【活動轉知】計量理論與應用研究中心研討會 5/18(五):Deconvolution Methods: Theory and Practical Guide
瀏覽數:260  2018-05-24 更新

Date:   May 18, 2018 (Friday), 2:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Venue:  NTU, College of Management Building 1, Room 405

Topics: Deconvolution Methods: Theory and Practical Guide

Speaker: Professor Yuya Sasaki, Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University 

Hosts: Center for Research in Econometric Theory and Applications (CRETA), NTU
Taiwan Econometric Society (TES)

Registration: Present Students and Faculty of NTU: No Charge
          Members of Taiwan Econometric Society: No Charge
           (website: http://www.creta.org.tw/?tw&news_3=209 )

[About the Speaker]
  Professor Yuya Sasaki is an associate professor of economics at Vanderbilt University since 2017. The field of specialization is econometrics. Professor Sasaki received a Ph.D. at Brown University in 2012, and served as an assistant professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University from 2012 to 2017. He is currently an associate editor of Journal of Econometric Methods. He has contributed to a number of research areas including panel data, quantile regressions, regression discontinuity and kink designs, measurement errors, deconvolution, and robust inference.

[Lecture Overview]
This lecture presents statistical and econometric theories of “deconvolution” and their applications in economics. The lecture starts with an overview of the history of the literature. The emphasis is placed on the practice of how to compute estimates, how to form confidence bands, and how to choose bandwidths and regularization parameters. The lecture also presents a guideline on which methods may be used under various scenarios of empirical research, including the case where data with validation sample is available and the case where data with repeated observations is available. A selected set of theories and methods is illustrated with real data analysis.  
13:30-14:00: Registration 
14:00-15:10: Lecture 1 
15:10-15:30: Tea Break
15:30-16:50: Lecture 2 and Discussion 
   *Lectures in English