Activity day:2017-12-08
Published At:2017-11-27
2017-11-27 updated
![]() 各位同學好,
國企系與GMBA共同邀請Dr. George Olcott 於12月8日蒞臨台大演講。
演講題目為: Japanese Corporate Culture and Governance.
Dr. George Olcott 為英國牛津大學博士,亦擁有法國INSEAD的MBA,有豐富的跨國產業經驗,目前擔任日本企業的董事,亦為日本慶應大學的兼任教授,此次蒞臨台大演講,將與我們分享國際企業經驗,讓師生們對國際企業文化與公司治理有更進一步的認識。
地點及時間資訊如下: 日期:2017.12.8 星期五 演講時間:10:00-12:00 地點:管理學院1號館B1 B101 階梯講堂
報名表連結: 請同學踴躍報名!
Dr. George Olcott個人背景如下。
After graduating from the University of Oxford with a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, he spent five years in Hong Kong and Japan working for Cathay Pacific Airways. After completing an MBA at INSEAD in France, he joined the UK merchant bank SG Warburg (now UBS Investment Bank). He spent fifteen years at Warburg, ten of which were in Tokyo. He also spent three years as CEO of UBS’s institutional asset management division in Japan. He left the bank in 2001 to commence his studies at Cambridge.
He joined the board of Nippon Sheet Glass in 2008 and the board of NKSJ Holdings in 2010. He retired from both boards in 2014 and is currently a board member of Denso Corporation, Hitachi Chemical and the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company. He has also served as an advisor to a number of leading Japanese companies.