Detailed Information
San-Lin Chung
Ph.D. Ph.D.,Lancaster University
Office : Building II, College of Management 707
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Research Field
• Financial Engineering
• Asset Allocation
• Behavioral Finance
• Risk Management
• Stochastic Interest Rates
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D.,Lancaster University
• Studies of Robo Advisors
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Conference Paper
  1. Camara, A., and S. L. Chung, January 2005, Option Pricing for the Transformed-Binomial Class, The 2005 FMA Annual Meeting, (Chicago, USA).
  2. Chung, S. L., and M. Shackleton, June 2004, Toward option values of near machine precision using Gaussian Quadrature, 12th conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, (Kaohsiung).
  3. Chung, S. L., and M. Shackleton, June 2004, Toward option values of near machine precision using Gaussian Quadrature, 2004 NTU International Conference on Finance, (Taipei).
  4. Chung, S. L., January 2002, Richardson Extrapolation Techniques for the pricing of American-Style options, The 2002 European Finance Association Annual Meeting, (London, England).
  5. Chung, S. L., January 2002, Pricing Quanto Equity Swaps in Stochastic Interest Rate Economy, The 15th Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, (Australasian).
  6. Chung, S. L., January 2001, Monte Carlo Estimations of Greeks, The 8th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, (Italy).
  7. Chung, S. L., M. Shackleton and R. Wojakowski, January 2001, Efficient Quadratic Approximation of Floating Strike Asian Option Values, The 2001 European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, (Lugano, Switzerland).
  8. Shackleton, Mark B. and S.L Chung,, January 2000, Geske Johnson pricing of long maturity American and Infinite Bermudan option, 2000 International Conference on Finance, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  9. Chang, C. C., S. L. Chung, and C. G. Lin, January 2000, Simulation and Early Exercise Problem: The Case of Options on Minimum or Maximum of Two Risky Assets, 2000 International Conference on Finance, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  10. Chung, S. L., and M. Shackleton, June 2000, The Binomial Black Scholes Model and the Greeks, 9th conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, (Kaohsiung).
  11. Chung, S. L. and H. F. Yang, June 2000, The Valuation of Quanto Equity Swaps, 8th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, (Bangkok).
  12. Chung, S. L. and H. F. Yang, June 2000, The Valuation of Quanto Equity Swaps, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Annual Meeting, (Taipei).
  13. Chung, S. L., June 2000, Pricing American Options on Foreign Assets in a Stochastic Interest Rate Economy, 第五屆企業跨國經營管理研討會, (Taipei).
  14. Chung, S. L., June 1999, A Unified Approach for No-arbitrage Gaussian Term Structure Models, 1999 Chinese Finance Association Annual Meetings;.
  15. Chung, S. L., June 1999, A Unified Approach for No-arbitrage Gaussian Term Structure Models, 1999 European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, (Paris).
  16. Chang C. C. and S. L. Chung, June 1999, Pricing and Hedging American-Style Moving-Average Reset Warrants, 1999年中央大學財務金融研討會, (Chung-Li).
  17. Chang C. C. and S. L. Chung, June 1999, Pricing and Hedging American-Style Moving-Average Reset Warrants, 8th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets, (Kaohsiung).
  18. Chung, S. L., January 1999, A Numerically Efficient Valuation Method for American Currency Options with Stochastic Interest Rates, The 7th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  19. Chang, C. C. and S. L. Chung, January 1999, Valuation and Hedging of American-Style Lookback and Barrier Options, The 7th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  20. Chung, S. L., May 1998, Multivariate Binomial Method for the Valuation of Exotic Options, Proceedings of the 7th conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)..
  21. Chang, C. C., S. L. Chung, and M. T. Yu,, January 1998, Pricing Differential Swaps with Foreign Currency Denominate Principal, The 1998 FMA Annual Meeting, (Chicago, USA).
  22. Chung, S. L., January 1997, American Option Valuation under stochastic Interest Rates, the 24th European Finance Association Annual Conference, (Vienna, Austria).
  23. Chung, S. L., January 1996, No-arbitrage Term Structure Models, The Doctoral Tutorial of 23rd European Finance Association Annual Conference, (Oslo, Norway).
Journal Paper
  1. Chen, Te-Feng, Tarun Chordia, San-Lin Chung, and Ji-Chai Lin. 2021. VOV Risk in Asset Pricing. Review of Asset Pricing Studies. Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:
    VOV data download link:
  2. Chung, S. L., Huang, Y. T., Shih, P. T., and Wang, J. Y. (2019, Apr). Semi-static hedging and pricing American floating strike lookback options. Journal of Futures Markets, 39(4), 418-434.
  3. Chung, S. L., and Wang, J. Y. (2018, Aug). A simple iteration algorithm to price perpetual Bermudan options under the lognormal jumpdiffusionruin process. Journal of Futures Markets, 38(8), 898-924.
  4. Chung, S. L., Liu, W. C., Liu, W. R., and Tseng, K. (2018, Apr). Investor Network: Implications for Information Diffusion and Asset Prices. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 48, p.p. 186-209.
  5. Chen, T. F., Chung, S. L., and Tsai, W. C. (2016, Nov). Option-Implied Equity Risk and the Cross Section of Stock Returns. Financial Analysts Journal, 72(6), 42-55.
  6. Chung, S.L., C.W. Kao, C.C. Wu, and C.Y. Yeh (2015, Jun). Counterparty Credit Risk in the Municipal Bond Market. Journal of Fixed Income, 25(1), 7-33.
  7. Kuo, W. H., S. L. Chung, and C. Y. Chang (2015, Mar). The Impacts of Individual and Institutional Trading on Futures Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Emerging Index Futures Markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 35(3), 222-244.
  8. Chung, S. L., W.R. Liu, W.C. Tsai (2014, May). Impact of Derivatives Hedging on Stock Market: Evidence from Taiwan Covered Warrants Market. Journal of Banking and Finance, 42(5), 123-133.
  9. Tsai, C.L., S.L. Chung (2013, Jul). Actuarial applications of the linear hazard transform in mortality immunization. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(1), 48-63.
  10. Chung, S. L., P.T. Shih, W.C. Tsai (2013, Jun). Static Hedging and Pricing American Knock-out Options. Journal of Derivatives, 20(4), 23-48.
  11. Chung, S. L., P.T. Shih, W.C. Tsai (2013, Jan). Static Hedging and Pricing American Knock-In Put Options. Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(1), 191-205.
  12. Chung, S.L., C.H. Hung, and C.Y. Yeh* (2012, Mar). When does investor sentiment predict stock returns?. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(2), P.217-240.
  13. Chou, R.K., Chung, S.L., Hsiao, Y.J., and Wang, Y.H. (2011, Dec). The impact of liquidity on option prices. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 31, No. 12, 1116–1141.
  14. Chung, S. L., Tsai, W. C., Wang, Y. H., & Weng, P. S. (2011, Dec). The information content of the S&P 500 index and VIX options on the dynamics of the S&P 500 index. The Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 31, No. 12, 1170–1201.
  15. Hsuan-Chi Chen , San-Lin Chung , Keng-Yu Ho (2011, May). The diversification effects of volatility-related assets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35 (2011)P. 1179–1189.
  16. Chung, S. L., & Yeh, C. Y. (2011). Predicting market regimes and stock returns using investor sentiment. 證券市場發展季刊, 23(2), 1-28.
  17. Chung, S. L., Shih, P. T., & Tsai, W. C. (2010, Dec). A Modified Static Hedging Method for Continuous Barrier Options. The Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 30, No. 12, 1150–1166.
  18. Chung, S. L., Ko, K., Shackleton, M. B., & Yeh, C. Y. (2010, Nov). Efficient quadrature and node positioning for exotic option valuation. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 30, No. 11, 1026–1057.
  19. Chung, S. L., M.H. Hung, J.Y. Wang (2010, Jan). Tight bounds on American option prices. Journal of Banking and Finance. 34(1), 77-89.
  20. Chung, S. L., P.T. Shih (2009, Nov). Static hedging and pricing American options. Journal of Banking and Finance. 33(11), 2140-2149.
  21. Câmara, A., Chung, S. L., & Wang, Y. H. (2009, July). Option implied cost of equity and its properties, Journal of Futures Markets, 29(7), 599-629.
  22. Chung, S. L., & Wang, Y. H. (2008, May). Bounds and Prices of Currency Cross-Rate Options. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 32, No. 5, 631-642.
  23. Chung, S. L., P. T. Shih, and C.Y. Yeh (2008, January). Binomial Option Pricing Models with Monotonic and Smooth Convergence Property, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 47 - 71.
  24. 陳芬苓、張森林, (2008, January). 台灣地區勞工退休金制度的性別分析, 人文及社會科學集刊, 67 - 104.
  25. Chang, C. C., Chung, S. L., & Stapleton, R. C. (2007, Aug). Richardson Extrapolation Techniques for the Pricing of American-style Options. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 27, No. 8, 791-817.
  26. Chung, S. L., & Shackleton, M. B. (2007, Jun). Generalised Geske-Johnson Interpolation of Option Prices. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 34, No. 5-6, 976-1001.
  27. Chung, S. L., & Chang, H. C. (2007, Mar). Generalized Analytical Upper Bounds for American Option Prices. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 42, No. 1, 209-227.
  28. Chung, S. L., & Shih, P. T. (2007, Mar). Generalized Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Models. Management Science, Vol. 53, No. 3, 508-520.
  29. 廖咸興、張森林、陳仁遶、楊太樂、廖堃宇, (2007, January). 房貸基礎證券評價與風險值---風險中立訂價法與均衡訂價法之比較, 財務金融學刊, 1 - 42.
  30. Câmara, A., & Chung, S. L. (2006, Aug). Option Pricing for the Transformed-Binomial Class. Journal of Futures Markets, 26(8), 759-787.
  31. 陳芬苓,張森林, (2006, May) 附加年金制的遠期契約價值及政策意涵分析, 證券市場發展季刊, 18(1), 1-30.
  32. Chang, C. C., Chung, S. L., & Yu, M. T. (2006, Feb). Loan Guarantee Portfolios and Joint Loan Guarantees with Stochastic Interest Rates. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46(1), 16-35.
  33. Chung, S. L., and H. F. Yang, (2005, June). Pricing Quanto Equity Swaps in a Stochastic Interest Rate Economy, Applied Mathematical Finance, 12(2), 121-146.
  34. Chung, S. L., and M. Shackleton (2005, May). On the Use and Improvement of Hull and White’s Control Variate Technique, Applied Financial Economics, 15(16), 1171 - 1179.
  35. Chung, S. L., & Shackleton, M. (2005, Jan). On the Errors and Comparison of Vega Estimation Methods. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 25, N0. 1, 21-38.
  36. Chang, C. C., Chung, S. L., & Shackleton, M. B. (2004, Jun). Pricing Options with American-Style Average Reset features. Quantitative Finance, 4(3), 292-300.
  37. Chung, S. L., H. W. Lai, S. Y. Lin, and G. Shyy (2004, March). CB Asset Swaps and CB Options: Structure and Pricing, Academia Economic Papers, 32(1), 23-51.
  38. Chen, R. R., Chung, S. L., & Yang, T. T. (2002, Dec). Option Pricing in a Multi-Asset, Complete-Market Economy. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 37, No. 4, 649-666.
  39. Chung, S. L. (2002, Dec). Pricing American Options on Foreign Assets in a Stochastic Interest Rate Economy. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 37(4), 667-692.
  40. 張森林,何振文 (2002, Dec) 蒙地卡羅模擬法在美式選擇權評價之應用, 中國財務學刊, 10(3), 33-61.
  41. 董夢雲、俞明德、張傳章、張森林 (2002, Aug) CIR利率期限結構與隨機波動性下外匯選擇權之訂價模型, 管理學報, 19(4), 707 - 735.
  42. Chang, C. C., & Chung, S. L. (2002, Jul). Pricing Asian-Style Interest Rate Swaps. Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 9, No. 4, 45-55.
  43. Chung, S. L. (2002, May). Review of Synthesis of Noarbitrage Gaussian Term Structure Models. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 19(2), 184-196.
  44. Chung, S. L., & Shackleton, M. (2002, Feb). The Binomial Black Scholes Model and the Greeks. Journal of Futures Market, 22(2), 143-153.
  45. Chang, C. C., Chung, S. L., & Yu, M. T. (2002, Jan). Valuation and Hedging of Differential Swaps. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 22, No. 1, 73–94.
  46. Chang, C. C. and S. L. Chung (2001, May) Valuation and Hedging of American-Style Lookback and Barrier Options, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vol. 8, 19 - 37.
  47. Chung, S. L. (2000, Oct). American option valuation under stochastic interest rates. Review of Derivatives Research, 3(3), 283-307.
  48. 張傳章、張森林、許博翔 (2000, July). 隨機波動性下障礙選擇權之評價分析, 中國財務學刊, 8(3), 41 - 77.
  49. 陳炤良、俞明德、張傳章、張森林, (2000, Jan). 正常提撥成本之估計-針對薪資相關、雇主提撥之確定給付退休金計劃, 管理學報, 17(1), 101 - 117.
  50. 張傳章、張森林、廖志峰 (1999, Oct). 平均式價格選擇權訂價理論與實例分析, 證券市場發展季刊, 11(4), 23 - 56.
  51. 張森林, (1999, Jan). 股酬交換之定價:評論, 中國財務學刊, 6(3), 63 - 68.



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