[Lecture] How to conduct a research for JCR? ---The difference of experiential and material consumption on goal pursuit
Activity day:2018-05-18 
Published At:2018-05-07 
Views:494  2018-06-12 updated

Friday 18 May 2018  12:20-14:00


Speaker: Ming-Shen HoUniversity of Cincinnati

Information: http://business.uc.edu/academics/departments/marketing/research-mktg/phd-students/mingshen-ho.html#bio



Topic: How to conduct a research for JCR? ---The difference of experiential and material consumption on goal pursuit

Location: Room916, Building 1, College of Management, NTU

Sign up link: https://goo.gl/forms/mfwP2QL2qI6m8Wld2  (Please sign up before May 16