Detailed Information
Taychang Wang
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (Finance)
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Research Field
• Financial Accounting
• Auditing
• Financial Economics
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (Finance)
• Accounting (A) (I) (Dept. of Finance)
• Accounting Principles
• Business Valuation and Financial Reporting (EMBA)
• Seminar in Management Accounting Theory (I)
2013 Excellent Teaching Awards, College of Management, National Taiwan University
Professor, NTU
Associate Professor, NTU
Conference Paper
  1. K. R. Balachandran, S. Li, Taychang Wang, December 2011, In-House Capability, Sourcing Decisions and Supply Chain Coordination., 14th International Conference on Comparative Management, (Kaohsiuhr).
  2. 王泰昌,曾怡潔,劉嘉雯, December 2010, 會計師解任壓力、審計品質與輪調制度之效果, 中華會計教育學會年會, (Taipei).
  3. 郭瑞基,蔡揚宗,王泰昌, 2010, 稽核人員獨立性與稽核決策之分析, 21世紀管理新思維學術研討會.
  4. 王泰昌,曾怡潔,劉嘉雯, July 2010, 會計師解任壓力、審計品質與輪調制度之效果, 2010年會計與資訊科技國際研討會, (Jiayi).
  5. Chen, S., Taychang Wang, Chiawen Liu, December 2008, Does Auditor Quality Matter for Corporate Diversification?, 2008會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  6. Wuchun Chi, Chiawen Liu, Taychang Wang, January 2008, What Affects Accounting Conservatism: A Corporate Governance Perspective., 2008 Joint Symposium of Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, (Hong Kong).
  7. Taychang Wang, Hung, Y., April 2008, Relative Significance of Perormance Measures in Top Exceutive Compensation Structure., 31th annual congress of the European Accounting Association, (Rotterdam).
  8. Chen, S., Taychang Wang, Chiawen Liu, August 2008, Does Auditor Quality Matter for Corporate Diversification?, 2008 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Anaheim).
  9. Taychang Wang, Hung, Y., August 2008, Relative Significance of Perormance Measures in Top Exceutive Compensation Structure., 2008 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Anaheim).
  10. 曾怡潔,劉嘉雯,王泰昌, December 2008, 資訊不對稱下會計師任期與審計品質之均衡分析, 2008會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  11. Hung, Y., Taychang Wang, September 2007, The Determinants of the Relationship between Top Exective Stock-Based Compensation and Performance Measure: A Study of Taiwan., 4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control: Measuring and Rewarding Performance, (Nice).
  12. Taychang Wang, Chiawen Liu, August 2007, An Analysis of Mandatory Rotation and Auditor Independence., 2007 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Chicago).
  13. H. Lee, Taychang Wang, C.J. Lee, August 2007, Is Auditing Litigation Frivolous ?, 2007 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Chicago).
  14. Hung, Y., Taychang Wang, July 2007, The Determinants of the Relationship between Top Exective Stock-Based Compensation and Performance Measure: A Study of Taiwan., 2007 AFAANZ Annual Conference.
  15. Taychang Wang, Balachandran, K.R., Shu-Hsing Li, Hsiao-Wen Wang, July 2007, The Role of Transfer Pricing Schemes in Coordinated Supply Chains, 15th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, (Ho Chi Minh).
  16. C. J. Lee, H. Lee, Taychang Wang, January 2006, Litigation Errors, Legal Regimes, and Audit Quality., 2006 Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Metting, (Ontario).
  17. K. R. Balachandran, S. Li, Taychang Wang, January 2006, In-House Capability, Sourcing Decisions and Supply Chain Coordination., 2006 American Accounting Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, (Florida).
  18. C. J. Lee, H. Lee, Taychang Wang, March 2006, Litigation Errors, Legal Regimes, and Audit Quality., Financial Markets and Integrity: Money Laundering, Usury, Corruption and Enforcement Workshop in Economics and Law, (Milan).
  19. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, May 2006, 高階主管薪酬與績效衡量指標關聯性影響因素之研究, 2006台灣財務金融學會年會暨財務金融保險不動產學術研討會, (Taipei).
  20. C. J. Lee, H. Lee, Taychang Wang, July 2006, Litigation Errors, Legal Regimes, and Audit Quality., 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, (Beijing).
  21. P. Kao, Taychang Wang, and C. Liu, August 2006, Market Valuation and Employee Stock Grants, 2006 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Washington).
  22. 王泰昌,張謙恆,劉嘉雯, November 2006, 會計師事務所合併與審計品質, 2006會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  23. H. Lee, C. J. Lee, and Taychang Wang, November 2006, Is Auditing Litigation Frivolous ?, 2006會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  24. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, December 2006, 高階主管薪酬與績效衡量指標關聯性影響因素之研究, 2006會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  25. C. J. Lee, H. Lee, Taychang Wang, August 2006, Litigation Errors, Legal Regimes, and Audit Quality., 2006 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Washington).
  26. K. R. Balachandran, S. Li, Taychang Wang, December 2005, Make or Buy Decisions and Supply Chain Coordination., 2005中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會, (Tainan).
  27. 許永聲,王泰昌, April 2005, 盈餘管理行為與會計資訊的評價能力, 2005現代會計論壇學術研討會, (Taichung).
  28. 許永聲,王泰昌, May 2005, 盈餘管理行為與會計資訊的評價能力, 2005台灣財務金融學會年會, (Tainan).
  29. Chi-Wen Jevons Lee, Chiawen Liu, Taychang Wang, W. Wu, August 2005, Client Stock Price Reaction to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Merger., 2005 American Accounting Association Auditing Section, (New Orleans).
  30. K. R. Balachandran, S. Li, Taychang Wang, December 2005, In-House Capability, Sourcing Decisions and Supply Chain Coordination., 2005會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  31. K. R. Balachandran, S. Li, Taychang Wang, December 2005, Transfer pricing schemes and supply chain coordination, 2005會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  32. P. Kao, Taychang Wang, and C. Liu, December 2005, Market Valuation and Employee Stock Grants, 2005會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  33. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, December 2005, 高階主管薪酬與績效衡量指標關聯性影響因素之研究, 2005會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  34. 許永聲,王泰昌, October 2004, 會計制度差異與盈餘管理程度, 2004會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  35. 王泰昌,許恩得, October 2004, 證券交易、法律責任、審計公費下限與審計品質之研究, 2004會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  36. C. Liu, Taychang Wang, August 2004, Auditor Liability and Business Investment., 2004 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Orlando), Co-Author: C. Liu.改寫後發表於Contemporary Accounting Research.
  37. 郭瑞基,王泰昌, November 2003, 環保投資補貼與污染清除稽核政策之分析, 第二屆管理新思維學術研討會, (Taipei), 改寫後發表於「人文及社會科學集刊」.
  38. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, November 2003, 會計績效衡量指標在高階主管薪酬契約中之相對重要性分析—探討公司與市場特性之影響, 2003會計理論與實務國際研討會, (Tainan), 改寫後發表於「證券市場發展季刊」.
  39. 郭瑞基,王泰昌, November 2003, 環保投資補貼與污染清除稽核政策之分析, 2003會計理論與實務國際研討會, (Tainan), 改寫後發表於「人文及社會科學集刊」.
  40. 王泰昌,李書行,王曉雯, November 2003, The Informational Role of Transfer Pricing Schemes in Coordinated Supply Chains, 2003會計理論與實務國際研討會, (Tainan).
  41. 2002會計理論與實務研討會, November 2002, An Equilibrium Analysis of Auditor Quality and Legal Liability Rules., 2002會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  42. 郭瑞基,蔡揚宗,王泰昌, November 2002, 稽核人員獨立性與稽核決策之分析, 21世紀管理新思維學術研討會, (Taipei).
  43. Taychang Wang, S. Li, H. Wang, November 2002, The Role of Information and Opportunism of Innovation in the Coordinated Supply Chain., 2002會計理論與實務研討會.
  44. 郭瑞基,蔡揚宗,王泰昌, November 2002, 稽核人員獨立性與稽核決策之分析, 2002會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  45. H. Lee, Taychang Wang, August 2002, Strategic Auditing, Litigation, and Settlement in the Presence of Legal Errors., 2002 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (San Antonio).
  46. C. Liu, Taychang Wang, August 2002, An Equilibrium Analysis of Auditor Quality and Legal Liability Rules., 2002 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (San Antonio).
  47. 許永聲,王泰昌, April 2002, 盈餘操縱行為對盈餘/股價關連程度的影響, 2002年財務金融學術研討會, (Taichung).
  48. W. Chi, H. Yu, Taychang Wang., December 2001, Experimental evidence of the effects of the incentive design in the value of communication, The 10th Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, (Kaohsiung).
  49. 王泰昌,劉嘉雯, December 2001, 投資損失分年攤提之市場效應 —功能固著假說之檢驗, 2001會計評論研討會, (Taipei).
  50. H. Lee, Taychang Wang, October 2001, Strategic Auditing, Litigation, and Settlement in the Presence of Legal Errors., 2001會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  51. W. Chi, H. Yu, Taychang Wang., August 2001, Experimental evidence of the effects of the incentive design in the value of communication, 2001 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Atlanta).
  52. H. Lee, Taychang Wang, August 2001, Strategic Auditing Litigation and Settlement under Negligence Liability., 2001 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Atlanta).
  53. 李華,王泰昌, June 2001, 價值攸關性:權益淨值與真實價值, 2001 財務金融學術暨實務研討會, (Taipei), 改寫後發表於「證券市場發展季刊」.
  54. W. Chi, H. Yu, Taychang Wang., May 2001, Experimental Evidence of the Effects of the Incentive Design in the Value of Communication., The Second China Accounting and Finance Review International Conference, (Beijing).
  55. H. Lee, Taychang Wang, 2000, Strategic auditing litigation and settlement under negligence liability, 2000 Ninth Symposium of Accounting Theory and Practice, (Taipei).
  56. R. Guo, Y. Tsay, Taychang Wang, August 2000, The Audit Policy and the Invoice Incentive System., The Asian Academic Accounting Association Inaugural World Conference.
  57. 王泰昌,劉嘉雯, November 2000, 會計師執業資格之實證研究, 第九屆會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei), 改寫後發表於「中山管理評論」.
  58. Chiawen Liu, Taychang Wang, August 2000, The 150-Hour Requirement: A Tale of Two States., 2000 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Philadelphia).
  59. 郭瑞基,蔡揚宗,王泰昌, December 1999, The Audit Policy of the Tax Collectors under Continuous States., 第五屆中華民國台灣地區會計審計理論與實務研討會, (Taichung).
  60. Chiawen Liu, C. Lee, Taychang Wang., August 1999, Human Capital and Legal Liability Reform in Audit Market., 1999 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (San Diego).
  61. R. Guo, Y. Tsay, Taychang Wang, July 1999, The Impact of Invoice Incentive System on Auditing Decision., The 1999 AAA/TAA First Globalization Conference, (Taipei).
  62. C. Liu, C. Lee, Taychang Wang., June 1999, Human Capital and Legal Liability Reform in Audit Market., 1999 International Symposium on Audit Research, (Los Angeles, California.).
  63. C. Liu, C.J. Lee, Taychang Wang, November 1998, The 150-Hour Rule: An Analysis of Education Requirement in Audit Market., 第四屆中華民國台灣地區會計審計理論與實務研討會, (Taichung).
  64. C. Liu, C.J. Lee, Taychang Wang, August 1998, The 150-Hour Rule: An Analysis of Education Requirement in Audit Market., 1998 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (New Orleans).
  65. 吳琮璠,王泰昌, November 1997, 臺灣地區公開發行公司財務危機預警模式研究 :類神經網路知識庫之建構, 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  66. 王泰昌,莊璧華, November 1995, 資產重估價與股票價格及報酬率間的關係, 第七屆會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  67. C. Lee, Taychang Wang, 1995, Earnings, Dividends and Stock Prices: A Preliminary Statistical Exploration Using some Recently Developed Procedures in Multivariate Time Series Analysis., 1995 Conference of the European Accounting Association, (Birmingham).
  68. Taychang Wang, C. Lee, August 1995, A General Theory of Arbitrage Pricing: When the Residual Risks are Dependent and Their Second Moments do not Exist., The Seventh World Congress of the Econometric Society in Tokyo, (Tokyo).
  69. C. Lee, Taychang Wang, December 1993, Earnings, Dividends and Stock Prices: A Preliminary Statistical Exploration Using some Recently Developed Procedures in Multivariate Time Series Analysis., 1993 Joint Statistical Conference, (Taipei).
  70. G. Tiao, R. Tsay, K. Xu, K. Man, J. Chu, C. Hsu, C. Ho, R. Liou, Taychang Wang, June 1993, 1993. A Time Series Approach to Econometric Models of Taiwan’s Economy., 1993 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, (Taipei).
  71. 王泰昌, 1993, 股票市場摩擦性對實證研究影響之檢討,台灣股市投資行為與績效, 中華民國管理科學學會, (Taipei).
  72. Taychang Wang, December 1989, Security Valuation Models and the Accounting Data, 第一屆會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  73. C. Lee, Taychang Wang, June 1989, Asymptotic Arbitrage Opportunities in Various Modes of Convergence and the Approximate Linear Pricing Relation in Asset Market., 1989 Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometric Society, (Tokyo).
  74. 王泰昌, 1988, 開發中國家應如何制定會計準則, 「邁向己開發的國家」系列研討會管理學院論文集, (Taipei).
Journal Paper
  1. 張裕任,吳琮璠,王泰昌, March 2012, 影響外資持股因素之探討:安全性及資訊不對稱, 證券市場發展季刊, 1 - 44.
  2. 王泰昌,高珮菁,劉嘉雯, January 2011, 市場評價與員工股票紅利之關連性, 中華會計學刊, 1 - 20, 國科會之專題研究計畫評分參考原則,係將「中華會計學刊」與「證券市場發展季刊」、「會計評論」、「管理學報」、「財務金融學刊」等並列.
  3. Kasi R. Balachandran, Shu-Hsing Li, Taychang Wang, Hsiao-Wen Wang, June 2010, The Role of Transfer Pricing Schemes in Coordinated Supply Chains, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 375 - 404, 國科會會計A級期刊.
  4. 顏廷棟,馬泰成,王泰昌,黃郁雯, October 2010, 公平交易法對於事業囤積惜售及哄抬價格行為適用之可行性研究, 公平交易季刊, 1 - 59.
  5. 許恩得,王泰昌, December 2009, 審計公費下限與審計品質, 臺大管理論叢, 261 - 288.
  6. 劉嘉雯,王泰昌,賴信蒼, December 2009, 訴訟風險與大型會計師事務所之客戶財務風險可接受水準, 臺大管理論叢, 1 - 40.
  7. 吳琮璠,張裕任,王泰昌, October 2009, 公司治理機制與外資持股偏好關聯性之探討, 管理與系統, 505 - 532.
  8. 王泰昌, 劉嘉雯, 方佩璇, August 2009, 員工分紅費用化之市場效應─功能固著假說之檢驗, 中華管理評論國際學報, 1 - 24.
  9. Wuchun Chi, Chiawen Liu, Taychang Wang, June 2009, What Affects Accounting Conservatism: A Corporate Governance Perspective, Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 47 - 59, 國科會A-級期刊.
  10. 王曉雯,王泰昌,吳明政, April 2008, 企業經營型態與研發活動績效, 管理學報, 173 - 193.
  11. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, January 2008, An Analysis of the Relative Importance of Performance Measures in Top Executive Stock-Based Compensation Contract., 會計評論, 1 - 29.
  12. 劉嘉雯,王泰昌, October 2008, 會計師任期與審計品質之關連性研究, 管理評論, 1 - 28.
  13. 曾怡潔,劉嘉雯,王泰昌, December 2008, 資訊不對稱下會計師任期與審計品質之均衡分析, 中山管理評論, 631 - 670.
  14. 郭瑞基,王泰昌,王瑞君, August 2007, 自發性申報機制與環境稽核政策之分析, 臺灣管理學刊, 103 - 121.
  15. 郭瑞基,蔡揚宗,王泰昌, June 2007, 稽核人員獨立性與稽核決策之分析, 中山管理評論, 245 - 298.
  16. Chia-wen Liu, Tay-chang Wang, December 2006, Auditor liability and business investment., Contemporary Accounting Research, 1051 - 1071, 國科會A+級期刊.
  17. 劉嘉雯,王泰昌, August 2005, 繼續經營有重大疑慮審計意見:第33號審計準則公報之影響, 管理學報, 525 - 548, 獲95年度「管理學報論文獎」.
  18. 洪玉舜,王泰昌, July 2005, 績效衡量指標在高階主管現金薪酬契約中之相對重要性, 證券市場發展季刊, 35 - 100, 獲95年度「證?市場發展季刊優秀論文獎」.
  19. Shu-Hsing Li, Taychang Wang, Hsiao-Wen Wang, February 2005, Innovation, Misappropriation and Supply Chain Performance, Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, 57 - 74.
  20. 吳安妮,王泰昌,彭火樹, April 2004, 台灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現之研究, 證券市場發展季刊, 1 - 52.
  21. 郭瑞基,王泰昌, December 2004, 環保投資補貼與污染清除稽核政策之分析, 人文及社會科學集刊, 505 - 531.
  22. 王泰昌,許恩得, October 2004, 經理人罰金、財務報表可靠性與法律機制, 管理與系統, 443 - 468.
  23. 李華,王泰昌, October 2003, 價值攸關性:權益淨值與內在價值, 證券市場發展季刊, 63 - 103.
  24. 吳安妮,王泰昌,彭火樹, May 2003, 台灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現研究計畫成果報告, 會計研究月刊, 109 - 116.
  25. David C. Yang, Tay Chang Wang, August 2002, The Harmonization Of Pan Pacific Accounting Practices, 1979 1994., International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, 1 - 10.
  26. 王泰昌,劉嘉雯, 2002, 會計師考試錄取人數改變數對審計市場影響之實證研究, 中山管理評論, 93 - 126.
  27. 王泰昌,劉嘉雯, September 2001, 經濟附加價值(EVAR)的意義與價值, 中華管理評論, 14 - 26.
  28. 劉嘉雯,王泰昌, August 2001, The response of stock prices to permanent and transitory shocks to accounting earnings., 臺灣管理學刊, 35 - 54, 並列篇名「股票價格對於會計盈餘永久性及暫時性衝擊的反應」.
  29. Yi-Mien Lin, Taychang Wang, 2001, The effect of sequential information releases on trading volume and price behavior., Accounting & Business Research, 119 - 132.
  30. 戚務君,王泰昌, April 2000, 獎酬計畫與創新, 會計評論, 27 - 48.
  31. Chi-Wen Jevons Lee, Chiawen Liu, Taychang Wang, April 1999, The 150-hour Rule., Journal of Accounting and Economics, 203 - 228.
  32. 林宜勉,王泰昌,蔡彥卿, October 1997, Price-accounting signal relationships in a multiperiod setting., Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part C: Humanities and Social Sciences, 632 - 644, 並列篇名「多期情況下價格與會計訊號之關係」.
  33. 林宜勉,王泰昌,蔡彥卿, October 1995, 交易量與價格對私有資訊之反應, 會計評論, 1 - 40.
  34. George C. Tiao, Ruey S. Tsay, Taychang Wang, November 1993, Usefulness of Linear Transformation in Multivariate Time-Series Analysis., Empirical Economics, 567 - 593.
  35. 王泰昌,鄭博文, July 1993, 代理問題與代理成本(下), 會計研究月刊, 123 - 126.
  36. 王泰昌, July 1993, 代理問題與代理成本(上), 會計研究月刊, 155 - 160.
  37. 王泰昌, May 1990, 會計學與財務學之關係探討, 會計研究月刊, 106 - 107.
  38. 王泰昌, January 1990, 合併如同聯姻-尋找另一半的省思, 會計研究月刊, 82 - 85.
  39. 王泰昌, November 1989, 談合併之動機及理由, 會計研究月刊, 54 - 57.
  40. 王泰昌, September 1989, 會計學與經濟學的「血緣」關係, 會計研究月刊, 47 - 49.
  41. 王泰昌, June 1989, 成本會計的昨日.今日與明日, 會計研究月刊, 50 - 53.
  42. 王泰昌, March 1989, 管理會計面臨突破與轉機, 會計研究月刊, 22 - 23.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. 林蕙真(Lin, Hwey-Jane);杜榮瑞(Duh, Rong-Ruey);柯承恩(Ko, Cheng-En);王泰昌(Wang, Tay-Chang);蔡揚宗(Tsay, Yang-Tzong), May 1991, 改善臺灣工商業會計資訊品質之研究, 臺北市會計師公會全國聯合會.
  2. 郭震坤(Kuo, Cheng-Kun);王泰昌(Wang, Tay-Chang);杜榮瑞(Duh, Rong-Ruey);李存修(Lee, Tsun-Siou);翁景民;邱靖博(Chiu, Ching-Po), January 1991, 彰濱工業區開發之研究(經濟/行銷/財務/控制), 經濟部工業局.
  3. 蔡揚宗(Tsay, Yang-Tzong);杜榮瑞(Duh, Rong-Ruey);柯承恩(Ko, Cheng-En);王泰昌(Wang, Tay-Chang), January 1990, 會計報告分析, 國立空中大學.
Technical Report
No Data Available
No Data Available