Detailed Information
Hsin-Chang Lu
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of Chicago
Office : Building II, College of Management 706
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Research Field
• Labor Economics
• Applied Regression Analysis
• Industrial Economics
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of Chicago
• Analysis of Knowledge Economy and Human Resource
• Industrial Economics
• Innovation and Trend Industrial Development
• International Economics
• Microeconomic Theory
No Data Available
1993 - Present Associate Professor at National Taiwan University
Winter 1991 & Winter 1992 Lecturer in Advanced Microeconomics, Department of Economics, University of Chicago
Conference Paper
  1. 盧信昌,賴澤民, April 2013, 兩岸通航與航空產業之經營——外籍技術人力之聘任成因與模式探討, 兩岸產業之經營學術研討會.
  2. Hsin Chang Lu and Hsin, Yi-hsuan, August 2004, Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Transfer: Performance in M&A Integration Activities, N/A.
  3. 盧信昌、侯儀君, August 2004, 管制性產業跨業競爭之研究—以中華電信MOD與數位有線電視為例, N/A.
  4. 盧信昌、謝崇文, August 2003, 國際代工策略與模式之選擇研究, 第二屆應用經濟學研討會,臺北.
  5. 盧信昌,謝崇文, May 2003, 國際代工策略與模式之選擇研究, 第二屆應用經濟學研討會.
  6. 盧信昌、賴澤民, August 2000, 兩岸通航與航空產業之經營——外籍技術人力之聘任成因與模式探討, 兩岸產業之經營學術研討會.
  7. 盧信昌, August 2000, 海外臺商根留臺灣之策略運用與調適, 國科會「東亞區域研究」整合型計劃.
  8. 盧信昌, April 2000, 海外臺商根留臺灣之策略運用與調適, 國科會「東亞區域研究」整合型計劃.
  9. 盧信昌, April 1999, 僑外人來台投資之政策因應與評估 —— 以農業部門為例, 國際經濟、企業與經貿法規學術研討會.
  10. 盧信昌, April 1999, 印尼臺商根留臺灣之調適與策略運用, 國科會東亞區域研究整合型計劃.
  11. Hsin Chang Lu, April 1999, Some Evidence on the Effects of Peer Learning and Risk Bearing: The Case of Taiwan Foreign Direct Investment, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market and Labor Migration in East Asia.
  12. 盧信昌, August 1999, 僑外人來台投資之政策因應與評估 —— 以農業部門為例, 國際經濟、企業與經貿法規學術研討會,臺北。.
  13. 盧信昌, August 1999, 印尼臺商根留臺灣之調適與策略運用, 國科會東亞區域研究整合型計劃.
  14. Hsin Chang Lu, August 1999, Some Evidence on the Effects of Peer Learning and Risk Bearing: The Case of Taiwan Foreign Direct Investment, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market and Labor Migration in East Asia.
  15. 盧信昌, August 1998, 臺灣地區廠商規模與薪資福利之關聯, 第二屆兩岸經貿與企業管理研討會.
  16. 盧信昌, April 1998, 臺灣地區廠商規模與薪資福利之關聯, 第二屆兩岸經貿與企業管理研討會.
  17. Hsin Chang Lu, August 1997, International Competition and Wage Differentials, International Conference on the Economic Development and Transformation of the East Asian Economies..
  18. 盧信昌、賴澤民, August 1997, 外籍專業技術人力之聘任暨其策性能探討:以航空業為例, N/A.
  19. 黃恆獎、趙義隆、盧信昌, August 1997, 服務品質、顧客滿意與廠商競爭行為— 我國民航事業開放競爭之實証研究, 第三屆服務管理研討會。.
  20. Hsin Chang Lu, April 1997, International Competition and Wage Differentials, International Conference on the Economic Development and Transformation of the East Asian Economies.
  21. Hsin Chang Lu, August 1996, Country Size and The Effect of Strategic Trade Policy, N/A.
  22. 盧信昌, August 1995, 金融服務業性別薪資差異分析, N/A.
  23. 盧信昌, August 1995, 僱傭規模別之薪資差異, 國科會:NSC84-2415-H002-022.
  24. 盧信昌, August 1994, 台灣經濟生產力分析:1937 年-1954 年, N/A.
  25. 盧信昌, August 1994, 游離選票分析:以台灣選舉為例, N/A.
  26. Hsin Chang Lu, August 1992, Land Reform in Taiwan:A Perspective under Incomplete Contract Formation, N/A.
  27. Hsin Chang Lu, August 1992, Measurement of Trade Openness, N/A.
Journal Paper
  1. Hsin Chang Lu,Kuo Long Huang, June 2004, Leading in High Growth Asia: Managing Relationships for Teamwork and Change., Leadership in Taiwanese Enterprises.
  2. Hsin Chang Lu and Kuo Long Huang, et al, 2004, Leadership in Taiwanese Enterprises, Leading in High Growth Asia: Managing Relationships for Teamwork and Change..
  3. 盧信昌, August 2001, 僑外人來台投資之政策因應與評估— 以農業部門為例, 台灣土地金融季刊, 17 - 34.
  4. Hsin Chang Lu, August 2001, Taiwanese Firms in Transition: Strategic Alliances and Coordinated Investment in Vietnam, Association for Chinese Management Educators.
  5. 盧信昌, 2001, Taiwanese Firms in Transition: Strategic Alliances and Coordinated Investment in Vietnam, Proceedings for the 2001 Annual Conference, published by the Association for Chinese Management Educators.
  6. Hsin Chang Lu, August 2000, International Competition and Wage Differentials —— The Case of Taiwan, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 101 - 114.
  7. Hsin Chang Lu, August 2000, Some Evidence on the Effects of Peer Learning and Risk Taking: The Case of Taiwan Outward Investment in Southeast Asia, the Proceedings for the 29th Annual Meeting.
  8. 盧信昌, 2000, International Competition and Wage Differentials —— The Case of Taiwan, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development,, 101 - 114.
  9. 盧信昌, 2000, Some Evidence on the Effects of Peer Learning and Risk Taking: The Case of Taiwan Outward Investment in Southeast Asia, the Proceedings for the 29th Annual Meeting.
  10. 盧信昌、林建甫, August 1999, 擴大內需與減稅, 台北銀行月刊, 14 - 19.
  11. 盧信昌, August 1997, 從游離選票動向看三黨消長, 新聞學與術, 103 - 122.
  12. 盧信昌、莊如松, August 1997, 離職與工作異動前後薪資變化之成因探討, 勞資關係論叢, 77 - 118.
  13. 盧信昌(Lu, Hsin-Chang), December 1994, 「二二八事件」罹難人數之推估, 國立臺灣大學社會科學論叢, 185 - 198.
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