Shyong, Jung-Yu Lai,Yi-Shun Wang, July 2004, Factors Affecting Engineers’ Acceptance of Asynchronous E-learning Systems in High-tech Companies, Information & Management, 795 - 804.
  32. 翁崇雄、田文良, June 2003, 在網際網路上使用者涉入對線上服務服務品質評量的影響-以搜尋引擎之線上服務為例, 台大管理論叢,台灣大學管理學院, 29 - 57, NSC89-2416-H-002-110.
  33. 翁崇雄, 2000, 服務品質評量模式之比較研究, 中山管理評論,國立中山大學管理學術研究中心, 105 - 122, NSC88-2416-H-002-057.
  34. 翁崇雄, January 1999, 消費者對網際網路期望服務之研究, 資訊管理學報,中華民國資訊管理學會, 51 - 73, NSC87-2416-H-002-020.
  35. 翁崇雄, April 1999, 評量整體性服務品質之觀念性模式, 管理與系統,中華民國企業管理學會與中華民國系統分析學會, 151 - 176.
  36. 翁崇雄, December 1998, 我國律師業服務品質之研究, 品質學報,中華民國品質管制學會, 45 - 77, NSC86-2416-H-002-003.
  37. 翁崇雄, December 1998, 期望服務與服務績效影響服務品質評量之研究, 台大管理論叢,台灣大學管理學院, 153 - 176.
  38. 翁崇雄, December 1997, 影響消費者評量服務品質與服務價值之研究, 品質學報,中華民國品質管制學會, 67 - 102.
  39. 翁崇雄, June 1997, 規劃服務品質管理策略之研究-以公營銀行為例, 品質學報,中華民國品質管制學會, 113 - 131.
  40. 翁崇雄, March 1996, 消費者對銀行認知服務之研究, 基層金融,基層金融研究訓練中心, 89 - 115.
  41. 翁崇雄, 1996, 評量服務整體性品質之觀念性模式建構, 品質學報,中華民國品質管制學會, 19 - 43.
  42. 翁崇雄, January 1996, 顧客對銀行期望服務品質水準之研究, 企銀季刊,台灣中小企業銀行調查研究室, 24 - 41.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. 翁崇雄(Ong, Chorng-Shyong);陳文賢(Chen, Wen-Hsien);黃崇興(Huang, Chung-Hsing);陳紹興, January 1989, 品質管制, 國立空中大學.
Technical Report
No Data Available
No Data Available