瀏覽數:262  2017-02-12 更新

Greetings from TASC! 

你,正在尋找暑假的國際交流機會嗎? 想要跳脫舒適圈、開拓視野?

想和外國人一起深入討論你所關心的社會議題? 想有所作為、實際行動改變嗎?




2016台美學生會議(Taiwan-America Student Conference, TASC)已開放報名!

本次TASC將在台灣舉行,7/27 - 8/16 為期三週,全程以英語進行。


  • 圓桌論壇:一組圓桌論壇有八位學生代表,台灣和美國代表各四位。圓桌論壇培養學生代表針對所選定的當代議題之認識和見解,深度討論後於會期期末論壇發表成果,和與會來賓進行實務對話。
  • 專業人士演講、沙龍:邀請國際領袖和青年領袖與學生代表晤談。例如:前美國在在台辦事處處長司徒文博士(Dr. William A. Stanton)。
  • 企業社交活動:使學生代表有機會開始建立社會中不同人脈,尋找自己未來專業生涯中的導師。
  • 文化名勝與實地參訪:從不同文化體驗,重新認識台灣;從自身經驗,重新尋找台灣定位。
  • 長久的台美青年友誼: 21 天的朝夕相處,增進年輕世代深度的國民外交,找到信任與歸屬感。




1. 新竹場@清華大學


地點:清華大學 旺宏館 清沙龍 


2. 臺北場@臺灣大學


地點:臺灣大學 新生教學館 102教室


3. 臺南場@成功大學


地點:成功大學 國際會議廳 第三演講室




聯絡email: jlee@taiwan-america.org

官網資訊: http://www.taiwan-america.org/

粉絲專頁: http://www.facebook.com/taiwan.america

                   ~2016台美學生會議招募團隊 誠摯邀請您給自己一個成長的機會~


2016 Taiwan-America Student Conference Global Connections: Inspiring Future Leaders
In Taiwan, July 27- August 16, 2016 

Greetings from TASC! All nationalities are welcome! 

Are you looking for international experience this summer?
Are you thinking about stepping out of your comfort zone?
Is there anything about social issues you want to discuss with foreigners? Do you hope to make a difference? 

“TASC: Taiwan-America Student Conference Association” 

TASC is an international student-run organization of those studying in the Taiwan and the U.S.
It is also recognized by the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Taiwan.
It aims at improving the mutual understanding and diverse viewpoints between the outstanding student leaders on the both sides by teamwork. 

Now, the TASC Association presents
2016 Taiwan-America Student Conference: The Applications are open! 2016 TASC will take place in Taiwan and last three weeks, from July 27 to August 16. It will be carried out officially in English.
The association will select 15 delegates for each country.
All nationalities are welcome. 

Here are some of the main features of 2016 TASC: 

  • Roundtable discussion:A roundtable consists of eight delegates, half of whom are from the U.S. Roundtable discussion encourages delegates to express their understanding and opinions of a given topic. After the thorough discussion, they will present their projects at Final Forum and interact with experts and guests further. 
  • Speakers’ talks:We will invite international leaders and young prominent speakers to deliver talks. The invited guests include Dr. William A. Stanton, the former director at American Institute in Taiwan. 
  • Corporation visits:It enables delegates to explore networking and reach out potential mentors for their future. 
  • Cultural experience and site visits:Delegates will learn Taiwan in a brand new light by experiencing different sides of cultures. They will also redefine Taiwan based on their personal experience. 
  • Life-long friendships: Spending every minute together for three weeks establishes long-term intercultural friendships. Delegates will find a sense of belonging and trust. 

Information Sessions for more explanation : 


Time: 19:00, December 8, 2016
Place: 1st Floor, Library Idea Hub, National Tsing Hua University  

Online sign-up: https://goo.gl/1uX0cb

2. NTU

Time: 19:00, December 14, 2016

Place: Room 102, Freshman Classroom Building, National Taiwan University

  Online sign-up: http://goo.gl/forms/IWiSJtNDe2


Time: 19:00, December 18, 2016 

Place: Third Lecture Hall, International Conference Hall, National Cheng Kung University

Online sign-up: http://goo.gl/forms/GTEP9Ihkyx

For more information:
Email: jlee@taiwan-america.org
Official website: http://www.taiwan-america.org/
Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/taiwan.america

2016 Taiwan-America Student Conference Recruitment Team