Intel sales & marketing internship (2ppl) - 台灣intel 實習生招募
Activity day:2019-07-18 
Published At:2019-07-18 
Views:192  2019-07-18 updated
【實習】英特爾台灣(INTEL Taiwan) 英特爾台灣(INTEL Taiwan) 現正招募2名實習生
(地點: 台北南港辦公室)
實習期間: 七月八月開始, 為期1
實習內容: Filed Sales Engineer- Internship
Job Description: Responsibilities may be quite diverse of an exempt technical nature. U.S. experience and education requirements will vary significantly depending on the unique needs of the job. Job assignments are usually for the short periods during breaks from school ·
Qualification: Strong interpersonal skills with positive attitude to learn and take new challenges in sales environment.
實習資格: · 大三以上、碩士在學生 · 可配合每週2-3 整天