{Seminar}Prof. Vidhan Goyal
Activity day:2012-08-01 
Published At:2012-08-01 
Views:366  2017-02-12 updated
財金系擬於7/16-7/25邀請Prof. Vidhan Goyal 至本所進行專題授課,相關訊息如下:
Time: 7/16-7/25(一)~(三)上午09:10-12:10

Location: Kuan Te Lecture Hall 2F, Building 1, College of Management

Speaker: Vidhan K. Goyal (Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Tue. July 24th : Boards of Directors
Wed. July 25th : Corporate Governance - Ownership structure and Management Turnover
Office Hour : 14:30-16:30 (7/23,7/24) (Room:411)