Detailed Information
Chuan-San Wang
Ph.D. School of Accounting and Finance the University of Manchester, Major: Financial Accounting Minor: Quantitative Analysis, Corporate Finance Dissertation Title: The information content of UK repurchase execution announcements.
Master Master of Business Administration - National Taiwan University Major: Accounting and Finance
Bachelor B.S. (with Honors) - National Taiwan University Major: Economics and Finance
Office : Building II, College of Management 614
Tel : 886-2-33661130
Fax : 886-2-23638038
Office Hour : Thu. 10:00~12:00 and by appointment
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Research Field
• Sustainable Accounting
• Corporate and Intangible Asset Evaluation
• Corporate Governance
• Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
• Earnings Management
• Audit and Financial Reporting Quality
• Empirical Research in Law
Research Field Summary
Professor Wang is renowned for her rich experience in teaching and student mentoring, as well as his profound expertise in economic, financial accounting theory, and research design. Professor Wang specializes in various empirical research areas such as corporate governance, financial reporting quality, corporate social responsibility, and legal empirical studies, including earnings management, sustainable accounting, and intangible asset valuation. Professor Wang's research achievements are widely recognized in the international academic community and have been published in several prestigious accounting and finance journals, including "The Accounting Review" and "Financial Management." His papers are also featured in journals such as "Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management," "Journal of Futures Markets," and " Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics ." In addition to the above-mentioned internationally renowned journals indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) by the National Science Council (NSC), Professor Wang has also published articles in domestic journals such as "Accounting Review," "NTU Management Review," and "Journal of Futures and Options Markets," which are indexed in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI).
• School of Accounting and Finance the University of Manchester, Major: Financial Accounting Minor: Quantitative Analysis, Corporate Finance Dissertation Title: The information content of UK repurchase execution announcements.
• Master of Business Administration - National Taiwan University Major: Accounting and Finance
• B.S. (with Honors) - National Taiwan University Major: Economics and Finance
• Accounting Principles
• Accounting Research Workshop
• EMBA Introduction to Financial Accounting
• Empirical Research Methods in Accounting
• Evaluation of Business
• GMBA Intermediate Accounting
• Intermediate Accounting
• Introduction to Empirical Research Methods for Accounting
• Seminar on Legal Cases for the Accounting Profession
• Seminar on Valuation Approaches and the Statements of Valuation Standards
• Study of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
2023 12-month fellowship by the National Science and Technology Council to pursue advanced research in the United States (2023).
2000 Ministry of Education Public Scholarship for Studying Abroad (2000).
2009 Excellent Teaching Award of NTU Management Collage (2009).
2009 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage (2009).
2009 The Best Paper in Accounting Theory and Practice Conference (2009).
2009 Song Zuonan Foundation and NTU Management Review Excellent Master's Thesis Advisor Professor (2009).
2010 The Best Paper in Accounting Theory and Practice Conference (2010).
2013 The Best Paper in 20th annual conference of ASBBS (2013).
2013 Top NTU Accounting Research Scholar Award (2013).
2013 E. SUN Academic Award (2013).
2014 The Best Paper in 21st annual conference of ASBBS (2014).
2014 The Best Paper in Management Theory and Practice Conference (2014).
2014 The Excellent Paper Award of 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, NTU Management Review (2014).
2014 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage (2014).
2015 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage (2015).
2015 Award of fellowship by the National Science and Technology Council to pursue advanced research in the United States (2015)
2016 12-month fellowship by the National Science and Technology Council to pursue advanced research in the United States (2016).
2017 Leadership Award (presented for National Taiwan University) the Institute for Business and Finance Research, Global Conference on Business and Finance (2017).
2017 Outstanding Research Award, 2017 Global Conference on Business and Finance, from the Institute for Business and Finance Research (2017).
2017 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage (2017).
2018 The Recommended Paper Award of 2018 Management Theory and Practice Conference, NTU Management Review (2018).
2018 Flexibility bonus for excellent performance (2018).
2021 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage (2021).
2021 Flexibility bonus for excellent performance (2021).
2022 Flexibility bonus for excellent performance (2022).
2007-2023 Host of annual research plan for the National Science Council and National Science and Technology Council (from 2007 to 2023)
2015 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage
2015 Academic Research Award of NTU Management Collage
2018 - now Professor, Dept. of Accounting, National Taiwan University
2013 - 2018 Associate Professor, Dept. of Accounting, National Taiwan University
2015 - 2016 Visiting scholar at Foster School of Business, University of Washington
2006 - 2013 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Accounting, National Taiwan University
2006 - 2006 Legal Intern, Baker & McKenzie
2003 - 2005 Teaching Assistant, School of Accounting and Finance, University of Manchester
Conference Paper
  1. Hsiou-Wei Lin, Chuan-San Wang, November 2022, What do firms do to avoid goodwill impairment?, Yuan Ze University, (Yuan Ze University).
  2. Chuan-San Wang, 2017, CSR and Financial Performance: The Role of Input Ratio Substitution and Its Usefulness in Predicting Future Earnings, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (San Diego, USA).
  3. 林修葳、王全三, 2014, 企業報導商譽及減損對資本市場預測併購者未來損益能力的影響, 2014會計與公司治理理論與實務研討會, (國立成功大學 (2014, Dec. 26)).
  4. Wang*, Chuan-San, July 2013, Do Disciplinary Forces on CEO Increase Corporate Cash Payout?, 4th Annual Academic Research Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, (Tacoma), [hausted by University of Washington Tacoma Milgard School of Business , The Center for Leadership & Social Responsibility at the University of Washington Tacoma.].
  5. 王全三*, June 2013, 評價產業管理, 中華無形資產暨企業評價協會十週年會慶研討會.
  6. 王全三*, December 2012, 無形資產之評價準則, 2012年全國大專院校評價研討會.
  7. Wang*, Chuan-San, December 2012, Earnings Bath and Future Performance/, 2012會計理論與實務研討會.
  8. Wang*, Chuan-San, June 2011, The Earnings Quality in the Limelight of Cash Payouts, Korean Accounting Association 2011 Annual Meeting Conference.
  9. Wang*, Chuan-San, May 2011, The Reporting Discretion in the Limelight of Cash Payouts, 2011 the 9th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting.
  10. Wang*, Chuan-San, May 2011, The Hierarchy of Dividends and Investment Decisions with Discretionary Accruals, SUFE-NTU-CITYU 2011 Accounting Research Camp.
  11. Wang*, Chuan-San, December 2010, The Earnings Quality in the Limelight of Cash Payouts, 2010會計理論與實務研討會.
  12. Wang*, Chuan-San, September 2010, Do Disciplinary Forces Equally Apply to Cash Dividends and Share Repurchases?, 2010 AAA Annual Meeting.
  13. Norman Strong, Chung-Fern Wu, Chuan-San Wang, August 2010, Do Disiciplinary Forces Equally Apply to Cash Dividends and Share Repurchases?, 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (California).
  14. Samuel Tung, Chuan-San Wang, August 2010, Dividend Taxes and Firm Valuation — New Evidence from Taiwan, 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (California).
  15. Chuan-San Wang, Norman Strong, C.F. Wu, August 2010, Cash Payouts and Perceived CEO Turnover Pressure., Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (California).
  16. Wang*, Chuan-San, June 2009, Dividend Taxation in Firm Valuation — New Evidence from Taiwan, 2009 TAA Conference, (San Antonio).
Journal Paper
  1. 王全三, 吳瑞萱, 林修葳, 張竹萱, 葉志權, 趙慕芬, 2021, 財務報表分析 滄海書局
Book Paper
No Data Available
Technical Report
No Data Available
  1. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2015, 評價準則公報第十一號 企業之評價 (發布)
  2. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第十號 機器設備之評價 (發布)
  3. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第七號 無形資產之評價 (修訂)
  4. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第六號 財務報導目的之評價 (修訂)
  5. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第五號 評價工作底稿準則 (修訂)
  6. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第四號 評價流程準則 (修訂)
  7. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第三號 評價報告準則 (修訂)
  8. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第二號 職業道德準則 (修訂)
  9. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2014, 評價準則公報第一號 評價準則總綱 (修訂)
  10. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2013, 評價準則公報第九號 評價及評價複核之委任書 (發布)
  11. 王全三等評價委員會委員, 2013, 評價準則公報第八號 評價之複核 (發布)