Published At:2017-03-21
Views:359 2017-03-24 updated
In the first week of the new semester, the Office of International Affairs, College of Management (OIA, CoM) has organized an orientation program for new incoming exchange students to learn the essentials of studying in NTU and living in Taiwan. This semester, the College welcomed 47 international students from 13 different countries. The orientation program of the 2017 Spring semester took place on February 16, 2017. Celia Yang, Associate Director of the OIA gave the opening remarks. She congratulated them for choosing NTU CoM as their exchange destination and wished all the students a productive and enjoyable semester in Taiwan. NTU buddies prepared a series of presentations containing practical information regarding campus life, living in Taiwan and even traveling around the Asian region. The exchange students scribbled down notes in order to record the various tidbits of information shared by the buddies. During the tea break, exchange students and NTU buddies sat on the stairs in front of College of Management Building 1 to enjoy some refreshments in the sunny weather. The ambiance was lively and friendly as exchange students took some time to get to know each other and their NTU buddies. In the second part of the of the orientation program, the dorm management team gave a brief overview of dorm regulations. Special guest Prof. Jiun-Huei Proty Wu and his team introduced students to the International Companions of Learning (ICL) program, a program providing exchange students with opportunities to teach and meet with local Taiwanese students from elementary school to high school age. Finally, everyone gathered together for a group photo to cap off the start of the new semester. After the indoor activities, exchange students were divided into 4 groups for a campus tour organized by NTU buddies. The buddies served as tour guides and shared important information and interesting stories as they walked around NTU campus. Hopefully this orientation program has been a great benefit for exchange students to adapt to life in NTU and to make their stay in Taiwan even more worthwhile. |