Detailed Information
Cheng-Min Chuang (James)
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
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Research Field
• Strategic Alliances and Joint Venture
• International Business Organization&Coordination
• Managing International Technology Transfer
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
• Multinational Business Management
• Seminar on Theories of Multinational Enterprises
• Special Topics on International Business
Conference Paper
  1. Cheng-Min Chuang, and Chih-Chuan Yeh, June 2018, An Appropriate Investigation the Relationships between Performance and Degree of Internationalization: Case in Taiwan. Globas Business and the Digital Economy, AIB, (Minneapolis, USA).
  2. C.Chuang, C. Chiu, and C. Yeh, 2017, Differentiated Impacts of Justice Perceptions on Governance Mechanism in Inter-Organizational Exchanges: The Case of Conflict Resolutions., AIB Annual Meeting, (Dubai).
  3. C. Chuang, C. Lin, C. Chiu, June 2016, Fairness Perception, Contractual Complexity and Learning in Inter-Organizational Exchanges, 2016 AIB Annual Meeting, (New Orleans).
  4. C. Chuang, C. Yeh, August 2015, Learning to Contract in Repeated Inter-Organizational Exchanges: Antecedents and Consequences, Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting, (Vancouver).
  5. C. Chuang, C. Chiu, June 2015, Differentiated Impacts of Perceived Justice on Inter-Organizational Contracting: the Role of Contract Complexity and Trust, 2015 AIB Annual Meeting, (Bangalore).
  6. C. Chuang, C. Yeh, June 2015, Learning to Contract in Repeated Inter-Organizational Exchanges: What and How, 2015 AIB Annual Meeting, (Bangalore).
  7. C. Chuang, C. Chiu, August 2014, Overcoming the dilemma between contracting need and contracting capability: Evidence from a firm in a newly industrialized country, 2014 AIB Annual Meeting, (Vancuver).
  8. C. Chuang, April 2014, Contract Design and Governance of Automobile Assembler-Supplier Transaction and Relationships, 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kitakyushu).
  9. C. Chuang, August 2014, Contract Design and Its Differentiated Inter-Relationships with Relational Mechanisms in Governing Inter-Organizational Exchanges, 2014 AIB Annual Meeting, (Vancuver).
  10. C. Chuang and C. Chiu, April 2014, The Evolution of Contract Learning in International Transaction: Evidence from a Taiwanese Brand Company, 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kitakyushu).
  11. I. Han and C. Chuang, April 2011, Local Embeddedness and Collaborative Mode: The Post-WTO shift in the Taiwanese Rice Industry, 2011 Academy of International Business Meeting, (Nagoya).
  12. I. Han and C. Chuang, April 2011, Local Embeddedness and Governance Mechanisms of Collaborations, 2011 Academy of Management Meeting, (Texas).
  13. C. Lin and C. Chuang, April 2011, IPO Underpricing as a Result of Principal-Principal Conflicts: Evidence from an Emerging Economy, 2011 Academy of International Business Meeting, (Nagoya).
  14. S. Wen and C. Chuang, April 2011, To compete or to Cooperate: A Strategic Dilemma of Partners in an International Alliance, 2011 Academy of International Business Meeting, (Nagoya).
  15. S. Wen and C. Chuang, April 2010, Location Asymmetry versus Knowledge Asymmetry: Governance Determinants of International Alliances, 2010 Academy of Management Meeting, (Montreal).
  16. S. Wen and C. Chuang, April 2010, Location Asymmetry versus Knowledge Asymmetry: Governance Determinants for International Alliances of Emerging Economies, 2010 Academy of International Business Meeting, (Rio de Janeiro).
  17. I. Han and C. Chuang, April 2010, Local Embeddedness and Cooperative Governance: Theorizing from the Rice Industry in Taiwan, 2010 Academy of International Business Meeting, (Rio de Janeiro).
  18. F. Tai and C. Chuang, June 2009, The Role of Trust and Local Knowledge in Vertical Alliance, AIB Annual Meeting, (San Diego).
  19. I. Han and C. Chuang, August 2009, A Framework of Local Embeddedness : The Rice Industry in Taiwan, 2009 Academy of Management Meeting, (Chicago).
  20. I. Han and C. Chuang, April 2009, The Antecedences and Consequences of Local Embeddedness : A Framework Based on the Rice Industry in Taiwan, 2009 AIB Annual Meeting, (San Diego).
  21. C, Tien and C. Chuang, April 2008, Can CEO Compensation and Power Drive Decisions on the Internationalization of MNC’s, Strategic Management Society 2008 Conference, (Cologne), (NSC95-2416-H-002-018-).
  22. C. Chuang and K. Yung, April 2008, Network Dynamics, Network Resources and Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2008, (Anaheim), (NSC93-2416-H-260-010- ).
  23. S. Wen and C. Chuang, August 2007, Why to Teach Potential Competitor under Knowledge Asymmetry in International Alliance, 2007 Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
  24. C. Chuang, and C. Lin, August 2007, The Effects of Embeddedness on the Transaction of Mutual Funds, Strategic Management Society 2007 Conference, San Diego, USA.
  25. S. Wen and C. Chuang, August 2007, Why to Teach Potential Competitor under Knowledge Asymmetry in International Alliance, Strategic Management Society 2007 Conference, (San Diego).
  26. C. Chuang and F. Tai, August 2007, The Impact of Coordination Capability and Coordination Cost on Inter-Firm Relationship: A Supplier’s Point of View, 2007 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  27. C. M. Chuang, and C. Lin, August 2006, Social Capital and the Cross-selling within the Financial Holding Companies: An Empirical Study, Strategic Management Society 26th Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  28. C. M. Chuang, and K. Yung, August 2006, Roles of Firms’ Network Position and Hierarchy Position in Technology Innovation in Global Semiconductor Industry: A Social Network Analysis, 2006 AIB Annual Meeting, Beijing, China.
  29. C. M. Chuang, and I. Han, August 2006, The Economic and Social Determinants of SME Innovation Capabilities, 2006 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
  30. C. M. Chuang, and C. Lin, August 2006, Roles of Social Capital in Financial Holding Companies’ Synergy Creation in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study, 5th Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  31. C. M. Chuang, and K. Yung, August 2006, How Industry Network and Hierarchy Position Influence Innovation in Global Semiconductor Industry, 2006 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA, Best Paper Award.
  32. C. M. Chuang, and I. Han, August 2006, Build Up Innovation Capabilities Efficiently, 2006 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
  33. C. Chuang, and W. Chu, June 2005, Differentiated Roles of Social Mechanisms in Safeguarding International Alliances, Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting.
  34. C.H. Chao, S.H. Kim, C. M. Chuang, August 2005, What Are the Factors Determining the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms in the Mature Industry? A Comparative Study on Taiwanese and American Companies, The Second Annual JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop, Quebec City, Canada.
  35. C. Chuang, I Han, Mike Chao and Seung Kim, June 2005, Strategic Resources, Social Capital, Environmental Turbulence, and Performance: An Empirical Study, 2005 Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  36. C. Chuang, and I Han, June 2005, R&D Investment and Firm Performance: A Comparative Study of the US and Taiwanese Companies in the Technology-intensive Industry, Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting.
  37. W. Chu and C. Chuang, June 2005, Operating Characteristics of Foreign Subsidiaries of Small Transnationals, 2005 Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  38. C. Chuang, June 2005, Managing Social Mechanisms of Control in Safeguarding International Alliances, 2005 Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  39. C. M. Chuang, and I. Han, August 2005, A Comparative Study of the US and Taiwanese Companies in the Technology-Intensive Industry, 2005 Annual Meeting of International Business, Quebec City, Canada.
  40. 莊正民、張義杰, June 2004, 社會機制與合作聯盟防衛成本關係之研究, 社會資本、交易成本與組織間關係研討會,國立暨南國際大學.
  41. C. Chuang, and W. Chu, August 2003, The Choice of Governance Structure and Coordination Mechanism of Small Transnationals: Taiwanese Foreign Direct Investment in Mainland China, The Proceedings of Taiwanese Enterprises in Mainland China, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2003.
  42. 莊正民, December 2001, 跨國合作交易中信任關係的來源與內涵之實證研究, 國科會專題計劃成果發表會,義守大學.
  43. C. Chuang, and W. Chu, August 2001, Governance Structure and Coordination Mechanisms oTaiwanese Firms in Vietnam─An Integrated Perspective, The Proceedings of Taiwanese Enterprises in Vietnam and Thailand, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. January 2001.
  44. W. Chu, and C. Chuang, October 1999, Coordination Mechanisms and Effectiveness Within Diversified Business Groups: Evidence from Taiwa, Strategic Management Society, 19th Annual International Conference, Berlin, Oct 3-6.
  45. C. Chuang, S. Fang, J. Lin, and L. Hsiao, August 1999, Multinational Knowledge Acquisition Modes of Taiwanese Electronic Industry, Australia Center for International Business (ANZIBA) 99 Conference, October, Australia.
  46. W. Chu, and C. Chuang, August 1999, Corporate-Divisional Relations and Divisional Performance in Strategy Implementation, 1999 Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  47. 莊正民, November 1998, Changing Roles of Country Managers of Transnational Corporation –An Empirical Study in Taiwan, 15th Annual conference of Euro-Asia Management Studies Association, November 1998, Taipei.
  48. C. Chuang, T. Chang, and P. Li, July 1998, Capital Structure and Degree of International Structure, Third International Conference on Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University and National Science Foundation of China, July 25-28, Shanghai, China..
  49. 莊正民、柯承恩, March 1998, 台灣會計師事務所的國際化, 第一屆企業國際化個案研討會,成功大學.
  50. 莊正民,林容如, March 1998, 國際合作與合資的發展策略與技術移轉-以中華汽車為例, 第一屆企業國際化個案研討會,成功大學, 最佳個案獎.
Journal Paper
  1. Chang C-W, Chuang C-M (2019). Differentiated reputation effects on trust in ability and dedication: A coproducer selection context. Journal of Management & Organization 1-18.
  2. C.Lin , C. Chuang , December 2019, The Origin of the Country-of-Origin Image: The Role of Law, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 1-19.
  3. 朱文儀,李庭閣,莊正民,廖盈琇, September 2019, 大股東股權集中度、外部法人持股、外部董事年資對公司績效之影響—台灣上市公司的實證研究, 中山管理評論, 第二十七卷第三期 p.551-582.
  4. Cheng-Min Chuang, Chih-Chuan Yeh, 2018, A simultaneous evolution for analyzing the interactions between CO2 emissions and national income., Int. J. Social and Humanistic Computing.
  5. Chih-Pin Lin, Chi-Jui Huang, and Cheng-Min Chuang, 2017, Corruption and business cycle volatility: a corporate governance perspective, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Sep., 1-21.
  6. Chih-Wen Chang, Cheng-Min Chuang, 2017, Re-Interpreting Signaling with Systems Thinking: A Concept for Improving Decision-Making Quality., Systemic Practice and Action Research, 347-357.
  7. C. Lin, C. Chuang, June 2016, “Corruption and Brand Value”, International Marketing Review, 758-780
  8. C. Lin, L. Hsiao, C. Chuang, 2015, The Board of Directors and Corporate Social Performance under Weak Institutions, Asian Business and Management, 117 - 145.
  9. I. Han, C. Chuang, 2015, The Antecedents and Consequences of Local Embeddedness: A Framework Based on the Rice Industry in Taiwan, Asian Business and Management, 195 - 226.
  10. I. Han and C. Chuang, December 2014, Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Collaborative Interfirm Relationships in the Taiwanese Rice Industry, Journal of Economics and Management, 27-48 - 0.
  11. 莊正民,方世杰, April 2013, 組織內與組織間治理的本質與策略意涵, 臺大管理論叢, 1-24 - 0.
  12. C. Tien, C. Chen, and C. Chuang, April 2013, A study of CEO Power, Pay structure and Firm Performance, Journal Of Management and Organization, 424-453 - 0.
  13. 韓宜, 趙貞和, 莊正民, April 2012, 內部資源、外部資源、環境與公司績效-台灣中小企業的研究, 交大管理學報, 135 - 169.
  14. C. Lin and C. Chuang, 2011, Principal-Principal Conflicts and IPO Pricing in an Emerging Economy, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 19(6):585-600.
  15. Han, I and Chuang, C., 2011, The Impacts of R&D Investment on Company Performance: US vs. Taiwanese Technology-Intensive Industry, Journal of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 171 - 194.
  16. S. Wen and C. Chuang, 2010, To Teach or to Compete? A Strategic Dilemma of Knowledge Owners in International Alliances, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 697 - 726, (NSC92-3011-P-260-001-).
  17. 韓宜、莊正民, 2010, The Economic and Social Determinants of Innovation Capabilities: An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Taiwan, Soochow Journal of Accounting, special issue, 1 - 28, (2009年 Oliver Williamson 臺灣區學術論文獎 第一名).
  18. 莊正民、林志斌, October 2009, 金控公司交叉銷售與其社會資本關係之實證研究, 證券市場發展季刊, 67 - 106, (NSC94-2416-H-002-059-).
  19. C. Chuang and C. Lin, 2009, Social Capital in Mutual Funds: The Implications for Agency Problem, Governance, and Synergy, The Journal of International Management Studies, 175 - 181, (NSC94-2416-H-002-059-).
  20. C. Chuang and C. Lin, 2008, Social Capital and Cross-Selling within Financial Holding Companies in an Emerging Economy, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 71 - 91, (NSC94-2416-H-002-059-).
  21. 莊正民,方世杰, June 2005, 策略觀點之組織間關係管理的研究, 關係管理研究, 85 - 114, (NSC93-2416-H-260-010- ).
  22. 莊正民、朱文儀、黃延聰, August 2001, 制度環境、任務環境、組織型態與協調機制─越南台商的實證研究, 管理評論, 123 - 151, (NSC88-2418-H-002-014-S9)九十年度中環傑出論文獎,組織與策略類,最佳論文獎.
  23. 莊正民、方世杰, January 2001, 企業跨國技術引進模式、影響因素與學習績效關係之研究─交易成本興知識基礎理論之觀點, 管理評論, 35 - 64, (NSC89-2416-H-002-022-SSS).
  24. C. Chuang, S. Fang, J. Lin, and L. Hsiao, 2001, Multinational Knowledge Acquisition Modes of Taiwan Electronics Industry, Asia-Pacific Issues in International Business, 171 - 191, (NSC86-2416-H-002-030-)..
  25. C. Chuang, T. Chang and P. Li, 2000, Strategic Financing for International Business Expansion, Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, 173 - 191, (NSC82-0301-H-002-025-)..
  26. W. Chu, and C. Chuang, December 1999, Decision-Making Autonomy and Divisional Effectiveness in Multibusiness Firms: From Contingency Perspective to Cultural Control Perspective, 亞太管理評論, 345 - 356.
  27. C. Chuang, and W. Chu, September 1999, Managerial Roles of Country Managers and Coordination Mechanisms: An Empirical Research of Transnational Corporations in Taiwan, 亞太管理評論, 219 - 230, (NSC85-2416-H-002-008-E6).
  28. C. Chuang, T. Chang, and P. Li, August 1999, The Internationalization and Capital Structure of Taiwan Multinationals, The American Asian Review, 51 - 75, (NSC82-0301-H-002-025-)..
  29. 莊正民、趙必孝、陳穎峰, March 1999, 國際企業海外研發的動機、策略與管理, 中山管理評論, 155 - 188, (NSC83-0301-H-002-044-).
  30. C. Chuang, T. Chang, and W. Jan, 1998, International Collaboration of Law Firms: Mode Motives and Advantage, Journal of World Business, 214 - 262, (NSC84-2416-H-002-011-D3).
  31. C. Chuang, T. Chang, August 1997, Marketing and Technology Adaptations for International Success, International Journal of Business, 25 - 44.
  32. C. Chuang, I. Ng, August 1993, Comparing the Managerial Activities and Organizational Practices of Canada and Taiwan, International Journal of Commerce and Management, 83 - 99.
  33. C. Chuang, T. Chang, April 1993, Factors Influencing Technology Acquisition Decisions of Recipient Pharmaceutical Firms in Taiwan, The American Asian Review, Special Issue, 88 - 111.
  34. 莊正民,趙必孝, 1993, 在台外商的人力資源管理策略---整合回應架構之實證研究, 中山管理評論, 93 - 144.
  35. 莊正民,柯承恩, 1993, 國內會計師事務所國際化策略及未來方向, 會計研究月刊, 66 - 70.
  36. 莊正民, 1993, 多層次傳銷之運作機制探---由交易成本與代理理論加以分析, 企銀季刊, 107 - 120.
  37. 莊正民,趙必孝, 1992, 台灣製藥工業的國際化策略, 台灣銀行季刊, 82 - 99.
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