Detailed Information
Ming-Je Tang
Ph.D. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office : Building II, College of Management 1114
Tel : 3366-4984
Fax : 2363-8424
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Research Field
• Strategic Planning
• Industries Analysis
• Technology Strategy
• International Market Entry Strategy
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Competitive Strategies in Tech-Intensive industry
• Seminar on Management for CEO
• Strategic Management
• Venture Opportunities and Strategies in Technology
1996-Present National Taiwan University Professor, Department of International Business
2007-2014 Vice President of Finance Responsible for raising $650 million for a cancer hospital and six buildings, $500 million endowment fund investment, and new businesses development
1996-1998 Director, College of Management, EMBA Program Excellent Teacher award, EMBA program
1997-2004 Director, Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development National Taiwan University, responsible for all professional development programs for eleven colleges of the University
2003 - Present Taught various executive programs in China, including EMBA programs at Peking University,China-Europe International Business School(中歐管理學院), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (長江商學院)
2003-Present Taught various executive programs in China, including Hu-Nan University, Australia National University EMBA programs for China Mobile and China Unicom, EDP Programs in Strategic Management for Banks and Hospital directors and various companies
Conference Paper
  1. Tang, Ming-Je,Yi-Ju Lo ,Tung-Min Hung, December 2014, Offshoring and Dynic Capabilities, A study in India, China, and Philippines, Strategic Management Society Conference, (Sydney).
  2. Tang, Ming-Je,Yi-Ju Lo ,Tung-Min Hung, December 2014, A Moderating Efect of Potential Rivalry on Corporate Investment Relationships and Innovation Performance, Strategic Management Society Conference, (Sydney).
  3. Tang, Ming-Je,Yi-Ju Lo, November 2013, Alliance Portfolio and Firm Innovation:Partnering with Close or Peripheral Firms, Strategic Management Society Conference, (Lake Geneva).
  4. Tang, Ming-Je, Yi-Ju Lo, July 2008, Strategic Link, Clique and Firm Performance, the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Anaheim, California).
  5. Ming-Je Tang, Yi-Ju Lo, June 2007, Network Configuration, Strategic Action and Firm Performance, 67th Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Philadelphia), Also presented at the 27th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, San Diego, California..
  6. Ming-Je Tang, Yu-Chieh Chao,Yi-Ping Huang, Tsu-Hsiang Hsu and Der-Fang Hung, June 2007, Real Option Perspective on Exploration and Exploitation, 67th Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Philadelphia).
  7. Ming-Je Tang, Shu-Jou Lin, June 2005, Decision references under Uncertainty, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Honolulu).
  8. with Ji-Ren Lee and Jen-Shyang Chen, August 2001, The Growth Strategy of Value-adding Contract Manufacturers: Evidence from Electronic and Computer Manufacturers in Taiwan, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Washington D.C. & AIB Annual Meetings, (Sydney, Australia).
  9. with Ji-Ren Lee and Jen-Shon Chen, August 2000, Exploring the Growth Strategy of Contract Electronic Manufacturers in Taiwan—A Competency-based Perspective, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Toronto, Canada).
  10. Ming-Je Tang, Wei-Ru Chen, and Charng Kao, August 1999, Asymmetry of Ownership and Control, Monitoring Mechanisms and the Performance of IJCs in China, 19th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, (Berlin, Germany).
  11. Wei-Ru Chen, Ming-Je Tang, August 1998, Industry Structure and Resources as Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantages, 18th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, (Orlando, Fl).
  12. Wei-Ru Chen, Ming-Je Tang, August 1997, Capacity Competition and Strategic Interaction: The Case of the Chemical Industries in Taiwan, 18th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society and the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, (Orlando, Fl and Vienna).
  13. Ming-Je Tang, Ji-Ren Lee, August 1997, Governance Structure under State-Owned Enterprises: The Case of Chinese Reform, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Boston).
  14. Ming-Je Tang, Ji-Ren Lee, August 1997, The Determinants of Corporate Investment in Multibusiness Firms: An Empirical Investigation, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (Boston).
  15. Ming-Je Tang, Ji-Ren Lee, August 1995, Governance Structure under State-Owned Enterprises, the Hitotsubashi-OS Conference on Asian Research in Organizations, Emerging Paradigms in Organization Studies, (Tokyo).
  16. Ming-Je Tang, Ji-Ren Lee, August 1995, The Impact of Diversification Strategy on High-tech Businesses, Academy of Management Meetings at Vancouver, (Canada).
  17. Ming-Je Tang, Ji-Ren Lee, August 1994, An Empirical Examination of Multimarket Contact Effects, the Academy of Management Meetings, (Dallas).
  18. Ming-Je Tang, Bin Jour, August 1994, Industry Policy of the Defense Industry, the Conference on Defense Economics, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  19. Ming-Je Tang, May 1993, Strategy in Dealing with Continuous Technology Change: the Case of the U.S. Steel Industry, the Technology and Innovation Conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  20. Ming-Je Tang, August 1992, Policies of the Deposit Insurance System, the Security and Financial Markets Conference, (Kaohsiung, Taiwan), National Sun Yat-Sen University,.
  21. Ming-Je Tang, August 1992, Strategy, Structure and Internationalization, Lian-Tran Culture Foundation Conference on Internationalization, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  22. Ming-Je Tang, August 1992, Functions, Structure and Limitations of the U.S. Technology Assessment Office, the Technology and Innovation Conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  23. Ming-Je Tang, Joseph Yu, August 1991, International Joint Ventures: Theoretical Considerations, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, (Toronto).
  24. Ming-Je Tang, Avi Fiegenbaum and Howard Thomas, August 1990, Mobility Dynamics and Entry Pathways in the U.S. Insurance Industry, Academy of Management Conference, (San Francisco).
  25. Ming-Je Tang, G. Monahan, August 1990, Technological Leader/Follower Competition and Leapfrogging, Academy of Management Conference, (San Francisco).
  26. Ming-Je Tang, August 1989, Technology-Based Corporate Strategies, Technology and Innovation Conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  27. Ming-Je Tang, Joe Mahoney and Howard Thomas, August 1989, Theoretical Perspectives on Strategic Management, the Academy of Managment Conference, (Washington D.C).
  28. Ming-Je Tang, August 1989, Technological Leader/Follower Competition, the Strategic Management Society Conference, (San Francisco).
  29. Ming-Je Tang, Joseph C. Yu, August 1989, National Welfare and Local Production by Multinational Enterprises, the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Business Administration Association, (Chicago).
  30. Ming-Je Tang, Joseph Yu, August 1989, Multiple Licensing: An Alternative to Exclusive Licensing, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Comparative Management, (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  31. Ming-Je Tang, Paul Hsu, August 1988, Comparative Industrial Policy, Proceedings of International Conferenceon Comparative Management, (Kaoshung, Taiwan).
  32. Ming-Je Tang, August 1988, Industrial Dynamics of the U.S. Steel Industry, Academy of Management Conference.
  33. Ming-Je Tang, Ting-Peng Liang, August 1988, Justifying the Strategic Use of Information Technology, ORSA/TIMS 1988 Conference, (Washington D.C).
  34. Ming-Je Tang, J.C. Yu, August 1988, Serving Foreign Markets by Local Production Strategic Alternatives, the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, (San Diego).
  35. Ming-Je Tang, Charles Schwenk, August 1987, Persistence in Questionable Strategies: Explanations from the Economic and Psychological Perspectives, the Academy of Management Conference.
  36. Ming-Je Tang, August 1987, Strategic Groups, Spatial Competition, and Stochastic Processes, the Seventh Strategic Management Society International Conference.
  37. Ming-Je Tang, August 1986, A Coordination Cost Approach to the Strategy-Structure Paradigm, the Academy of Management Conference.
Journal Paper
  1. Hsiu-Ling Li, Ming-Je Tang, July 2010, Vertical Integration and Innovation Performance: The effects of External Knowledge Sourcing Modes, Technovation, 401 - 410.
  2. Li, Hsiu-Ling , Ming-Je Tang, November 2009, Vertical Integration, Escalating Commitment, and Technological Performance: Evidence from Firms in the US Computer Industry, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, forthcoming.
  3. Shuwen Wang , Ming-Je Tang, August 2009, Technological Network and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Semiconductor Industry, Journal of International Management Studies, 23 - 45, (ABI).
  4. Lin, Shu-Jou and Ming-Je Tang, May 2007, Cognitive Bias and Escalating Commitment in Corporate Venturing Investments",, NTU Management Review, 55 - 79.
  5. Luan, Chin-Jung, Ming-Je Tang, January 2007, Where Is Independent Director Efficacy?, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 636 - 643.
  6. Ji-Ren Lee, Jen-Shyang Chen, Ming-Je Tang, December 2005, Exploring the growth strategy of contract electronic manufacturers in Taiwan: A competence-based perspective, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, 203 - 227, (ABI/INFORM).
  7. Avi Fiegenbaum, Howard Thomas and Ming-Je Tang, August 2001, Linking Hypercompetition and Strategic Group Theories: Strategic Maneuvering in the US Insurance Industry, Managerial and Decision Economics, 265 - 279, (ABI /ECONLIT).
  8. Tang, Ming-Je and Howard Thomas, August 1994, Developing Theories of Strategy, Journal of Management Studies, 209 - 224.
  9. Yu, Chow Ming , Ming-Je Tang, August 1992, International Joint Venture: Theoretical Considerations, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  10. Tang, Ming-Je , Chow Ming Yu, 1992, Regulating the Entry of Multinational Enterprises: Models and Practices, The International Trade Journal, 131 - 150.
  11. Yu, Chow Ming and Ming-Je Tang, 1992, International Joint Venture: Theoretical Considerations, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  12. Tang, Ming-Je , Ting-Peng Liang, August 1992, VAR Analysis: A Framework for Justifying Strategic Information Systems Projects, DATA BASE, 27 - 35.
  13. Tang, Ming-Je and Howard Thomas, August 1992, The Concept of Strategic Groups: Theoretical Construct or Analytical Convenience, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  14. Tang, Ming-Je and Zenon Zannetos, August 1992, Competition under Continuous Technological Change, Managerial and Decision Economics, 135 - 148.
  15. Yu, Chwo-Ming , Ming-Je Tang, August 1991, Strategic Alternatives for International Entry, P. Shrivastava ed. Advances in Strategic Management, 225 - 243.
  16. Tang, Ming-Je , Chwo-Ming Yu, 1990, Foreign Market Entry: Production-Related Strategies, Management Science, 476 - 489.
  17. Charles Schwenk ,Ming-Je Tang, August 1989, Persistence in Questionable Strategies: Explanations from Economic and Psychological Perspectives, OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science, 559 - 570.
  18. Tang, Ming-Je, 1988, An Economic Perspective on Escalating Commitment, Strategic Management Journal, 79 - 92.
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Book Paper
  1. 湯明哲, December 2012, 策略精論, 北京中信出版社.
  2. Ming-Je Tang, 2003, Theory of Strategy, Commonwealth Publication.
  3. Ming-Je Tang, Howard Thomas, Avi Fiegenbaum, April 1994, Modelling Strategic Group Movements: A Markovian Approach and an Example, Pergamon.
  4. Ming-Je Tang, 1994, Entry and Exit Dynamics in the U.S. Steel Industry, Pergamon.
  5. Paul Hsu and Ming-Je Tang, 1989, Comparative Industrial Policy: China (R.O.C.), France, and Japan , Management: An International Comparative Perspective, Copley Publishing Group.
Technical Report
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