Detailed Information
Wun-Hwa Chen
Ph.D. PhD,State University of New York at Buffalo
Office : Building II, College of Management 701
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Research Field
• Fin Tech
• Service Innovation
• Intelligent Calculation Method
• Financial Forecasting Model
• Customer Relationship Management
• Data Mining
Research Field Summary
• PhD,State University of New York at Buffalo
• Customer Relationship Management
• E-Commerce Ecosystems in the Big Data Era
• Financial Technology and Innovation
• Management Science Model
• Project Management
• Technology Management
No Data Available
Conference Paper
  1. Chen, Wun-Hwa, Shihyu Chou, Jen-Ying Shih, I-Huei Wu, Shiou-Fen Tzeng, & Ai-Hsuan Chiang, July 2010, The Influences of Location Features and Consumers’ Life Styles of Department Stores on Consumers’ Behavior in Taiwan, 2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  2. Chen, W.-H. and Chiang, A. H., May 2009, Label Licensing Strategy and Network Agility: A Case Study of High-tech Firms., Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando.
  3. Chen, W.-H. and Chiang, A. H., November 2007, A Capacity Trading and Evaluation Model for Short-term Capacity Shortage, Informs Annual Meeting, Seattle.
  4. Wang, Shang-Wei, Wun-Hwa Chen, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Li Liu, and Yun-Wen Chuang, June 2006, RFID application in hospitals: A case study on a demonstration RFID project in a Taiwan hospital, Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  5. Shih, Jen-Ying, Chen, Wun-Hwa, July 2005, The Construction of Expertise Space in Taiwan’s Financial Research, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2005), Hong Kong.
  6. Chen, Wun-Hwa, Shih, Jen-Ying, Hsieh, Ming-Jyh, July 2005, Creating Virtual Collaborative Team through the Construction of Expertise Spaces, The 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE’05.
  7. Wun-Hwa Chen, Shang-Wei Wang, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Li Liu, Yun-Wen Chuang, January 2005, RFID applications in hospitals: a case study on a demonstration RFID project in a Taiwan hospital, Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (_).
  8. Huang, Z., Chen, H., Guo, F., Xu J., Wu, S. and Chen, W.-H, June 2004, Visualizing the Expertise Space, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  9. Shih, Jen-Ying, Chang, Yu-Jung, Chen, Wun-Hwa, Ho, Jan-Ming and Kao, Cheng-Yan, March 2004, Constructing Securities and Futures Markets Legal Maps of Taiwan Using GHSOM, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies (ICDAT04).
  10. 陳文華、江宏志、劉基全, January 1999, 高科技製造業系統內部服物務品質衡量之初探討-以新竹科學園區高科技製造廠商為例, 中華民國品質學會第三十五屆年會暨第五屆全國品質管理研討會.
  11. 廖森貴,蔣明晃,陳文華, January 1999, 迅速反應顧客需求之物流能力與組織績效關係之研究, 1999國際物流研討會論文集, (_).
  12. Lin, C.-H., Chen, W.-H. and Hsu, K.-H., January 1999, Using Neural Network to Construct the Contingent Decision Model about Time, Cost, and Quality in Implementing Project Management, 1999 ACME Transactions.
  13. 陳文華,許光華, January 1999, 運用工作流程再造方法重新架構物料管理資訊系統—以多階分層管理環境下之修護器材補給系統為例, 88年度國防整體後勤支援年會暨研討會.
  14. 陳文華、許光華、鄭美枝, January 1999, 研發機構之組織環境與問題研究-以中科院例, 第七屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會.
  15. Chen, W.-H. and Lin, C.-S, January 1997, Using Noising Method to Solve the Geometric Graph Partitioning Problem, ACME Transactions 1997, (_).
  16. 陳文華, January 1997, 證券市場應運國際化基盤建設之訪談分析, 1997年第二屆管理學術定性研究研討會, (Taipei).
  17. Chen, W.-H. and Tu, M., January 1993, Intelligent Heuristics of the Capacitated Clustering Problem, ACME/ICCM Transactions, (_).
  18. Chen, W.-H., Han, B. and Tu, M., January 1990, Modeling Issues and Solution Approaches for Group Technology: Taxonomy and Prospects, 1990 Proceedings of DSI, (_).
Journal Paper
  1. Ai-Hsuan Chiang, Wun-Hwa Chen, Soushan Wu, January 2015, Does high supply chain integration enhance customer response speed?, , (SCI).
  2. Shui-Pin Lee, David Shan-Hill Wong, Cheng-I Sun, Wun-Hwa Chen, Shi-Shang Jang, April 2015, Integrated statistical process control and engineering process control for a manufacturing process with multiple tools and multiple products, , 32(3), (SSCI).
  3. Ai-Hsuan Chiang, Yon-Chun Chou, Wun-Hwa Chen, September 2011, A capacity evaluation and trading model for semiconductor foundry manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
  4. Wun-Hwa Chen and Ai-Hsuan Chiang, October 2011, Network Agility as a Trigger for Enhancing Firm Performance: A Case Study of a High-tech Firm Implementing the Mixed Channel Strategy, Industrial Marketing Management.
  5. 趙國仁、陳文華、李慶長, August 2009, 搜尋引擎產業創新模式之建構, 管理學報, 417 - 444.
  6. Shih, Jen-Ying, Chang, Yu-Jung, Chen, Wun-Hwa, May 2008, Using GHSOM to Construct Legal Maps for Taiwan’s Securities and Futures Markets, Expert Sysetms with Applications, 850 - 858.
  7. 陳文華, 孫正一, December 2008, 創新型夥伴關係及其演化歷程, 產業與管理論壇, 8 - 26.
  8. Shih, Jen-Ying, Chang, Yu-Jung, Chen, Wun-Hwa, January 1970, Using GHSOM to Construct Legal Maps for Taiwan’s Securities and Futures Markets, Expert Sysetms with Applications, 850 - 858.
  9. 施人英、陳文華、吳壽山, May 2007, 探討支持向量機器在發行人信用評等分類模式之應用, 資訊管理學報.
  10. Tzeng, Shiou-Fen, Chen, Wun-Hwa, and Pai, Fan-Yun, May 2007, Evaluating the business value of RFID: Evidence from five case studies, International Journal of Production Economics, 601 - 613.
  11. 陳文華、張信生、劉文欽, May 2007, 變電設備維護運作最佳組織之研究, 台電工程月刊, 26 - 42.
  12. Chen, W.-H, Jen-Ying Shih and Soushan Wu, May 2006, Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Backpropogation Neural Networks in Forecasting Six Major Asian Stock Markets, International Journal of e-Finance, 49 - 67.
  13. Wun-Hua Chen and Jen-Ying Shih, January 1970, A Study of Taiwan’s Issuer Credit Rating Systems Using Support Vector Machines, Expert Systems with Applications, 427 - 435.
  14. Hsu, S.-H, Chen, W.-H, and Hsieh, M-J, April 2006, Robustness Testing of PLS, LISREL, EQS, and ANN-based SEM for Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 355 - 372.
  15. Huang, Z., Chen, H, Guo, F., Xu J., Wu, S. and Chen, W-H, December 2006, Expertise visualization: An implementation and study based on cognitive fit theory, Decision Support Systems, 1539 - 1557.
  16. Hsu, S.-H, Chen, W.-H, and Hsueh, J.-T., May 2006, Application of Customer Satisfaction Study to Derive Customer Knowledge, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 439 - 454.
  17. Wun-Hua Chen and Jen-Ying Shih, 2006, A Study of Taiwan’s Issuer Credit Rating Systems Using Support Vector Machines, Expert Systems with Applications, 427 - 435.
  18. Chen, W.-H., S.-H. Hsu and H.P. Shen, October 2005, Application of SVM and ANN for Intrusion Detection, Computers and Operations Research, 2617 - 2643.
  19. 陳文華、施人英、吳壽山, May 2004, 探討文字採掘技術在管理者知識地圖之應用, 中山管理評論, 35 - 64.
  20. Huang, Z., Chen, H., Hsu, C.-J., Chen, W.-H and Wu, S, January 1970, Credit Rating Analysis with Support Vector Machines and Neural Network: A Market Comparative Study, Decision Support Systems. 37(4), 543 - 558.
  21. Huang, Z., Chen, H., Hsu, C.-J., Chen, W.-H and Wu, S,, May 2004, Credit Rating Analysis with Support Vector Machines and Neural Network: A Market Comparative, Decision Support Systems., 543 - 558.
  22. 許光華、陳文華、黃嘉慧, May 2004, 台灣股票市場過度自信假說之實證, 證券市場發展季刊, 115 - 152.
  23. 陳文華、徐聖訓、施人英、吳壽山, May 2003, 應用主題地圖於知識整理, 圖書資訊學刊, 37 - 58.
  24. 劉榮宗、陳文華、劉運鴻, May 2002, 電力市場僅開放發電業自由競爭之電力交易調度模式研究, 台電工程月刊, 64 - 83.
  25. Lin, C.-H. and Chen, W.-H, April 2000, Using A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm to Solve A Task Allocation Problem Intention, Journal of Management, 1 - 23.
  26. Chen, W.-H. and Lin, C.-H, May 2000, A Hybrid Heuristic to Solve a Task Allocation Problem, Computers & Operations Research, 287 - 303.
  27. 陳文華、許光華、林金賢, June 1999, Estimating Replenishment Parts Costing by Using Neural Network, 國防管理學報.
  28. 陳文華、王佳真、吳壽山, June 1999, 風險值方法之比較, 證券市場發展季刊, 139 - 162.
  29. 陳文華、王佳真、吳壽山, January 1970, 風險值體系應用之探討, 交大管理學報, 33 - 64.
  30. Srivastava, B. and Chen, W.-H, June 1996, Heuristic Solutions to Loading in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 858 - 868.
  31. Srivastava, B. and Chen, W.-H, January 1996, Batching in Production Planning for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 127 - 137.
  32. Srivastava, B. and Chen, W.-H, June 1995, Efficient Solution for Machine Cell Formation in Group Technology, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 255 - 264.
  33. Chen, W.-H. and Srivastava, B, June 1994, Simulated Annealing Procedures for Forming Machine Cells in Group Technology, European Journal of Operational Research, 100 - 111.
  34. Srivastava, B. and Chen, W.-H, June 1993, Part Type Selection Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Tabu Search Algorithms, Annals of Operations Research, 279 - 297.
  35. Lotfi, V. and Chen, W.-H, July 1991, An Optimal Algorithm for the Multi-Item Capacitated Production Planning Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 179 - 193.
  36. Chen, W.-H. and Thizy, J.-M., May 1990, Analysis of Relaxations for the Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem, Annals of Operations Research, 29 - 72.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. 陳文華, January 2005, 知識管理, 管理雜誌.
  2. 陳文華編譯, January 2004, 管理科學導論, 台灣培生.
  3. 陳文華, June 2002, 經營管理指南, 經濟部中小企業處.
  4. 陳文華, May 2000, 顧客關係成功關鍵:高品質的顧客資料, 能力雜誌.
  5. 陳文華, March 2000, 顧客關係管理基石:顧客知識取得與分析, 能力雜誌.
  6. 陳文華, January 2000, 運用資料倉儲技術於顧客關係管理, 能力雜誌.
  7. 陳文華, April 1999, 顧客關係管理—應用資料倉儲系統建立雙贏的顧客關係, 資訊與電腦.
  8. 陳文華, March 1999, 架構資料倉儲的注意事項, 資訊與電腦.
  9. 陳文華, January 1999, 透視資料倉儲, 資訊與電腦.
  10. 白健二、陳文華、郭瑞祥、蔣明晃等, January 1994, 生產與作業管理, 國立空中大學.
Technical Report
No Data Available
No Data Available