Published At:2021-09-16
Views:1417 2021-09-16 updated
A fruitful dialogue with Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala: Planned collaboration between NTU GMBA and Guatemala. On August 17, Director Audrey Hsu, and Professor Leon van Jaarsveldt had the pleasure of meeting with Ambassador Gómez of the Republic of Guatemala in the Republic of China (Taiwan). We had a fruitful dialogue with Ambassador Gómez, and we were able to agree on several points of cooperation:
We look forward to growing this partnership with Ambassador Gómez and the Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala and look forward to announcing more news on cooperation in the near future.
台大GMBA執行長Audrey Hsu教授、GMBA專聘外籍教授Leon van Jaarsveldt 於8月17日下午前往瓜地馬拉共和國駐中華民國(台灣)大使館,一同拜見Gómez大使。 拜訪的過程中,雙方就教育、經濟、培育人才等議題有諸多討論,也草擬出執行計畫,以下是雙方達成共識的幾項要點:
台大GMBA衷心盼望與Gómez大使和瓜地馬拉共和國大使館加強這個全新的夥伴關係,並期待在不久的將來公佈更多合作消息。 撰文者/中英文: GMBA 辦公室 |