Yi-Long Jaw ,Ying-Yu Chen, September 2014, The international appeal of National Authenticity-The case of promoting retail and cultures of consumption in Taiwan, 7th Oxford Asia Retail Conferenc.
Ying-Yu Chen ,Yi-Long Jaw, November 2012, The Effects of Structural Embeddedness on Innovative Capability and Internationalization of Business Group. Constrain or Opportunity?, Academy of International Business conference, (Washington D.C.).
Ying-Yu Chen , Yi-Long Jaw, November 2012, Does Structural Embeddedness a Bless or a Curse on the Innovative Capability of Business Group?, Asia Academy of Management, (Seoul).
Yi-Long Jaw , Ying-Yu Chen, November 2011, The Digital Transformation for SMEs on Organizational Performance -Evidence from Web Portal of Taiwan Textile Industry, Academy of International Business Conference, (Nagoya).
Yi-Long Jaw , Ying-Yu Chen, November 2010, Does Network Cohesion Impede Diversification in the Conglomerate? Evidence from Taiwan Business Group, Asia Academy of Management Conference, (Macau).
Jaw, Y.L, Dennis Wang, June 2007, A Cross-examination of the Consumer Behavior of Online Shoppers versus TV Shoppers in Taiwan: A Shoppers’ Profile and Channel Attitude Approach, International Conference European Institute of Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS),.
Jaw, Y.L, Fong-Kang Ju, July 2006, Evolution from Goods Products to Services Products in T-commerce: A Case Study of Eastern Home Shopping Network in Taiwan, International Conference European Institute of Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS),.
趙義隆, June 2005, 國際品牌進入兩岸市場之品牌命名整合策略, 2005台灣行銷研討會.
趙義隆,蔡顯童, April 2004, 連鎖加盟體系建構物流系統之決策研究, 第二屆全國當代行銷學術研討會.
趙義隆, August 2002, 禁止約定轉售價格之平議, 公平交易法施行十週年論文集.
趙義隆、黃恆獎、盧信昌, August 1997, 服務品質顧客滿意與廠商競爭之行為--我國民航事業開放自由競爭之實證, 第三屆服務管理研討會.
Journal Paper
趙義隆,黃意丹, March 2014, 從專利引證相似度探討商業模式相互影響網絡與社群結構之研究-以台灣IC 設計產業為例, 科技管理學刊, 1 - 22,
Ying-Yu Chen , Yi-Long Jaw, June 2013, Does Network Cohesion Impede Diversification In The Conglomerate? Evidence From Taiwanese Business Group, International Review of Management & Business Research, 343 - 355,
趙義隆,許旭緯, June 2013, 百貨業環境複雜度與組織變革之關係: 以M百貨與U品牌為例, 行銷評論, 117 - 144,
楊坤修,吳齊殷,趙義隆, June 2013, 結構穩定性對動態新關係形成之影響:局部結構的網絡分析方法, 台灣社會學, 125 - 162,
Y.L. Jaw, C.L. Chen , S. Chen, November 2012, Managing Innovation in the Creative Industries – a Cultural Production Innovation Perspective, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 256 - 275,
Yi-Long Jaw, Chun-Liang Chen, November 2009, Building global dynamic capabilities through innovation for value creation: a case study of Taiwan’s cultural organizations, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 247 - 263.
Yi-Long Jaw(趙義隆) ,Wen-Ting Lin, October 2009, Corporate elite characteristics andfirm’s internationalization:CEO-level and TMT-level role, International Journalof Human ResourceManagement, 220 - 233.
趙義隆, 謝銘洋, 陳曉慧, December 2008, 數位典藏之保護與授權加值應用相關法律問題探討, 藝術教育研究, 77 - 106.
Jaw, Y.L, C.L. Chen and G.J. Lee, August 2006, Exploring the Internet and Internet Impact in the SME Internationalization: Evidence from Taiwan’s Market, The Journal of Global Business Management.
趙義隆, February 2006, 如何加強中小企業在全球價值鏈中之角色-以台灣汽車零組件業為例, 經濟部中小企業處 (SMEA, MOEA).
Hsien-Tung Tsai, Heng-Chiang Huang, Yi-Long Jaw, WenKuo Chen, April 2006, Why on-line Customer Remain with a Particular E-retailer: An integrative Model and Empirical Evidence, Psychology & Marketing, 447 - 464.
Jaw, Y.L, Chun-Liang Chen, August 2006, The influence of the internet in the internationalization of SMEs in Taiwan, Human Systems Management.
趙義隆, September 2003, Corporate Governance and Ethics: Perspectives from Taiwan, World Federation of Direct Selling Association.
Jaw, Y.L, August 1999, Bi-polarization of Mega-store and Mini-store, Proceedings to the 9th Asian Retailers Convention.
趙義隆, August 1996, 當前國際競爭與合作環境及我國因應對策, 經濟情勢暨評論, 1 - 8.
趙義隆、陳添上, August 1992, 我國商業銀行籌設海外分支機構的決策分析, 台大管理論叢, 219 - 241.
Hwang, J.Y. and Y.L. Jaw, August 1991, Consumer Marketing in Taiwan: Changing Environment and Implications, Singapore Marketing Review, 53 - 65.
No Data Available
Book Paper
Y.L. Jaw , H.W. Hsu, October 2012, Cloud Services Recommendation to the textile industries in Taiwan, (in Chinese), Chinese Information Service Association.