【Seminar】 財金系 12/18 (五) 上午 10:00 邀請 National Central University 的 Prof. Hung-Ren Huang 演講
Activity day:2020-12-18 
Published At:2020-12-15 
Views:150  2020-12-16 updated

本系擬於 12/18 () 邀請National Central University Prof. Hung-Ren Huang至本所進行專題演講,相關訊息如下:


時間: 12/18 (五) 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

地點: Venue: Room 405, Building 1, College of Management

講者:Prof. Hung-Ren Huang (黃泓人)(National Central University)

講題: Stakeholder Demand and Corporate Social Responsibility:Evidence from The Olympic Games