瀏覽數:1196 2019-03-18 更新
![]() After last year’s successful study trip to Hangzhou China, our destination this year is Singapore. Within 3.5 days (Jan. 20-24), our students and faculty members from 14 different countries visited Port of Singapore (logistics/ transshipment), Singapore Management University (business education), Rolls-Royce (engine manufacturing and service), Grab (sharing economy), Delta Research Center at Nanyang Technological University (Industry 4.0), Twitter (social networking), Sea (e-commerce & gaming), and WingsOverAsia (private jets operations). In additional to oral and video presentations, HR managers from the visited companies also shared hiring and recruiting information. Twitter actually arranged interviews with five of our GMBA students right after the study trip. Company visits were scheduled during daytime while debriefing sessions were arranged in the evening where students and professors discussed what they learned from the visits. This study trip course exemplifies many of the innovative teaching methods used by NTU GMBA – a very fulfilling experiential learning experience. 管理學院GMBA 2019年新加坡訪學之旅成功圓滿 繼GMBA去年成功前往中國大陸杭州的訪學行程,今年的海外訪學之行來到新加坡。本次訪學團一行共計14個國籍、56名中外師生,參訪對象包括新加坡港 (logistics/ transshipment)、新加坡管理大學 (business education)、Rolls-Royce (engine manufacturing and service)、Grab (sharing economy)、台達電/南洋理工大學研究中心 (Industry 4.0)、Twitter (social networking)、Sea (e-commerce & gaming),與WingsOverAsia (private jets operations) 。各個接待參訪的公司或單位均派出專業經理人以英文簡報,人資部門也為同學進行詳盡的介紹,其中Twitter甚至直接安排了五位GMBA同學在參訪次日的面試。學生們在整趟行程中除白天進行參訪學習,晚上還做分組debriefing討論,三天半的訪學行程節奏緊湊且收穫滿滿,是台大GMBA在創新教學上的最佳展現。 |