Detailed Information
Luo Lu
Ph.D. D. Phil. Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK
Office : Building II, College of Management 1104
Tel : 02-33669657 (助理Assistant:02-33669742)
Fax : 02-23625379 / 02-33669742
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Research Field
• Organizational Behavior and Human Resources
• Work Stress and Occupational Health
• Cross culture Management
• Personality and Social Psychology
Research Field Summary
• D. Phil. Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK
• Occupational Health Management
• Organizational Behavior
2000 Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
2005 Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
2006 Distinguished Professor, National Central University, ROC
2008 Exempt from evaluation, National Taiwan University, ROC
2008 Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University
1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999 Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
2002, 2003, 2004, 2006-2019 Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Research Award, Kaohsiung Medical University, ROC
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Research Award, Fu-Jen Catholic University, ROC
2005 Research Award, National Central University, ROC
2007 Best Paper Award, Taiwan Academy of Management
2008-2017, 2019-2022 Research Award, College of Management, National Taiwan University, ROC
2019 The 57th Overseas research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, ROC
2010, 2012-2020, 2022 Research Award, National Taiwan University, ROC
2010, 2012, 2019 Best Paper Award, Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology
2010, 2013, 2018-2022 Exceptional Performance Award, National Taiwan University, ROC
2011 The Third Sayling Wen Service Science International Collaborative Research Award, ROC
2014 AAA Accreditation for e-Learning Course, National e-Learning Quality Service Center, ROC
2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, Highly Commended Paper
2016 Taiwan College of Healthcare Executives, Journal of Healthcare Management, Distinguished Paper Award
2018 Taiwan Psychological Association, Chinese Journal of Psychology, Most Influential Paper Award
2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Taiwan Academic Resource Impact Award, Research in Applied Psychology (Editor-in-Chief)
2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 The “World’s Top 2% Scientists”
2022 Top Scientists for 2022
2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 Distinguished Teaching Award
2023 Best Scientists for 2023
1986/10 - 1989/10 Doctorate research, University of Oxford, UK.
1989/7 - 1992/1 Post doctoral research associate, University of Oxford, UK.
1992/8 - 2002/2 Associate Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
1996/8 - 1997/2 Adjunct Counsellor, National Kaohsiung University of Maritime,Taiwan
2000/8 - 2001/7 Adjunct Associate Professor, National Kaohsiung University, Taiwan
2002/2 - 2005/1 Associate Professor, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
2005/2 - 2005/7 Professor, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.
2003/2 - 2006/8 Adjunct Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2005/8 - 2007/7 Distinguished Chair Professor , National Central University, Taiwan
2006/8 - 2007/7 Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, National Central University, Taiwan
2006/8 - 2007/7 Adjunct Professor in Psychology ,Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2007/8 - Present Distinguished Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2006 - Asian Journal of Social Psychology, SSCI
2004 - Journal of Happiness Studies, SSCI.
Journal of Health Psychology, SSCI.
2002 - Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, Taiwan. TSSCI
2006 - Chinese Journal of Public Health, Taiwan. TSSCI
2006 - Journal of Human Resource Management, Taiwan.
Grant Review Committee, National Science Council, Taiwan.
Review Committee (Psychology), Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan
Consultant, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Review Committee, National Communication Council, Taiwan
Consultant, Department of Health, Taipei City Government
Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taiwan. (Executive committee , 2003-2005; Division of Social and Personality Psychology; Board of committee , 2003-2004, 2004-2005)
Asian Association of Social Psychology
Grant Committee, National Science Council, Taiwan
Review Committee (Psychology), Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan
Consultant,“Developing female scientists”, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
2014/2 - 2014/12 Associate Director, International Affairs & Global MBA Program, College of Management, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
2022/8 - present Chair, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
2019/9 - 2020/8 Visiting Professor, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK.
Grant Review Committee for Higher Education, Department of Education, Taiwan.
Auditor, EUROC Venture Capital Group.
Review Committee, The UMC Management Award.
Review Committee, The TOPCO Thesis Award.
Review Committee, Fubon Life Management Doctor and Master Thesis Award.
Board of Directors, The CTCI Educational Foundation.
Review Committee, The National Academy of Civil Service.
Review Committee for Academic Excellence, National Taiwan Normal University.
Review Committee for Recruiting Distinguished Talents, Review Committee for Faculty Evaluation, National Changhua Normal University.
Consultant, College of Management, National Central University.
Review Committee for Academic Excellence, National Taiwan University of Technology.
Review Committee for CSR & ESG Awards.
Review Committee for Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards.
Review Committee for Taipei Film Commission, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.
Consultant, Committee for the Development of Core managerial Competency, National Taiwan University Hospital.
Review Committee for Distinguished Research Award, National Chung Cheng University.
Review Committee for Faculty Qualification and Academic Affairs, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
Review Committee for The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
Consultant, Committee for Patient Safety, Joint Commission of Taiwan
International Journal of Stress Management, SSCI, APA Journals.(Editor)
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, ESCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus.(Senior Associate Editor)
Management Communication Quarterly, SSCI. (Editorial Board)
Health Psychology Open, UK. (Editorial Board)
Journal of Happiness Studies, SSCI. (Editorial Board)
Journal of Health Psychology, SSCI. (Editorial Board)
Research in Applied Psychology, Taiwan. (Editor)
Chinese Journal of Public Health, Taiwan. (Associate Editor)
Journal of Human Resource Management, Taiwan. (Associate Editor)
Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, Taiwan. (Editorial Board)
Conference Paper
  1. Chen, J. W., Lu, L., Yu, J. H., & Ke, W. J., August 2021, I want to make my retirement right! The conceptualization and planning of retirement among middle- and older-aged professionals, 管理學報「以永續發展為目標的企業社會責任與倫理」特刊研討會, (Taiwan).
  2. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., September 2020, Sex, gender, and the work-family interface, 14th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (EAOHP 2020), (Cyprus).
  3. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., Chou, C. Y., & Kao, S. F., November 2019, Sex and gender roles differences in work-family conflict, 2019 Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, (Taiwan).
  4. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., June 2018, Pushing yourself to work when sick, 2018 International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2018), (Canada).
  5. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., July 2017, Trait emotional intelligence as an enhancer for work team cohesion and performance, 15th European Congress of Psychology, (Netherlands).
  6. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., July 2017, Companionship and secondary control beliefs as protectors in the face of major life events in later life: A Taiwanese study, 15th European Congress of Psychology, (Netherlands).
  7. Chang, T. T., Lai, Y. R., & Lu, L., July 2017, Developing and assessing work-family conflict events: A perspective of stressful life events, 6th International Conference on Social Science and Business, (Japan).
  8. Chang, T. T., Lai, Y. R., & Lu, L., October 2017, The moderating effect of gender role orientation on work-family conflict, 2017 International Conference on Gender in Science & Technology, (Taiwan).
  9. Luo Lu, November 2017, Challenges of the aging society: Fighting ageism to foster continued labor participation among older people, 2017 Symposium on Applied Psychology and Practices: Life Coach Forum, (Taiwan).
  10. Fan, H. L., & Lu, L., April 2016, Psychological similarity, cohesion and team outcomes: The moderating role of trait emotional intelligence, 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Japan).
  11. Luo Lu, June 2016, Respect? Disgust? Repel? Changes and turns of the attitudes towards the “old” among Taiwanese people, 2016 Conference of The Taiwan Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, (Taiwan).
  12. Lu, L., & Chou, C. Y., July 2016, The impact of job insecurity on the relationships between sickness presenteeism and work outcomes, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), (Japan).
  13. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., July 2016, Supervisory support, work-to-family enrichment, and emotional exhaustion: The actor-partner interdependence model among married couples, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), (Japan).
  14. Chang, T. T., Lai, Y. R., & Lu, L., July 2016, The effects of work-family demands, work-family resources, gender and Chinese Traditionality/Modernity on work-family conflict: A test of three-way interaction, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), (Japan).
  15. Wu, H. P., Lu, L., Chi, C. T., & Tsai, C. H., July 2016, The relations among nurses career commitment, attendance incentives, presenteeism and job satisfaction, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), (Japan).
  16. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., November 2016, Subjective indicators and predictors of positive aging in Taiwan: Buffering effects of control beliefs, 2016 Joint Conference of Healthcare, (Taiwan).
  17. Chen, F. M., & Lu, L., March 2015, Towards positive aging: Key factors of positive aging and situational effects., 2015 Annual Conference of Taiwan Association of Gerontology, (Taiwan).
  18. Luo Lu, May 2015, Occupational health psychology, The 1st International Conference of Applied Psychology for Chinese Societies (ICAPC), (Taiwan).
  19. Lin, C. Y., Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., May 2015, Effects of employment on meaning in life and happiness among older people: Family support and financial status as moderators, 2015 International Conference on Human Resource Development (2015 IHRD), (Taiwan).
  20. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., July 2015, Work longer or live smarter? Striving for desirable work time arrangements in diverse cultural contexts, The 14th European Congress of Psychology, (Italy).
  21. Chou, C. Y., & Lu, L., September 2015, Job-related stressors-strain-outcomes relationships: Moderating role of self-efficacy, supervisor support, and learning goal orientation, The British Academy of Management Conference, (UK).
  22. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., November 2015, “I love my work, but I love my family more”- Developing a cultural theory of work and family in Taiwan, 2015 International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP), (Japan).
  23. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., November 2015, Positive aging from a psychological perspective: An exploratory study on constituting aspects, correlates and moderating effects of control beliefs, 2015 International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP), (Japan).
  24. Lu, L., December 2014, Cross-national differences in the fit between desired and actual working time, and its association with work attitudes, 2014 International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP), (Tokyo).
  25. Lu, L, September 2014, Work emotions and their management, 2014 MOST Management Research and Industrial Forum, (Taichong).
  26. Lu, L., & Chen, S. Y., October 2013, Motivations, goals, and outcomes of Taiwanese college students, The Fifth Asian Conference on Education, (Osaka).
  27. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., & Siu, O. L., Wu, P. Y., October 2013, Work stressors and strains of Taiwanese and Hong Kong employees: Effects of self-efficacy and coping strategies, The Second Symposium on Comparative Humanity and Management in Taiwan and Hong Kong, (Taoyuan).
  28. Lu, L., September 2013, Psychological well-being at work, The Symposium on Occupational Health and Counseling, (Taichung), (Invited Speech) (in Chinese).
  29. Lu. L., July 2013, Self-construals and Work/Family Conflict: a Mono-Cultural Analysis in Taiwan, The 13th European Congress of Psychology, (Stockholm).
  30. Chang, Y. Y., & Lu, L., July 2013, Antecedents and Consequences of Work and Family Interface: Evidence from Chinese Employees, The 13th European Congress of Psychology, (Stockholm).
  31. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., July 2013, Is it right to gossip? Positive function of gossip and work consequences, The 13th European Congress of Psychology, (Stockholm).
  32. Lin, L., & Lu, L., June 2013, Quality of work relationships and work well-being: Differences between vertical and horizontal relationships, The 3rd IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology, (Los Angeles).
  33. Lu, L., May 2013, Issues of human resources and labor development in Taiwan and China, The 2013 Human Resources and Labor Relations Forum, (Chiayi), (Invited Speech) (in Chinese).
  34. Lu, L., May 2013, A cross-cultural examination of presenteeism and supervisory support, The 2013 International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, (Kaohsiung), (Invited Speech) (in Chinese).
  35. Lu, L., & Hsu, Y. C., December 2012, Happy productivity and the practicality of Wangdao, The Practicality of Wangdao in the 21st century, (Chongli).
  36. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., Lin, H. Y., Kao, S. F., & Chen, Y. S., November 2012, Relationships of work-family conflict coping strategies with adaptational consequences, The 2012 Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, (New Taipei City), (Best Paper Award) (in Chinese).
  37. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., August 2012, A Chinese longitudinal study of work/family pressure, interference, and role satisfaction, The 120th APA Annual Convention, (Orlando).
  38. Chen, J. W., & Lu, L., July 2012, The fit between desired and actual working time, and its association with work results: A Taiwanese study, The International Conference on Business and Information, (Sapporo).
  39. Chang, Y. Y., Lu, L., Lu, C. Q., & Chou, C. Y., July 2012, The moderating effects of self-views in the relationships between leadership styles and subordinates’ work consequences, The International Conference on Business and Information, (Sapporo).
  40. Chang, T. T., & Lu, L., July 2012, The bi-direction and dual nature of the work-family interaction, The International Conference on Business and Information, (Sapporo).
  41. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., Wu, P. Y., & Wu, W. Y., July 2012, The pleasure power: Making use of personal happiness, positive work attitudes, and organizational support to enhance job performance, The International Conference on Business and Information, (Sapporo).
  42. Lu, L., July 2012, The dynamism of balancing work and family in a developing society: Evidence from Taiwan, The International Conference on Business and Information, (Sapporo).
  43. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., April 2012, Attitudes towards aging and older people’s intentions to continue working: A Chinese study, The 2012 BPS Conference, (London).
  44. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., Siu, O. L., & Wu, P. Y., April 2012, Work stressors and strains of Taiwanese and Hong Kong employees: The moderating roles of work motivation and coping strategies, The Symposium on Comparative Humanity and Management in Taiwan and Hong Kong, (Taoyuan), (in Chinese).
  45. Wu, P. Y., Lin, C. W., & Lu, L., March 2012, The concept and indicators of the self-defeating personality, The Annual Conference of the Taiwan Association of Clinical Psychology (TACP), (Taichung), (in Chinese).
  46. Lu, L., February 2012, Successful aging and quality of life in later years in Taiwan, The 16th TSCS Symposium, (Taipei), (in Chinese).
  47. Wu, P. Y., Lin, C. W., Lu, L., & Deng, C. P., October 2011, Developing the Chinese version of the Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory (DPDI): A preliminary study, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taichung), (in Chinese).
  48. Lin, H. Y., & Lu, L., September 2011, How to cope effectively with overt and covert conflicts at work, The 2011 Annual Conference of the TAOM, (Taipei), (in Chinese).
  49. Chen, T. F., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., September 2011, The influence of landscape perception and landscape preference on restaurant customers’ behavior, The 13th Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Research Symposium, (Taipei), (in Chinese).
  50. Chen, J. W., & Lu, L., September 2011, The associations among job insecurity, work attitudes, and work behaviors in the Greater China Region: Affective organizational commitment as a moderator, The 7th Chinese Psychologist Conference, (Taipei), (in Chinese).
  51. Chang, Y. Y., & Lu, L., July 2011, Differential predictors of work-family conflict for Taiwanese male and female employees: A resource perspective, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul).
  52. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., July 2011, The effects of work constraint and support on organizational citizenship behaviors: Conscientiousness and proactive personality as moderators, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul).
  53. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., & She, S. K., July 2011, Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics, and its associations with work attitudes and life satisfaction, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul).
  54. Chen, J. W., & Lu, L., July 2011, The differential effect of job insecurity on employees in Taiwan, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul).
  55. Chou, C. Y., & Lu, L., July 2011, Why happier workers are more productive? The mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul).
  56. Chang, Y. Y., Lu, L., & Lai, S. Y. L., July 2011, What differentiates the succeeded from the strained: The moderating effects of self-efficacy, The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, (Kunming).
  57. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., July 2011, Are we a team? Understanding the psychological atmosphere of teams from an emotional point of view, The 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, (Kunming).
  58. Chang, T. T., & Lu, L., July 2011, Resources are crucial to work and family integration: The Taiwanese case, The 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, (Kunming).
  59. Lin, H. Y., & Lu, L., June 2011, The associations between interpersonal stress and work attitudes, work behaviors in the Greater China Region: Chinese coping strategies as moderators, The 2011 Symposium on Theories and Practices of Business Administration, (Taichung), (Best Paper Award) (in Chinese).
  60. Chang, Y. Y., & Lu, L., June 2011, The moderating effects of self-efficacy in the work-family conflict process, The 2011 Symposium on Theories and Practices of Business Administration, (Taichung), (Best Paper Award) (in Chinese).
  61. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., April 2011, Five after-school activities and adolescents’ educational achievement and well-being: An exploration on gender differences, The Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, (New Orleans).
  62. Lin, H. Y., & Lu, L., March 2011, Group differences in work values and their associations with work attitudes: Evidence from a national sample in Taiwan, The 2011 Symposium on Taiwanese Management Research, (Taichung), (in Chinese).
  63. Chang, T. T., & Lu, L., July 2011, The bi-directional enrichment of work and family: Antecedents, consequence, and moderators, The 12th European Congress of Psychology, (Istanbul, Turkey).
  64. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., April 2010, The avid adolescent reader revisited: Gender difference and its linkage to family literacy, Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, (Denver, USA).
  65. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., October 2010, Member-team fit, affective commitment, knowledge sharing behavior, and team performance., Conference on Revitalizing Work Morale., (Taoyuan).
  66. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., October 2010, Attitudes towards older people and their relation to career choices among Taiwanese university students., the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA 2010), (Vilnius).
  67. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., October 2010, Factors affecting the willingness to work with older employees., International Conference on Business and Information., (Kitakyushu).
  68. Chang, T. T., & Lu, L., October 2010, Work and family enrichment among Taiwanese employees: Interdependent self as a moderator, International Conference on Business and Information., (Kitakyushu).
  69. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., October 2010, Effects of demographic variables, perceived spousal support, and gender role attitudes on Taiwanese women’s employability, The118th APA Annual Convention, (San Diego).
  70. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., & Huang, M. Y., October 2010, The relationships between workload, perceived organizational support, and work outcomes: Proactive personality as the moderator., The 2010 Annual Conference of the TAOM, (Taipei).
  71. Wu, H. P., Lu, L*., & Chang, W. L., October 2010, Associations between employees’ international awareness, career view, and willingness to work in the Mainland China: Family factors as moderators, 2010 Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, (Ping Tung), Best Paper Award.
  72. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., September 2010, Direct and moderating effects of work values among Chinese workers., The 118th APA Annual Convention, (San Diego).
  73. Chen, T. F., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L, September 2010, Situational effects on the setting attributes of consumptive consideration., The 12th Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Research Symposium and Internatioal Forum, (Yunlin).
  74. Lin, H. W., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., September 2010, Using means-end approaches to understand the experiential value of mountaineering and hiking., The 12th Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Research Symposium and International Forum, (Yunlin).
  75. Chen, T. F., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., August 2010, Women’s perceived freedom in leisure, leisure satisfaction and happiness., The 11th World Leisure Congress, (Chun Cheon).
  76. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., July 2010, From an emotional point of view to understand the knowledge sharing behavior., International Conference on Business and Information., (Kitakyushu).
  77. Lu, L., July 2010, Working hours and employees’ well-being: The role of personal preference., International Conference on Business and Information., (Kitakyushu).
  78. Lin, H. W., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., April 2010, Using a means-end approach to understand values for hiking among the youth., The 8th Conference of Horticulture and Landscaping., (Taipei).
  79. Wu, H. P., Lu, L., & Ku, C. C., April 2010, The association between supervisors’ transformational leadership behaviors and subordinates’ job stress and satisfaction: Subordinates’ personality traits as moderators., The 2010 Symposium on Organizational Competitiveness and Management in the Greater China., (Hsinchu).
  80. Lu, L., December 2009, Integrating work and family: Challenges in the 21st century., The Fifth Conference of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development., (Jinan), Keynote speech.
  81. Kao, S. F., Lu, L., & Cooper, C. L., November 2009, Work and family demands and resources, work-to-family conflict, and their consequences: A Taiwanese-British cross-cultural comparison., The 11th European Congress of Psychology, (Oslo).
  82. Wu, H. P., Lu, L., & Wu, S. J., September 2009, The relationship between high-tech industry employees’ competency and job performance., The 2009 Annual Conference of the TAOM, (Taichong).
  83. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., September 2009, Cross-strait comparisons on work resources, family resources, and work/family conflict among female employees., The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  84. Wu, H. P., Lu, L., & Chang, W. L., September 2009, Personal and organizational factors influencing intentions of relocation., The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  85. Lin, H. W., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., July 2009, Negotiating leisure constraints form the marketing promotion: Application of the leisure constraints negotiation model., Paper presented at International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM)., (Vienna).
  86. Lu, L., Siu, O. L., Kao, S. F., & Lu, C. Q., July 2009, Work stress, Chinese work values, and work well-being in the Greater China., The 11th European Congress of Psychology., (Oslo).
  87. Lu, L., May 2009, In pursuit of work-family integration: Challenges in the new century., 2009 Conference of Organization and Human Resource Management in the Chinese region., (Kaohsiung).
  88. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., April 2009, Academic achievement, school climate, student satisfaction, and Taiwanese eleventh graders’ general happiness: Findings from a national survey., Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, (San Diego).
  89. Lu, L., November 2008, Scholar must write., The 2008 Conference of NTU-GIB Alumni.
  90. Kao, S. F., Lu, L., & Pan, H. C., October 2008, Work stress and job satisfaction: The moderating effect of organizational commitment, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  91. Pan, C. F., Lu, L., & Hsieh, P. H., October 2008, Perceived gender equality and its effects on work attitudes and work stress in Taiwan., The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  92. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., September 2008, Direct and indirect effects of personality traits on leisure participation and leisure benefits: A national probability sample in Taiwan, The 12th TSCS Symposium, (Taipei).
  93. Lu, L., July 2008, The individual- and social-oriented Chinese bicultural self: Testing the theory., he XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), (Berlin).
  94. Lu, L., April 2008, Attitudes towards old people in Taiwan: Scale development and preliminary evidence of reliability and validity., 2008 Conference on “The Coming of Aging Society in Taiwan”, (Taiwan).
  95. Lu, L., 2008, Individual- and social-oriented views of the self: Conceptualization, measurement, and adaptational functions., The Psychological Imagination of the Chinese Culture, (Taipei).
  96. Fu, Y. C. & Lu, L., December 2007, The social desirability effect in interactions with a stranger, Social changes in Taiwan (1985-2005): The 11th TSCS Symposium, (Taipei).
  97. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Wu, H. P., & Chang, T. T., November 2007, “I or we”: Family socialization values in a national probability sample in Taiwan, Family Values, Behaviors and Attitudes: The 9th TSCS Symposium, (Taipei).
  98. Lu, L., Cary, C. L., Kao, S. F., Wu, H. P., Chang, T. T., & Chen, C. K., September 2007, Work Resources, Work/Family Conflict, and Their Consequences: A Chinese-British Cross-Cultural Comparison, The 2007 Annual Conference of the TAOM, (Taipei).
  99. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., August 2007, Stress management and stress research: Culture, self, and subjective well-being, The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, (Tokyo), Invited Round Table speaker.
  100. She, S. K., Liao, Y. H., Lu, L., & Lee, H. J, July 2007, Leisure activities, leisure satisfaction and work satisfaction, The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), (Sabah).
  101. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., Liao, Y. H., & Chen, C. K., July 2007, Resource gain, resource loss and work/family conflict: The Taiwanese case, The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), (Sabah).
  102. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Chang, T. T., & Wu, H. P., July 2007, Work/family demands, work flexibility, work/family conflict, and their consequences at work: A national probability sample in Taiwan., The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), (Sabah).
  103. Lu, L., March 2007, Culture, self, educational achievement and subjective well-being, Education and Development Conference 2007, (Bangkok).
  104. Lee, H. J., Lu, L., Kao, S. F., & Chang, T. T., 2007, Work constraints, family responsibility, and work/family conflict: The moderating effect of social support., The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP)., (Sabah).
  105. Lu, L., November 2006, Views and subjective experiences of happiness among Chinese., Symposium on the Progress of Indigenous Chinese Psychological Research, (Taipei).
  106. Lu, L., October 2006, Culture, self, stress management and subjective well-being, Asia’s Educational Miracle: Child Development in Family, School and Cultural Contexts, (Incheon), Invited speech.
  107. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S., September 2006, The emergence and composition of the traditional-modern bicultural self of people in contemporary Taiwanese society, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  108. Lu, L., September 2006, Individual- and social-oriented views of the self: Conceptual analysis and scale development (Part 2), The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  109. Chang, K., Lu, L., & Chen, C. S., September 2006, The importance of collectivistic and individualistic traits to Taiwanese undergraduates and its relationship with mental health, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Taipei).
  110. Spector, P.E., Allen, T.D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C.L., Lapierre, L. M., O’Driscoll, M., Sanchez, J. I., Abarca, N., Alexandrova, M., Brough, P., Fraile, G., Lu, C. Q., Lu, L. et al., August 2006, Cross-National Differences in Relationships of Work Demands with Work-Family Conflict, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Atlanta).
  111. Lu, L. & Fu, Y. C., April 2006, Sociability of leisure and a composite measure of leisure satisfaction, The ISSP General Meeting, Prague, (Prague).
  112. Lu, L., Gilmour, R., Kao, S. F., & Huang, M. T., March 2006, A Chinese vs. British Comparison on work/family demands, work/family conflict, and well-being, Work Stress and Health 2006: Making a Difference in the Workplace, (Miami).
  113. Lu, L., March 2006, Development and application of occupational health psychology in organizations, Employee counseling and occupational health psychology: Research and Practice., (Taoyuan).
  114. The Annual Conference of the TPA, October 2005, The association between partners’ conflict management and one’s own satisfaction in intimate relationships, Chang, F. Y. & Lu, L., (Chongli).
  115. The Annual Conference of the TPA, October 2005, Coping with other’s negative comments on one’s appearance: Effects on emotion, body image, and self-esteem, Lee, Y. W. & Lu, L., (Chongli).
  116. Lu, L., October 2005, Individual- and social-oriented views of the self: Conceptual analysis and scale development, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Chongli).
  117. Wong, K. C., Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., October 2005, Tutor-student congruence on traditionality/modernity, its effects on the relationship quality and students’ well-being, The Annual Conference of the TPA, (Chongli).
  118. Lu, L., July 2005, Cultural fit": Individual and societal discrepancies in values, beliefs and SWB, The 9th European Congress of Psychology, (Granada).
  119. Kao, S.F. & Lu, L., July 2005, The relationship of conjugal congruence in psychological traditionality/modernity to marital adjustment, The 9th European Congress of Psychology, (Granada).
  120. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S., 2004, Individual- and social-oriented views of self-actualization: Conceptual analysis and preliminary empirical exploration., The symposium on the Chinese self concept, (Yi-Lan), (in chinese).
  121. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R., 2004, Individual-oriented and social-oriented cultural conceptions of SWB: Conceptual analysis and scale development, XVII International Congress of IACCP, (Xi’an).
  122. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S, 2004, Social- vs. individual-oriented self-actualizers: Conceptual analysis and empirical assessment of their psychological characteristics, The Annual Conference of Social Psychology, (Yi-Lan).
  123. Yang, K.S. & Lu, L., 2004, Social- vs. individual-oriented self-actualizers: Conceptual analysis and empirical assessment of their psychological characteristics., The symposium on the Chinese self concept, (Beijing), (in chinese).
  124. Lu, L., 2004, Stress of parenthood transition: From prenatal to postpartum, The BPS Annual Conference 2004, (London).
  125. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S., 2004, The emergence, composition, and change of the traditional-modern bicultural self of people in contemporary Chinese societies, Bicultural Self Symposium, (Hong Kong).
  126. Yang, K.S. & Lu, L., 2004, The psychological characteristics of the social-oriented and individual-oriented self-actualizers: Comparisons between Taiwan and Mainland China, 7th Interdisciplinary Conference on the Mind and Behavior of the Chinese People, (Taipei), (in chinese).
  127. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R., 2003, Culture and conceptions of happiness: Individual oriented and social oriented SWB, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, (Budapest).
  128. Lu, L., 2003, Individual oriented and social oriented SWB: Conceptual analysis and measure development, The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  129. Li, H.M., Hsieh, T.Y. & Lu, L., 2003, Occupational stress, health and job burnout among dentists, The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  130. Lu, L., Gilmour, R. & Kao, S.F., 2002, Culture-based self-regulated ways to achieve SWB: A pan-cultural analysis., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Tainan).
  131. Lu, L. & Kao, S.F., 2002, Impact of parenthood: A two-wave panel study in Taiwan., XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology. Singapore., (Singapore).
  132. Kao, S.F. & Lu, L., 2002, Individual modernity and traditionality: Application in marital research., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Tainan).
  133. Lu, L., 2002, The psychological study of happiness., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Tainan).
  134. Chen, F.Y. & Lu, L., 2002, The relationships among parent-child congruence on individual modernity, traditionality, filial piety, and happiness., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Tainan).
  135. Lu, L., 2002, The self-other relation and the operation of self: A composite self., The 6th Conference of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Psychology and Behaviors of the Chinese People, (Taipei), (in chinese).
  136. Lu, L., 2002, Work stress in an economic recession, Doing psychology: New territories,, methodology, (Taipei).
  137. Lu, L., Kao, S.F., & Gilmour, R, 2001, Self-construals, cultural values and happiness: A cross-cultural comparison between Taiwan and Britain., The 4th Asian Association of Social Psychology Annual Conference, (Melbourne).
  138. Lu, L., 2000, A preliminary study on the concept of health among the Chinese., 6th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, (Brisbane).
  139. Hu, C. H. & Lu, L., 2000, Leisure conceptions, involvement and experiences among university students: Effects of personality traits., The 5th Conference of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Psychology and Behaviors of the Chinese People, (Taipei), (in chinese).
  140. Kao, S. F. & Lu, L., 2000, The relationship between parental rearing attitudes and the perceived stress of JHSEE among junior high school students., The 5th Conference of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Psychology and Behaviors of the Chinese People, (Taipei), (in chinese).
  141. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., & Gilmour, R., 2000, Two ways to achieve happiness: when the East meets the West., The BPS Social Section Conference, (Nottingham).
  142. Lu, L., Wong, T. S. & Gilmour, R., 1999, Cultural values and happiness., The Third Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, (Taipei).
  143. Hu, C. H. & Lu, L., 1999, Devising a Leisure Involvement Scale., The Annual Conference on Education and Psychological Testing, (Taipei).
  144. Hu, C. H. & Lu, L., 1999, Leisure conceptions and experiences among university students., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  145. Lu, L., 1999, Testing gender differences in SWB., The VI European Congress of Psychology, (Rome).
  146. Kao, S. F., Lu, L. & Wong, T. S., 1999, Self-construals, beliefs about interaction, feelings of interaction and happiness., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  147. Lu, L., 1998, Gender and conjugal differences in happiness in Taiwan., BPS London Conference., (Hong Kong).
  148. Lin, Y. J. & Lu, L., 1998, Academic achievement and self-concept: Samples of Senior high school students in Japan and Taiwan., The Symposium of Psychology in 2001., (Kaohsiung).
  149. Lu, L., 1998, Managerial stress, job satisfaction and health in Taiwan., Second World Congress on Stress., (Melbourne).
  150. Kao, S. F. & Lu, L., 1998, The attitude of parental rearing, the perception of JHSEE stress and mental health of junior high school students., The Symposium of Psychology in 2001., (Kaohsiung).
  151. Tseng, H. L. & Lu, L., 1998, The moderating effects of individual behaviour characteristics on work stress: A sample of business managers., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  152. Lai, Y. H., Chang, C. J., Cheng, C. C., Liu, C. C., Lu, L., Huang, C. T. & Liu, H. W., 1998, The preliminary study of happiness among migrating brides in Kao-Su of Pin-Tong county., The Regional Meeting of the Association of Family Medicine of R.O.C., (Kaohsiung).
  153. Lu, L. & Hsieh, Y. H., 1997, Demographic variables, control, stress, support and health among the elderly., Aging among the Chinese in Pacific Rim countries., (Vancouver).
  154. Kao, M. L., Chen, C. C., & Lu, L., 1997, Images of women in the media texts and subtracts of weight-reducing women., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  155. Lu, L., 1997, Personal and environmental correlates of happiness., The V European Congress of Psychology, (Dublin).
  156. Ju, L. S., & Lu, L., 1997, An exploratory study of the behaviour and attitude of idolatry among fans of popular songs., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  157. Lin, Y. J. & Lu, L., 1997, Grades and self-concept among Japanese high school students., The Second International Symposium of Chinese Psychologists., (Hong Kong), (in chinese).
  158. Lin, K. C., & Lu, L., 1996, Coping with discrepancies in work values and job adjustment., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  159. Lu, L. & Shih, J. B., 1996, Correlates of happiness: A Taiwanese community study., The XXVI International Congress of Psychology, (Montreal).
  160. Lu, L., 1996, Locus of control and stress perception., 1996 Taipei Mental Health Conference., (Taipei).
  161. Lu, L., 1996, Personal control and work stress among Taiwanese employees., The Symposium of Indigenous research in psychology and management., (Kaohsiung).
  162. Lu, L., 1996, Work motivation, job stress and employees’ well-being., 1996 Taipei Mental Health Conference., (Taipei).
  163. Lin, K. C., Wang, S. Y., Lee, C. T., & Lu, L., 1996, Work value discrepancies and adaptation., The 35th Anniversary of the Society of Psychiatry, (Taichung).
  164. Lu, L., 1995, Potential negative effects of social support., Symposium of Achievements in Psychological Research (1992-1994)., (Taipei).
  165. Wu, H. L. & Lu, L., 1995, Gender characteristics and depression among women: A path model., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  166. Lu, L., 1995, Sources of happiness: A Taiwanese community study., The IV European Congress of Psychology, (Athens).
  167. Lu, L., 1995, Subjective well-being and its correlates., The Symposium of Achievements in Psychological Research (1992-1994)., (Taipei).
  168. Chen H. H. & Lu, L., 1995, The family role adjustment and inter-generational relationships of the elderly in Taiwan’s changing society: An exploratory study., The Third International Symposium on families: East and West., (Taipei).
  169. Lo, H. C. & Lu, L., 1995, Work stressors of owners of small business in the metropolitan city of Kaohsiung., The Annual Conference of the CPA, (Taipei).
  170. Lu, L., 1994, Determinants of coping behaviours: A Taiwanese community study., The Annual Conference of the BPS Special Group in Health Psychology, (Sheffield), Sheffield, UK.
  171. Wu, H. L. & Lu, L., 1994, Locus of control and perceived occupational stress: A sample of public sector workers., The Annual Conference of the CPA Taipei, (Taipei).
  172. Shih, J. B. & Lu, L., 1994, The experience of happiness among community residents in Kaoshiung city., The Annual Conference of the CPA Taipei, (Taipei).
  173. Lu, L., 1994, The occupational stress indicators among Taiwanese workers., Symposium of occupational stress., (Taipei).
  174. Chen, C. S. & Lu, L., 1993, Quality of life in community and its psychosocial correlates., The Annual Conference of the CPA., (Taipei).
  175. Hsieh, Y. H. & Lu, L., 1993, A relational study of social resources and mental health among community elderly., The Annual Conference of the CPA., (Taipei).
  176. Lu, L., 1993, The development of British social psychology theories., Symposium of Contemporary Social Theories., (Taipei).
  177. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1990, How does personality affect happiness?, The Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Personality and Individual Differences, (Surrey), Oxford, UK.
  178. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1990, What is good about watching soap opera?, The Annual Conference of the BPS Social Psychology Section, (Oxford), Surrey, UK.
  179. Lu, L., 1989, Daily hassles and mental health., The European Conference on Stress and Coping, (Ultrecht), Ultrecht, The Netherlands.
  180. Lu, L., 1988, Homesickness and mental health., Annual Conference of the BPS. P7, (London).
Journal Paper
  1. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L.*, 2024, The protecting effect of team support for hospital nurses working while ill: A cross-level moderated mediation model., International Journal of Stress Management, 31(1), 86-92.
  2. Wang, M. Y., Lu, C. Q., & Lu, L.*, 2023, The positive potential of presenteeism: An exploration of how presenteeism leads to good performance evaluation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(6), 920-935.
  3. Lin, C. Y., Lee, M. Y., Kao, S. F., Lu, L., & Chung, A., 2023, The positive effects of activity involvement on the subjective well-being of Chinese older adults: a moderated effects model, Educational Gerontology, 49(9), 790-802.
  4. Kao, S. F., Lu, L., Li, M. C., & Gao, H. Y., 2023, 台灣高齡者由自我認同邁向統整之歷程:雙文化自我的觀點 The process from self-identity to integration of Taiwanese older people: The perspective of bicultural self, 本土心理學研究, 59, 123-189.
  5. Chen, J. W., Lu, L.,* & Cooper, C. L., 2023, Protecting well-being and performance after sickness presenteeism under demanding conditions: the dual effects of proactive personality and work reward as resources, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(5), 702-719.
  6. Lu, L., & Cooper, C. L., 2022, Sickness Presenteeism as a Link between Long Working Hours and Employees’ Outcomes: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators as Resources, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2179.
  7. Lu, L., Ko, Y. M., Chen, H. Y., Chueh, J. W., Chen, P. Y., & Cooper, C. L., 2022, Patient Safety and Staff Well-Being: Organizational Culture as a Resource, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3722.
  8. Lu, L., Chou, C. Y., & Cooper, C. L., 2022, Personal and social resources in coping with long hours of the Chinese work condition: The dual roles of detachment and social motivation., International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(8), 1606-1640.
  9. Chen, J. W., Lu, L.,* & Cooper, C. L., 2021, The Compensatory Protective Effects of Social Support at Work in Presenteeism During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 643437.
  10. Chen, H. Y., Lu, L., * Ko, Y. M., Chueh, J. W., Hsiao, S. Y., Wang, P. C., & Cooper, C. L., 2021, Post-Pandemic Patient Safety Culture: A Case from a Large Metropolitan Hospital Group in Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4537.
  11. Lu, L., Chang, T. T., & Kao, S. F., 2021, 生理性別、性別角色取向在職家互動的作用:三階調節效果的檢驗 Sex and gender role orientation on the work-family interface: Testing 3-way interactions, 臺大管理論叢, 31(3), 1-46.
  12. Lu, L., Chang, T. T., Kao, S. F., & Cooper, C. L., 2021, Do Gender and Gender Role Orientation Make a Difference in the Link between Role Demands and Family Interference with Work for Taiwanese Workers?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9807.
  13. Fan, H. L., & Lu, L. *, 2020, 勉強出勤和員工創新行為之曲線關係:積極動機與消極動機之調節效果 The curvilinear relationship between presenteeism and employee innovative behavior: The Moderating role of approach and avoidance motives, 人力資源管理學報, 20(1), 27-50.
  14. Lu L., Kao S. F., Chang T. T., & Cooper, C. L., 2020, Gender Diversity and Work–Life Conflict in Changing Times, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 9009.
  15. Lu, L., & Chou, C. Y., 2020, Protecting job performance and well-being in the demanding work context: The moderating effect of psychological detachment for Chinese employees, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 69 (4), 1199–1214.
  16. Cooper, C. L., & Lu, L. *, 2019, Excessive availability for work: Good or bad? Charting underlying motivations and searching for game-changers, Human Resource Management Review, 29(4),100682.
  17. Wang, Y., Chen, C. C., Lu, L., Eisenberger, R., & Fosh, P., 2018, Effects of leader–member exchange and workload on presenteeism, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(7/8), 511-523.
  18. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2018, Striving for Positive Aging Among Chinese Older People: Effects of Life Stress and Control Beliefs in a Longitudinal Study, The International Journal of aging and Human Development, 86(4), 382-400.
  19. Chou, C. Y., & & Lu, L. *, 2018, 「根留台灣」還是「西進大陸」? 台灣人民自我觀及對外派大陸效益的世代差異 Stay in or venture out? Cohort differences in self-views and their associations with expected benefit of expatriating to mainland China among Taiwanese adults, 應用心理研究, 68, 187-231.
  20. Jang, S., Kim, E. S., Cao, C., Allen, T. D., Cooper, C. L., Lapierre, L. M., & Abarca, N., 2017, Measurement invariance of the satisfaction with life scale across 26 countries, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4),560-576.
  21. Lu, L., & Fan, H. L., 2017, Strengthening the bond and enhancing team performance: Emotional intelligence as the social glue, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 4(3), 182-198.
  22. Fan, H. L., & Lu, L. *, 2017, 團隊結構特徵及社會特質與團隊產出之關係:團隊信任和團隊凝聚力之角色 Team structural characteristics, social traits, and team outcomes: The roles of team trust and team cohesion, 組織與管理, 10(1), 57-89.
  23. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2016, 正向老化之概念內涵及預測因子:一項對台灣高齡者的縱貫研究 Conceptualizing and predicting positive aging: A longitudinal study among elderly Taiwanese, 醫務管理期刊, 17(4),267-288.
  24. Wu, P. Y., Lin, C. W., & Lu, L., 2016, 大學生消沉傾向量表之發展研究 The development of Self-affliction Tendency Scale, 教育心理學報, 48(2), 253-278.
  25. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L. *, 2016, 自發型外派者的現身與文獻回顧 Self-initiated expatriates: Their emergence and a critical review of current literature, 應用心理研究, 65,5-60.
  26. Chou, C. Y., & Lu, L. *, 2016, 工作狂研究之回顧與前瞻 Workaholism: A literature review and prospective study, 應用心理研究, 65, 61-128.
  27. Wu, P. Y., Lu, L., * & Wang, W. H., 2016, 休閒生活對於職家衝突的調節效果 The moderating effect of leisure life on the relationship between work-family conflict and adaptation, 應用心理研究, 65, 197-252.
  28. Cooper, C. L., & Lu, L. *, 2016, Presenteeism as a global phenomenon-Unraveling the psychosocial mechanisms from the perspective of social cognitive theory, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 23(2), 216-231.
  29. Chang, K. M., Chun, Y. T., Chen, S. H., Lu, L., Su, H. T., Liang, H. M., Santhosh, J., Ching, C. T. S. & Liu, S. H., 2016, The evaluation of physical stillness with the wearable arm accelerometer and the education of the application on college chan ding practitioners, Sensors, 16(7), 1126.
  30. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., 2015, The role of achievement motivations and achievement goals in Taiwanese college students’ cognitive and psychological outcomes, Journal of College Student Development, 56(4), 397-412.
  31. Lu, L., & Chang, Y. Y., 2015, 主管支持、工作對家庭增益,及情緒耗竭之關聯:夫妻之行動者─伴侶互依模式 Supervisory support, work-to-family enrichment, and emotional exhaustion: The actor-partner interdependence model among married couples, 本土心理學研究, 44, 73-116.
  32. Lu, C. Q., Wang, B., Siu, O. L., Lu, L., & Du, D. Y., 2015, Work-home interference and work values in Greater China, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), 801-814.
  33. Lu, L., Lin, H. Y., & Yang, S. L., 2015, 經濟誘因之外─雇主品牌吸引力與員工工作後果之關聯 Beyond the monetary incentives: The relationships between employer brand attractiveness and employees’ work outcomes, 商略學報, 7(2), 113-128.
  34. Chen, H. M., Lin, H. W., & Lu, L., 2015, 山岳活動體驗價值之探索:登山與健行之比較 Exploring the experiential value of mountain activities: A comparison of mountaineering and hiking, 台灣運動心理學報, 15(1), 1-31.
  35. Lu, L., Lin, H. Y., Lu, C. Q., & Siu, O. L., 2015, The moderating role of intrinsic work value orientation on the dual-process of job demands and resources among Chinese employees, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 8(2), 78-91.
  36. Lu, L., 2015, The associations between the fit of desired and actual working time and work attitudes: A comparison between different social welfare regimes, International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, 7(1), 19-34.
  37. Lu, L., 2015, Building trust and cohesion in virtual teams: The developmental approach, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), 55-72.
  38. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., * Lin, H. Y., Kao, S. F., & Chen, Y. S., February 2015, Relationships of work-family conflict coping strategies with adaptational consequences, Organization and Management, 8(1), 77-111.
  39. Lu, L., Chang, T. T., Kao, S. F., & Cooper, C. L., 2015, Testing an integrated model of the work-family interface in Chinese employees: A longitudinal study, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 12-21.
  40. Hsu, Y. C., Chang, Y. Y., Lu, L., * & Chang, T. T., 2014, Unfolding of the self through the work and family roles playing, Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 41, 195-259.
  41. Lu, L., & Chang, Y. Y., 2014, An integrative model of work/family interface for Chinese employees, Career Development International, 29(2), 162-182.
  42. Lu, L., Peng, S. Q., Lin, H. Y., & Cooper, C. L., 2014, Presenteeism and health over time among Chinese employees: The moderating role of self-efficacy, Work & Stress, 28(2), 165-178.
  43. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., & Lu, C. Q., 2014, 人際壓力與工作態度及身心健康之關聯:以華人因應策略為調節變項 The associations between interpersonal stress, work attitude, and employees’ health: Chinese coping strategies as moderators, 商略學報, 6, 57-72.
  44. Chou, C. Y., & Lu, L., 2014, 以科技接受模式探討數位學習系統使用態度-以成長需求為調節變項 Exploring the attitude differentiation on e-Learning systems based on TAM: The strength of growth need as a moderator, 資訊管理學報, 21, 83-106.
  45. Wang, H. J., Lu, C. Q., & Lu, L., 2014, Do people with traditional values suffer more from job insecurity? The moderating effects of traditionality, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(1), 107-117.
  46. Wu, H. P.,& Lu, L., 2014, When We Get Together: Person-Team Fit, Affective Commitment and Knowledge Sharing Behavior, NTU Management Review, 25(1), 287-324.
  47. Lu, L., 2013, 職家平衡在台灣:一個發展中國家的現況 The dynamism of balancing work and family in a developing society: Evidence from Taiwan, Research in Applied Psychology, 59, 49-79.
  48. Wu, H. P., Lu, L. *, Yang, H. W., & Lin, Q. H., 2013, 外派職涯承諾、文化智商與自願外派中國意願之關聯:家庭及組織支持的調節效果 The relationship between personal-system factors and self-initiated expatriates’ willingness to Mainland China: Family and organizational support as moderators, Research in Applied Psychology, 59, 81-126.
  49. Chen, J. W., Chang, Y. Y., Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., 2013, 老了,就不中用了?臺灣高齡者最適老化之歷程探究 Getting old is terrible? The process of optimal aging among Taiwanese older people, 本土心理學研究, 40, 87-140.
  50. Lu, L., Lin, H. Y., & Cooper, C. L., 2013, Unhealthy and present: Motives and consequences of the act of presenteeism among Taiwanese employees, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18(4), 406-416.
  51. Lin, H. Y., & Lu, L., 2013, 躹躬盡瘁?勉強出勤之跨文化理論模式建構 Presenteeism in workplace: Constructing a cross-cultural framework, 人力資源管理學報, 13(3), 29-55.
  52. Chang, Y. Y., & Lu, L.*, 2013, 自我效能於家庭對工作衝突及其前因後果的調節作用 The moderating effects of self-efficacy in the family-to-work conflict process, 應用心理研究, 57, 117-154.
  53. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2013, The reciprocal relations of pressure, work/family interference, and role satisfaction: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Taiwan, Human Resource Management, 52, 353-373.
  54. Chang, Y. Y., Lu, L. *, Lu, C. Q., & Chou, C. Y., 2013, 大中華地區主管領導風格與員工工作後果之關聯:以自我觀為調節變項 The moderating effects of self-views in the relationships between leadership styles and subordinates’ work consequences, 職業教育, 2, 1-15.
  55. Lu, L., Cooper, C. L., & Lin, H. Y., 2013, A cross-cultural examination of presenteeism and supervisory support, Career Development International, 18(5), 440-456.
  56. Chen, J. W., & Lu, L.*, 2013, 大中華地區員工之工作不安全感與工作行為及態度的關聯:以情感性組織承諾為調節變項 The associations among job insecurity, work attitudes, and work behaviors in the Greater China Region: Affective organizational commitment as a moderator., 組織與管理, 6, 59-92.
  57. Chen, J. W., Lu, L., * & Wang, Y. J., 2013, 為自己出征?臺灣年輕女性外派決策中的自我展現 To Go or Not To Go?The unfolding of the self in the decision-making process of working overseas among Taiwanese young female workers., 本土心理學研究, 39, 65-116.
  58. Chen, J. W., Hsu, Y. C., Lu, L.,* & Wu, S. H., 2012, 以韌性觀點探討女性主管的職業生涯歷程 The career development of female managers: A resilience perspective, 彰化師大教育學報, 22, 51-71.
  59. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., * & Kuo, C. Y., 2012, 工作資源對工作-家庭衝突及工作表現之影響 Effects of work resources on work-to-family conflict and work outcomes., Organization and Management, 5, 101-135.
  60. Lu, L, 2012, Attitudes towards aging and older people’s intentions to continue working: A Taiwanese study, Career Development International, 17, 83-98.
  61. Chen, J. W., Lu, L.* & Hsu, Y. Y., 2012, 工作要求及工作資源與工作態度及員工福祉之關聯:以勤勉審慎性及主動性人格為調節變項 The associations among job demands, work resources and work attitudes: Conscientiousness and proactive personality traits as moderators, 人力資源管理學報, 12, 23-49.
  62. Yang, L. Q., Spector, P. E., Sanchez, J. I., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C. L., Lapierre, L., 2012, Individualism–collectivism as a moderator of the work demands–strains relationship: A cross-level and cross-national examination, Journal of International Business Studies, 43, 424-443.
  63. Lu, L., Chang, T. T., & Chang, Y. Y., 2012, 工作與家庭的意義對因應職家衝突的影響─華人雙文化自我觀之展現 The meanings of work and family and their roles in coping with work and family conflict: Practicing the Chinese bicultural self., 本土心理學研究, 37, 141-192.
  64. Lu, L., 2012, 忠於自我?或,從善如流? To be or not to be? Rethinking the Chinese bicultural self., 本土心理學研究, 37, 241-250.
  65. Chen, T. F., Chen, H. M., & Lu, L., 2012, 景觀知覺與景觀偏好對餐廳消費者行為意圖之影響 The influence of landscape perception and landscape preference on restaurant customer’s behavior intension., 戶外遊憩研究, 25(2), 1-24.
  66. Lin, H. Y., & Lu, L.*, 2012, 工作價值之群體差異—全台代表性樣本分析 Group differences in work values: Evidence from a national sample in Taiwan, 台灣管理學刊, 12, 99-116.
  67. Lu, L., 2012, Self-construals and work/family conflict: A monocultural analysis in Taiwan, International Journal of Stress Management, 19, 251-271.
  68. Chang, T. T., Lu, L. *, & Pan, C. F., 2012, The Bi-directional enrichment of work and family: Antecedents, consequences, and interdependent self as a moderator, Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54, 471-493.
  69. Lu, L., 2012, Aging and quality of life in Taiwan, Journal of Alternative Medicine Research, 4, 233-243.
  70. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., 2012, The avid adolescent reader revisited: Gender differences and their association with family factors, Reading Improvement, 49, 153-167.
  71. Masuda, A. D., Poelmans, S., Allen, T. D., Spector, P. E., Lapierre, L. M., Cooper, C. L., Abarca, N., Brough, P., Ferreiro, P., Fraile, G., Lu, L., Lu, C. Q., Siu, O. L., O’Driscoll, M. P., Simoni, A. S., Shima, S., & Morenzo-Velazquez, I., 2012, Flexible work arrangements availability and their relationship with work-to-family conflict, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: A comparison of three country clusters., Applied Psychology: An International Review, 61, 1-29.
  72. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L.*, Wu, P. Y., & Wu, W. Y., 2012, 快樂的員工更有生產力嗎?組織支持與工作態度之雙重影響 Are happy workers more productive? The dual influences of organizational support and work attitudes., 中華心理學刊, 54, 451-469.
  73. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L.*, & She, S. K., 2011, 工作價值落差與工作態度之關聯 Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics, and its associations with work attitudes., 彰化師大教育學報, 彰化師大教育學報.
  74. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L.*, 2011, Group differences in work stress and strains: A large sample analysis based on the theoretical model of OSI, NTU Management Review, 22, 239-272.
  75. Chueh, K. H., Yen, C. F., Lu, L., & Yang, M. S., 2011, Association between psychosomatic symptoms and work stress among Taiwan police of?cers, Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 144-149.
  76. Lu, L., 2011, Leisure and Depression in Midlife: A Taiwanese National Survey of Middle-aged Adults, Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 137-147.
  77. Chang, Y. Y., & Lu, L., 2011, 工作家庭雙介面之要求、資源與職家衝突關連之性別差異 Sex differences in the relationships between work and family demands, resources, and work-family conflict., 商略學報, 3, 25-38.
  78. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Siu, O. L., & Lu, C. Q., 2011, Work stress, Chinese work values, and work well-being in the greater China., Journal of Social Psychology, 151, 767-783.
  79. Chen, J. W., & Lu, L. *, 2011, 「還有明天?」工作不安全感對員工的差異性影響 Will you have the job tomorrow? The differential effects of job insecurity on employees., 人力資源管理學報, 11, 49-73.
  80. Lu, L., 2011, A Chinese longitudinal study on work/family enrichment., Career Development International, 16, 385-400.
  81. Wu, H. P., & Lu, L., 2011, 員工國際經驗、生涯發展與外派中國意願之關係-以家庭系統因素為調節變項 The associations between employees’ international experiences, career development and their willingness to be relocated to the Mainland China: family factors as moderators. International Journal of Co, 商略學報, 3, 175-196.
  82. Chang, T. T., Lu, L., & Huang, M. Y., 2011, 工作負荷與工作行為之關聯:主動性人格為調節變項 The relationship between workload and work behavior: proactive personality as a moderator, 台灣管理學刊, 11, 177-195.
  83. Lu, L., 2011, 主管領導行為與員工工作表現之關連—初探華人雙文化自我的運作 Supervisors’leadership behaviors and subordinates’ performance: Moderating effects of the bicultural self, Advances in Psychology, 1, 51-61.
  84. Lu, L., Chang, Y. Y., & Lai, S. Y. L., 2011, What differentiates success from strain: The moderating effects of self-efficacy, International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 396-412.
  85. Lu, L., 2011, 現代華人的雙文化自我與雙重陷落 The contemporary Chinese bi-cultural self and its double jeopardy, 本土心理學研究, 36, 155-168.
  86. Chen, R. J., & Lu, L., 2011, Prescribing hormone replacement therapy: The role of occupational stress., Stress & Health, 27, 306-313.
  87. Lu, L., 2011, Effects of demographic variables, perceived spousal support, and gender role attitudes on Taiwanese women’s employability., Journal of Career Development, 38, 191-207.
  88. Lu, L., 2011, Leisure experiences and depressive symptoms among Chinese older people: A national survey in Taiwan., Educational Gerontology, 37, 753-771.
  89. Lu, L., 2011, Working hours and personal preference among Taiwanese employees., International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 4, 244-256.
  90. Du, C. L., Lin, M. C., Lu, L., & Tai, J. J., 2011, Correlation of Occupational Stress Index with 24-hour urine cortisol and Serum DHEA sulfate among city bus drivers: A cross-sectional study., Safety and Health at Work, 2, 169-175.
  91. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., & Hsieh, Y. H., 2011, Attitudes towards older people and managers’ intention to hire older workers: A Taiwanese study., Educational Gerontology, 37, 835-853.
  92. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2010, 台灣大學生對老人態度與其從業意向之關連性 Attitudes towards old people and their relation to career choices among Taiwanese university students., 教育與心理研究, 33, 33-54.
  93. Lu, L., 2010, Employment among older workers and inequality of gender and education: Evidence from a Taiwanese national survey., International Journal of Ageing & Human Development, 70, 145-162.
  94. Wu. H. P., Lu, L. , Lin, S. C., & Liu, C. M., 2010, 台灣女性是否跟隨丈夫外派移居之決策考量 Expatriates’ wives’ decision-making on relocating overseas: A qualitative analysis, 應用心理研究, 45, 203-242.
  95. Lu, L., Cooper, C., Kao, S. F., Chang, T. T., 2010, Cross-cultural differences in work-to-family conflict and role satisfaction: A Taiwanese-British comparison., Human Resource Management, 49, 67-85.
  96. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., & Hsieh, Y. H., 2010, Positive attitudes towards older people and well-being among Chinese community older adults., Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29, 622-639.
  97. Lu, L., Siu, O. L., & Lu, C. Q., 2010, Does loyalty protect Chinese workers from stress? The role of affective organizational commitment in the Greater China region., Stress & Health, 26, 161-168.
  98. Lu, L., 2010, Work stressors, Chinese coping strategies, and job performance in the Greater China., International Journal of Psychology, 45, 294-302.
  99. Wu, H. P., Lu, L.*, Ku, C. C., & Chang, Y. Y., 2010, 轉換型領導行為、部屬工作壓力級主管滿意度的關聯-人格特質為調節變項 The associations between transformational leadership behaviors and subordinates’ work stress and supervisor satisfaction., 中華管理學報, 11, 1-30.
  100. Wu, H. P., Lu L. *, & Wu, S. J., 2010, 績效優異員工之背景與職能條件:在台上市電腦系統公司為例 High-performing employees’ profiles and competencies: A listed computer systems company in Taiwan., 人力資源管理學報, 10, 1-26.
  101. Lu, L., 2010, Who is happy in Taiwan? The demographic classifications of the happy person., Psychologia, 53, 55-67.
  102. Lu, L., 2010, Attitudes towards older people and coworkers’ intention to work with older employees: A Taiwanese study., International Journal of Ageing & Human Development, 71, 305-322.
  103. Fu, Y. C., Lu, L., & Chen, S. Y., November 2009, 休閒參與的個人背景差異:社會人口因素、人格特質、 社會需求 Differentiating personal facilitators of leisure participation: Socio-demographics, personality traits, and the need for sociability., 觀光休閒學報, 15, 187-212.
  104. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., 2009, Academic correlates of Taiwanese senior-high-school students’ happiness., Adolescence, 44, 981-992.
  105. Chen, S. Y., & Lu, L., 2009, After-school time use in Taiwan: Effects on educational achievement and well-being., Adolescence, 44, 891-909.
  106. Chang, T. T., & Lu, L., 2009, 資源損失與資源獲得對職家衝突之影響:資源保存理論的觀點 The effects of resource loss and resource gain on work-family conflict: The perspective of resource conservation., 台大管理論叢, 20, 69-98.
  107. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2009, Direct and indirect effects of personality traits on leisure satisfaction: Evidence from a national probability sample in Taiwan., Social Behavior & Personality, 37, 191-192.
  108. Lu, L., & Chen, S. Y., 2009, Internet use as a leisure activity for adults in Taiwan., Journal of Sport and Recreation Research, 3, 1-14.
  109. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Chang, T. T., & Lee, Y. W., 2009, Individual differences in coping with criticism of one’s physical appearance among Taiwanese students., International Journal of Psychology, 44, 274-281.
  110. Chang, K. C., Lu, L., 2009, The influence of occupation on stressors and work behaviour, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, 591-605.
  111. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2009, Leisure participation and leisure satisfaction: Moderating effects of personality traits., Journal of Sport and Recreation Research, 3, 1-11.
  112. Lu, L., 2009, “I or we”: Family socialization values in a national probability sample in Taiwan., Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 12, 145-150.
  113. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Cooper, C. L., Allen, T. D., Lapierre, L. M., O’Driscoll, M. P., Poelmans, S. A. Y., Sanchez, J. I., & Spector, P. E., 2009, Work resources, work-to-family conflict, and its consequences: A Taiwanese-British cross-cultural comparison, International Journal of Stress Management, 16, 25-44.
  114. Lu, L., Hsieh, P. H., & Pan, C. F., 2009, 職場性別公平現況與性別公平知覺對工作態度之影響—臺灣全國樣本之分析 The perception of gender equality and its impact on work attitudes in Taiwan: Evidence from a national sample, Journal of Management Practices and Principles, 3, 78-102.
  115. Lu, L., Tsai, K. C., & Wu. H. P., 2009, 工作壓力與休閒活動對工作後果之雙重影響 The dual influences of work stressors and leisure on work outcomes., 運動與休憩研究, 4, 151-165.
  116. Chang, T. T., Lu, L. * & Lu, C. Q., 2009, 工作資源、家庭資源與職家衝突 Work resources, family resources and work/family conflict: A regional comparison between Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese female employees., 經營管理論叢, Special issue, 57-72.
  117. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2009, 台灣民眾對老人的態度:量表發展與信效度初探 Attitudes towards old people in Taiwan: Scale development and preliminary evidence of reliability and validity, 教育與心理研究, 32, 147-171.
  118. Lu, L, 2008, The individual- and social-oriented Chinese bicultural self: Testing the theory, Journal of Social Psychology, 148, 347-374.
  119. Lu, L., 2008, The individual- and social-oriented Chinese bicultural self: A sub-cultural analysis contrasting mainland Chinese and Taiwanese, Social Behavior & Personality, 36, 337-346.
  120. Lu, L., 2008, 學者必須寫作─如何向國際期刊投稿 Scholar must write: How to publish in international journals, US-China Education Review, 5, 61-65.
  121. Kao, S. F., Lu, L., * & Lu, C. Q., 2008, 工作與家庭的要求和資源、工作-家庭衝突及其後果-台灣與大陸的比較 Demands and resources in work/family domains, work/family conflict and their consequences: A regional comparison between Taiwanese and mainland Chinese., Chinese Business Review-USA, 8, 39-47.
  122. Lu, L., 2008, Culture, self, and subjective well-being: Cultural psychological and social change perspectives., Psychologia, 51, 290-303.
  123. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Chang, T. T., Wu, H. P., & Cooper, C. L., 2008, Work/Family Demands, Work Flexibility, Work/Family Conflict, and Their Consequences at Work: A National Probability Sample in Taiwan, International Journal of Stress Management, 15, 1-21.
  124. Lu, L., 2007, 華人的幸福觀與幸福感 The Chinese conception and experiences of subjective well-being, 心理學應用探索, 1, 19-30.
  125. Spector, P. E., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Lapierre, L. M., Cooper, C. L., O’Driscoll, M., Sanchez, J. I., Abarca, N., Alexandrova, M., Beham, B., Brough, P., Ferreiro, P., Fraile, G., Lu, C. Q., Lu, L., 2007, Cross-national differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction and turnover intentions with work-family conflict., Personnel Psychology, 60, 805-835.
  126. Chang, K. C. & Lu, L.,, 2007, Characteristics of organizational culture, stressors and well-being: The case of Taiwanese organizations., Journal of Managerial Psychology,, 22, 549-568.
  127. Lu, L.,, 2007, 個人取向與社會取向的自我觀:概念分析與實證測量 The individual- and social-oriented self views: Conceptual analysis and empirical assessment., 美中教育評論, 4, 1-24.
  128. Chang, Y. Y. & Lu, L.,, 2007, 愛情關係中對方衝突管理方式與自身關係滿意度之關連 The impact of partner’s conflict management on one’s own satisfaction in a love relationship., 中華心理衛生學刊, 20, 155-178.
  129. Lu, L. & Ung, K. C.,, 2007, 師生的心理傳統性與現代性、關係契合性對師生互動品質及學生心理福祉的影響 An exploratory study on psychological traditionality, modernity, advisor-student fit, their influences on quality of the relationship and students’ well-being., Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 27, 81-118.
  130. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R.,, 2007, Developing a new measure of independent and interdependent views of the self., Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 249-257.
  131. Lu, L. & Chang, K. C., 2007, 集體性與個人特質對台灣大學生之重要性與其自我增強之關係 The importance of collectivistic and individualistic traits to Taiwanese undergraduates and its relationship with self-enhancement, 美中教育評論, 4, 23-28.
  132. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S.,, 2006, The emergence and composition of the traditional-modern bicultural self of people in contemporary Taiwanese societies., Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 9, 167-175.
  133. Lu, L.,, 2006, Cultural fit: Individual and societal discrepancies in values, beliefs and SWB., Journal of Social Psychology, 146, 203-221.
  134. Lu, L.,, 2006, Postnatal adjustment of Chinese parents: A two-wave panel study in Taiwan., International Journal of Psychology, 41, 371-384.
  135. Lu, L.,, 2006, The transition to parenthood: Stress, resources and gender differences in a Chinese society, Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 471-488.
  136. Lu, L., Kao, S.F., & Chen, F.Y.,, 2006, 傳統性、現代性孝道觀念及其對幸福感影響:一項親子對偶設計 Psychological traditionality, modernity, filial piety and their influences on subjective well-being: A parent-child dyadic design., 本土心理學研究, 25, 243-278.
  137. Kao, S.F. & Lu, L.,, 2006, 夫妻傳統性/現代性的契合與婚姻適應之關聯 The relationship of conjugal congruence in psychological traditionality/modernity to marital adjustment., 本土心理學研究, 25, 47-100.
  138. Lu, L., Gilmour, R., Kao, S. F., & Huang, M. T.,, 2006, A Cross-Cultural Study of Work/Family Demands, Work/Family Conflict, and Well-Being: The Taiwanese vs. British., Career Development International,, 11, 9-27.
  139. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R.,, 2006, Individual-oriented and social-oriented cultural conceptions of subjective well being: Conceptual analysis and scale development., Asian Journal of Social Psychology,, 9, 36-49.
  140. Huang, S.W. & Lu, L.*,, 2005, 遺愛人間:器官捐贈家屬之決策歷程 Leaving love behind: Decision-making process of the organ donation families., 應用心理研究, 28, 163-196.
  141. Lu, L. & Hu, C.H.,, 2005, Personality, leisure experiences and happiness., Journal of Happiness Studies, 6, 325-342.
  142. Lu, L., Lee, H. M., & Shieh, T. Y.,, 2005, 牙醫師職業壓力與身心健康及職業倦怠之關係:以高雄市牙醫師為例 Occupational stress, health and occupational burnout among dentists: A study of clinical dentists in Kaohsiung., 應用心理研究, 27, 59-80.
  143. Lu, L.*, Hwang, M.T., & Kao, S.F.,, 2005, 工作與家庭的雙向衝突:前因、後果及調節變項之探討 The bi-directional conflict of work and family: Antecedents, consequences and moderators., 應用心理研究, 27, 133-166.
  144. Lu, L. & Yang, K.S.,, 2005, 社會取向與個人取向的自我實現:概念分析與實徵初探 Individual- and social-oriented views of self-actualization: Conceptual analysis and preliminary empirical exploration., 本土心理學研究, 23, 3-69.
  145. Lu, L.,, 2005, In pursuit of happiness: The cultural psychological study of SWB., Chinese Journal of Psychology, 47, 99-112.
  146. Yang, K.S. & Lu, L.,, 2005, 社會取向自我實現者與個人取向自我實現的心理特徵:概念分析與實徵衡鑑 Social - vs. Individual -oriented Self-actualizers: Conceptual Analysis and Empirical Assessment of Their Psychological Characteristics., 本土心理學研究, 23, 71-143.
  147. Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Poelmans, S. Allen, T. D., O’Driscoll, M., Sanchez, J. I., Siu, O. L., Dewe, P., Hart, P., Lu, L. et al., 2004, A cross-national comparative study of work/family stressors, working hours, and well-being: China and Latin America vs. the Anglo world., Personnel Psychology, 57, 119-142.
  148. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R., 2004, Culture and conceptions of happiness: Individual oriented and social oriented SWB, Journal of Happiness Studies, 5, 269-291.
  149. Lu, L. & Gilmour, R., 2004, Culture, self and ways to achieve SWB: A cross-cultural analysis., Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 5, 51-79.
  150. Lu, L., 2004, Sex differences and conjugal interdependence on parenthood stress and adjustment: A dyadic longitudinal Chinese study., Marriage and Family Review, 36, 75-93.
  151. Lu, L. & Lin, Y.C., 2003, Academic achievement and self-concept: Chinese and Japanese adolescents, Fu Jen Studies: Science and Engineering, 37, 43-62.
  152. Lu, L., 2003, 人我關係之界定─「折衷自我」的現身 Defining the self-other relation: The emergence of a composite self., 本土心理學研究, 20, 139-207.
  153. Lu, L., Cooper, C.L., Kao, S.F. & Zhou, Y., 2003, Work stress, control beliefs and well-being in Greater China: An exploration of sub-cultural differences between the PRC and Taiwan, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 479-510.
  154. Siu, O. L., Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Lu, L. & Yu, S. F., 2002, Managerial stress in Greater China: The direct and moderator effects of coping strategies and work locus of control,, An International Review, 51, 608-632.
  155. Lu, L. & Kao, S.F., 2002, Traditional and modern characteristics across the generations: Similarities and discrepancies, Journal of Social Psychology, 142, 45-59.
  156. Lu, L., 2002, A preliminary study on the concept of health among the Chinese., Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15, 179-189.
  157. Lu, L. & Chen, H.H., 2002, 臺灣變遷遂中老人的家庭角色調適及代間關係之初探 An exploratory study on role adjustment and intergenerational relationships among the elderly in the changing Taiwan., 應用心理研究, 14, 221-249.
  158. Lu, L. & Hu, C.H., 2002, Experiencing leisure: The case of Chinese university students., Fu Jen Studies: Science and Engineering, 36, 1-21.
  159. Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Sanchez, J. I., O’Driscoll, M., Sparks, K., Bernin, P., Buessing, A., Dewe, P., Hart, P., Lu, L. et al., 2002, Locus of control and well-being at work: How generalizable are western findings?, Academy of Management Journal, 45, 453-466.
  160. Lu, L. & Lin, K.C., 2002, Work values and job adjustment of Taiwanese workers., Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 10, 79-87.
  161. Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Sparks, K., Bernin, P., Buessing, A., Dewe, P., Lu, L. et al., 2001, An International Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Hofstede Values Survey Module 1994: A Comparison of Individual and Country/Province Level Results., Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50, 269-281.
  162. Lu, L., Gilmour, R. & Kao, S.F., 2001, Culture values and happiness: An East-West dialogue., Journal of Social Psychology, 141, 477-493.
  163. Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Sanchez, J. I., O’Driscoll, M., Sparks, K., Bernin, P., Buessing, A., Dewe, P., Hart, P., Lu, L. et al., 2001, Do national levels of individualism and internal locus of control relate to well-being: An ecological level international study., Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 815-832.
  164. Kao, S.F. & Lu, L*., 2001, 父母管教態度與國中生升學考試壓力感受之關係 The relationship between parental rearing attitudes and the perceived stress of JHSEE among junior high school students, 應用心理研究, 10, 221-250.
  165. Lu, L., Gilmour, R., Kao, S. F., Weng, T. H., Hu, C. H., Chern, J. G., Huang, S. W. & Shih, J. B., 2001, Two ways to achieve happiness: When the East meets the West., Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1161-1174.
  166. Lu, L., 2001, Understanding happiness: A look into the Chinese folk psychology, Journal of Happiness Studies, 2, 407-432.
  167. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Zhou, Y. & Siu, O. L., 2001, 兩岸三地員工之工作壓力、控制信念、工作滿意及身心健康 Work stress, control beliefs, job satisfaction and well-being of employees in the Greater China., 中華心理衛生學刊, 14, 55-87.
  168. Ju, L. S. & Lu, L.*, 2000, 流行歌曲歌迷偶像崇拜的心態與行為初探 An exploratory study of attitudes and behaviors of idolatry among fans of popular songs., 應用心理研究, 8, 171-208.
  169. Lu, L., 2000, Gender and conjugal differences in happiness., Journal of Social Psychology, 140. 132-141.
  170. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Cooper, C. L. & Spector, P. E., 2000, Managerial stress, locus of control and job strain in Taiwan and UK: A comparative study., International Journal of Stress Management, 7, 209-226.
  171. Miller, K., Greyling, M., Cooper, C., Lu, L., Sparks, K. & Spector, P.E., 2000, Occupational stress and gender: A cross-cultural study., Stress Medicine, 16, 271-278.
  172. Siu, O. L., Lu, L. & Cooper, C. L., 1999, Managerial stress in Hong Kong and Taiwan: A comparative study., Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14, 6-25.
  173. Lu, L, Tseng, H. J., & Cooper, C. L., 1999, Managerial stress, job satisfaction and health in Taiwan., Stress Medicine, 15, 53-64.
  174. Lu, L., Wu, H. L. & Cooper, C. L., 1999, Perceived work stress and locus of control: A combined quantitative and qualitative approach., Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 7, 1-15.
  175. Lu, L., 1999, Personal and environmental causes of happiness: A longitudinal analysis., Journal of Social Psychology, 139, 79-90.
  176. Lu, L., 1999, Work motivation, job stress and employees’ well-being., Journal of Applied Management Studies, 8, 61-72.
  177. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 1999, 主管工作壓力的族群差異:個人背景、工作與職業因素 Group differences in work stress: Demographic, job and occupational factors., 中華心理衛生學刊, 12(2), 23-66.
  178. Lin, C. C., Lu, L., Wang, J. S. & Lai, Y. H., 1998, 連續可活動性腹膜透析自我效力量表之建立與測試 Developing and testing of a CAPD Self-efficacy Scale., 護理研究, 6(4), 315-326.
  179. Lu, L. & Chang, C. J., 1998, Health and satisfaction among the elderly with chronic conditions: Demographic differentials., Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 14, 139-149.
  180. Lu, L., 1998, 中國人幸福感之內涵、測量及相關因素探討 The meaning, measure, and correlates of happiness among Chinese people., 國家科學委員會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學, 8(1),115-137.
  181. Lu, L. & Lin, Y. Y., 1998, Family roles and happiness in adulthood., Personality and Individual Differences, 25, 195-207.
  182. Lu, L. & Wu, H. L., 1998, Gender-role traits and depression: Self-esteem and control as mediators., Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 11, 95-107..
  183. Lu, L., Cooper, C. L., Chen, Y. C., Hsu, C. H., Wu, H. L., Shih, J. B. & Li, C. H., 1997, Chinese version of the OSI: A validation study., Work & Stress, 11, 79-86.
  184. Lu, L. & Shih, J. B., 1997, Personality and happiness: Is mental health a mediator?, Personality and Individual Differences, 22, 249-256.
  185. Lu, L., 1997, Social support, reciprocity, and well-being., Journal of Social Psychology, 137, 618-628.
  186. Lu, L. & Shih, J. B., 1997, Sources of happiness: A qualitative approach., Journal of Social Psychology, 137, 181-187.
  187. Lu, L., 1997, 工作壓力之歷程:理論與研究的對話 The process of work stress: A dialogue between theory and research, 中華心理衛生學刊, 10, 19-51.
  188. Lu, L. & Hsieh, Y. H., 1997, Demographic variables, control, stress, support and health among the elderly., Journal of Health Psychology, 2, 97-106.
  189. Lu, L., 1997, Hassles, appraisals, coping and distress: A closer look at the stress process., Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 13, 503-510.
  190. Lu, L., Shiau, C. & Cooper, C. L., 1997, Occupational stress in clinical nurses., Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 10, 39-50.
  191. Lu, L. & Chang, C. J., 1997, Support, health and satisfaction among the elderly with chronic conditions in Taiwan., Journal of Health Psychology, 2, 471-480.
  192. Lu, L., 1996, Coping consistency and emotional outcome: Intra-individual and inter-individual analyses., Personality and Individual Differences, 21, 583-589.
  193. Lu, L. & Chen, C. S., 1996, Correlates of coping behaviours: Internal and external resources., Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 9, 297-307.
  194. Lu, L., 1995, Stress, social support and depression among Taiwanese female homemakers., Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 185-190.
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  202. Lu, L. & Argyle, M., 1993, TV watching, soap opera and happiness, Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 9, 350-360.
  203. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1992, New directions in the psychology of leisure., The New Psychologist, 1, 3-11.
  204. Lu, L. & Argyle, M., 1992, Receiving and giving social support: their effects on relationships and well-being., Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 5, 123-134.
  205. Lu, L., 1991, Daily Hassles and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study., British Journal of Psychology, 82, 441-447.
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  208. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1990, Happiness and Social Skills., Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 1255-1261.
  209. Lu, L. & Cooper, C. L., 1990, Stress of Job Relocation: Important Factors and Implication for Intervention., Work and Stress, 4, 121-128.
  210. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1990, The Happiness of Extroverts., Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 1011-1017.
  1. Chan, X. W., Shang, S., & Lu, L., 2024, Work-life research in the Asia-Pacific: Implications for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion Palgrave Macmillan
  2. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 2020, Consumer Behavior: The global digital world Tsang Hai Publishing
  3. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 2018, Organizational Behavior Tsang Hai Publishing
  4. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F. (Eds.), 2018, Psychology and contemporary life: Human adjustment Cengage
  5. Cary L. Cooper & Luo Lu, 2018, Presenteeism at work Cambridge University Press
  6. Lu, L., Wu, H. P., & Fan, H. L., 2017, When we are together: Building effective teams through identification and cooperation Future Career Management Corporation
  7. Lu, L., & Wu, H. P., 2017, When the world becomes smaller, flatter, and hotter: Globalization of organizations and expatriation career management Future Career Management Corporation
  8. Luo Lu & Ting-Ting Chang, 2017, When women go out to work and men return to the family: In pursuit of work-family balance and successes Future Career Management Corporation
  9. Lu, L., Wu, H. P., Chang, T. T., Fan, H. L., Wu, P. Y., Chou, C. Y., Chen, F. M., & Liang, C. C., 2017, Immunity to change. CSDC
  10. Luo Lu & Shu-Fan Kao, 2016, Human Resource Management Tsang Hai Publishing
  11. Luo Lu & Shu-Fan Kao, 2015, Organizational behavior: Respecting people & enhancing management Future Career Management Corporation
  12. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2015, Business psychology: Reading the minds in business. Future Career Management Corporation
  13. Luo Lu & Shu-Fan Kao, 2015, Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. Cengage
  14. Luo Lu & Cary L. Cooper, 2015, Handbook of research on work-life balance in Asia Edward Elgar Publishing
  15. Lu, L., Chou, C. Y., Chen, F. M., Liang, C. C., & Fan, H. L., 2015, Inter-Act. Future Career Management Corporation
  16. Lu, L., Kao, S. F., Chang, Y. Y., Chen, J. W., & Lin, H. Y., 2013, Management psychology: Managerial efficacy and quality enhancement. Future Career Management Corporation
  17. Kao, S. F., & Lu, L., 2012, Psychology. Hungyeh Books.
  18. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F. (Eds.), 2012, Psychology and contemporary life: Human adjustment. Cengage.
  19. Lu, L., & Kao, S. F., 2012, Applied psychology. Future Career Management Corporation.
  20. Lu, L., 2011, Consumer Behavior. Tsang Hai Publishing.
  21. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 2010, Human Resource Management Tsang Hai Publishing.
  22. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 2009, Organizational Behavior. Tsang Hai Publishing.
  23. Yang, K. S. & Lu, L. (Eds.), 2008, The Chinese self: Psychological analysis. National Taiwan University Press.
  24. Lu, L., 2007, Social psychology.(Trans.) Thomson.
  25. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F. (Eds.), 2006, Psychology applied to modern life. Thomson.
  26. Lu, L., 2006, Theories of personality.(Trans.) Thomson.
  27. Lu, L. & Kao, S. F., 2003, Psychology applied to modern life.(Trans.) Hung Yeh.
  28. Lu, L., 1999, Psychology and You: An Introduction Shanghai Educational Publication House
  29. Lu, L., 1997, The psychology of social class. Chu Liu Books.
  30. Shih, J.B. & Lu, L., 1997, The psychology of happiness. Chu Liu Books.
  31. Li, C.H. & Lu, L., 1996, The social psychology of religion. Chu Liu Books.
  32. Lu, L., 1996, The scientific study of social behaviour. Chu Liu Books.
  33. Lu, L., 1996, The psychology of interpersonal behaviour. Chu Liu Books.
  34. Lu, L., 1995, The social psychology in everyday life Chu Liu Books.
  35. Lu, L., 1989, Individual differences in vulnerability to stress University of Oxford: D.Phil thesis.
Book Paper
  1. Lu, L., 2024, Balancing performance and well-being: Motivational and resource regulation in the context of excessive availability for work., Routledge, ( The Routledge Companion to mental health at work. (pp. 248-266) ).
  2. Hsiao, C., Lu, L., & Lin, Y. Z., 2024, The maternal forge: Crafting leadership resilience through motherhood experiences., Palgrave Macmillan, ( Work-life research in the Asia-Pacific: Implications for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. ).
  3. Lu, C. Q., Siu, O. L., Wang, H. J., & Lu, L., 2021, Job stressors in Greater China: An explorative study using the qualitative and quantitative approaches, Routledge, ( Organizational stress around the world: Research and practice. (pp. 43-61) ).
  4. Luo Lu, 2020, Occupational wellbeing and sustainability, Bookzone, ( Occupational wellbeing and sustainability (5th ed., pp. 288-325) ).
  5. Cooper, C. L., & Lu, L., 2018, Introduction, Cambridge University Press, ( Presenteeism at work. (pp. 1-6) ).
  6. Luo Lu & Shu-Fan Kao, 2018, Understanding the excessive availability for work in the Confucian Asia: Interactions between socio-cultural forces and personal drives, Cambridge University Press, ( Presenteeism at work. (pp. 69-94) ).
  7. Luo Lu, 2017, Creating wellbeing among older people: An Eastern perspective, John Wiley & Sons, ( The handbook of stress and health: A guide to research and practice. (pp. 388~399) ).
  8. Lu, L., & Chou, C. Y., 2017, Long working hours and presenteeism in Asia: A cultural psychological analysis., Routledge, ( Routledge companion to wellbeing at work. (pp. 135-149) ).
  9. Luo Lu, 2016, Work longer or live smarter? Striving for desirable work time arrangements in diverse cultural contexts, Springer, ( Impact of ICT on work practices. (pp. 195-218) ).
  10. Siu O. L., Spector, P. E., Lu, C. Q., & Lu, L., 2016, Joint moderating effects of self-efficacy and coping on stressor-psychological strain relationships in Greater China: Evidence from three subregions. In A-S., Gower Publishing Limited, ( Coping, personality and the workplace: Responding to psychological crisis and critical events. (pp. 67-81) ).
  11. Luo Lu, 2015, “I love my work, but I love my family more”-Testing a cultural theory of work and family in Taiwan., Edward Elgar Publishing, ( Handbook of research on work-life balance in Asia. (pp. 9-34) ).
  12. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., & Siu, O. L., 2014, Social stressors at work and strains of Taiwanese and Hong Kong employees: Effects of self-efficacy and active coping strategies, (in Chinese), National Central University Center for Hong Kong Research, ( Comparative Humanity, Social and Economics in Taiwan and Hong Kong. (pp. 274-309) ).
  13. Lu. L., May 2013, The dynamism of balancing work and family in a developing society: Evidence from Taiwan, Edward Elgar, ( The psychology of the recession on the workplace. (pp. 293-307) ).
  14. Lin, H. Y., Lu, L., Siu, O. L., & Wu, P. Y., 2013, Work stressors and strains of Taiwanese and Hong Kong employees: The moderating roles of work motivation and coping strategies, (pp. 169-208)(in Chinese), Yuan-Liou Publishing, ( Comparative Humanity and Management in Taiwan and Hong Kong. (pp. 169-208) ).
  15. Lu, L., & Hsu, Y. C., 2013, Happy productivity and the practicality of Wangdao, (pp. 175-190) (in Chinese), Yuan-Liou Publishing, ( The Practicality of Wangdao in the 21st century. (pp. 175-190) ).
  16. Lu, L., 2012, Occupational health management: From distress to eustress, (4th ed., pp. 389-415), Bookzone, ( 12 lectures on human resource management. (4th ed., pp. 389-415) ).
  17. Lu, L., 2012, Successful aging and quality of life in later years in Taiwan, (pp. 31-47), Nova Science Publishers, ( Psychology of life satisfaction. (pp. 31-47) ).
  18. Fu, Y. C. & Lu, L., 2012, Responses to social desirability bias in interactions with strangers: Influences of external circumstances and personal attributes, (pp. 293-346), Institute of Sociology, Academia Sonica, ( Social change in Taiwan (1985-2005): Psychology, value and religion. (pp. 293-346) ).
  19. Lu, L., 2010, Chinese well-being., pp. 327-342, Oxford University Press., ( The Oxford handbook of Chinese Psychology. (pp. 327-342) ).
  20. Lu, L., 2006, Occupational health management, Taipei, Taiwan: Bookzone, ( 12 lectures on human resource management. (3rd ed., pp. 228-251) ).
  21. Spector, P.E., Allen, T.D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C.L., Bernin, P., Hart, P., Lu, L., et al., 2005, An International Comparative Study of Work/Family Stress and Occupational Strain., Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ( Work and Family. An International Research Perspective. (pp. 71-84) ).
  22. Lu, L. & Cooper, C.L., 1995, The impact of job relocation: Future research., John Wiley & Sons., ( Trends in organizational behaviour (Vol. 2, pp.51-63). ).
  23. Argyle, M., Martin, M. & Lu, L., 1995, Testing for stress and happiness: The role of social and cognitive factors., DC: Taylor & Francis., ( Stress and emotion (Vol. 15, pp.175-187). ).
  24. Argyle, M. & Lu, L., 1994, The Happiness of Extroverts., Dartmouth Publishing Company, ( Experiments on social interaction: collected papers of Michael Argyle. ).
Technical Report
  1. Lu, L., 2023, Balancing performance and well-being: Conservation and compensation of resources in the context of excessive availability for work (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 111-2410-H-002-038-SS3. (in Chinese)
  2. Lu, L., 2023, Damage and benefits of excessive availability for work: The role of human agency through motivational regulation (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 108-2410-H-002-126-SS3. (in Chinese)
  3. Lu, L., 2021, Damage and benefits of excessive availability for work: The role of human agency through motivational regulation (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 108-2410-H-002-126-SS3. (in Chinese)
  4. Lu, L., 2020, Damage and benefits of excessive availability for work: The role of human agency through motivational regulation (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 108-2410-H-002-126-SS3. (in Chinese)
  5. Lu, L., 2020, Motivations and mechanisms of long working hours in Asia: A cultural psychological analysis (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 106-2410-H-002-197-SS2. (in Chinese)
  6. Lu, L., 2019, “Do not go gentle into that good night!” Continued labor participation in older age in Taiwan: A Social cognitive perspective (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 105-2420-H-002-020-MY3. (in Chinese)
  7. Lu, L., 2018, Motivations and mechanisms of long working hours in Asia: A cultural psychological analysis (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 106-2410-H-002-197-SS2. (in Chinese)
  8. Lu, L., 2018, Toward a social cognitive theory of presenteeism (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 103-2410-H-002-195-SS3. (in Chinese)
  9. Lu, L., 2017, “Do not go gentle into that good night!” Continued labor participation in older age in Taiwan: A Social cognitive perspective (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 105-2420-H-002-020-MY3. (in Chinese)
  10. Lu, L., 2016, Toward a social cognitive theory of presenteeism (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 103-2410-H-002-195-SS3.
  11. Lu, L., 2016, “Do not go gentle into that good night!” Continued labor participation in older age in Taiwan: A Social cognitive perspective (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 105-2420-H-002-020-MY3.
  12. Lu, L., 2015, Toward a social cognitive theory of presenteeism (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 103-2410-H-002-195-SS3. (in Chinese)
  13. Lu, L., 2015, The mutual conjugal influences among married couples in the work-family conflict process: Applying the actor-partner interdependence model (A04). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 103-2629-H-002-001. (in Chinese)
  14. Lu, L., 2014, Creating and managing effective virtual teams in cloud computing (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC101-2410-H-002 -197 -MY2. (in Chinese)
  15. Lu, L., 2014, Reclaim the missing partner in the work-family interface: The role of conjugal alliance as a family resource (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC100-2420-H-002-081-KF3. (in Chinese)
  16. Lu, L., 2013, Constructing a comprehensive social engagement to ensure optimized aging for older people in Taiwan (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 102R76181B. (in Chinese)
  17. Lu, L., 2013, Creating and managing effective virtual teams in cloud computing (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC101-2410-H-002-197-MY2. (in Chinese)
  18. Lu, L., 2013, Reclaim the missing partner in the work-family interface: The role of conjugal alliance as a family resource (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC100-2420-H-002-081-KF3. (in Chinese)
  19. Lu, L., 2012, A Taiwan-British comparison on presenteeism among service industry workers: Motives, antecedents and consequences. Sayling Wen Cultural & Educational Foundation, Taiwan.
  20. Lu, L., 2012, Constructing a comprehensive social engagement to ensure optimized aging for older people in Taiwan (I). National Taiwan University Cutting-Edge Steering Research Project, Taiwan, 10R706181B. (in Chinese).
  21. Lu, L., 2012, Reclaim the missing partner in the work-family interface: The role of conjugal alliance as a family resource (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC100-2420-H-002-081-KF3.
  22. Lu, L., 2011, The fit between desired and actual time, and its association with work results. Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research, Working Paper Series.
  23. Lu, L., 2011, Reciprocal relations among work demands/resources, work-to-family conflict, and work consequences: A three-wave panel study (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan NSC97-2410-H-002-201-MY3
  24. Lu, L., 2011, Factors influencing the labor participation of senior citizens in Taiwan: A social psychological perspective (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2420-H-002-200-KF3
  25. Lu, L., 2011, The Chinese bicultural views of the self: Individual-oriented and social-oriented psychological perspectives (III). Ministry of Education, NTU-ERP 99R80100-G.
  26. Lu, L., 2010, Factors influencing the labor participation of older people in Taiwan: A social psychological perspective (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, Taiwan, NSC97-2420-H-002-200-KF3
  27. Lu, L., 2010, Reciprocal relations among work demands/resources, work-to-family conflict, and work consequences: A three-wave panel study (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2410-H-002-201-MY3
  28. Lu, L., 2010, The Chinese bicultural views of the self: Individual-oriented and social-oriented psychological perspectives (II). Ministry of Education, NTU-ERP 98R0064-26\.
  29. Lu, L., 2009, Reciprocal relations among work demands/resources, work-to-family conflict, and work consequences: A three-wave panel study (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2410-H-002-201-MY3
  30. Lu, L., 2009, Factors influencing the labor participation of older people in Taiwan: A social psychological perspective (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2420-H-002-200-KF3.
  31. Lu, L., 2009, The Chinese bicultural views of the self: Individual-oriented and social-oriented psychological perspectives (I). Ministry of Education, NTU-ERP 97R0064-26
  32. Lu, L., 2008, Attitudes towards the aged (aging): Their correlates, and relations with behavioral intentions among the Taiwanese people (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2420-H-008-001-KFS
  33. Lu, L., 2008, Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions (IV). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC96-2752-H-002-019-PAE.
  34. Lu, L., 2007, Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2413-H-431-001.
  35. Lu, L., 2007, Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2413-H-431-001.
  36. Lu, L., 2007, Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions (III). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2752-H-008-002-PAE.
  37. Lu, L., 2006, Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2413-H-431-001.
  38. Lu, L., 2006, Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions (II). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2752-H-008-002-PAE.
  39. Lu, L., 2006, Ratings of psychological journals. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2413-H-008-003
  40. Lu, L., 2006, Making a difference at work in the era of electronic commerce. Ministry of Education/National Central University, Taiwan, #955916.
  41. Lu, L., 2005, Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC93-2413-H-431-001.
  42. Lu, L., 2005, Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions (I). National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC93-2752-H-030-001-PAE.
  43. Lu, L., 2004, The fit between personal and societal culture and its impact on adjustment among the Chinese people. Ministry of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (92-3-4).
  44. Lu, L., 2003, Adjustment to parenthood transition: A longitudinal follow-up from prenatal to postpartum. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC91-2413-H-030-002-SSS
  45. Lu, L., 2003, Individual oriented and social oriented SWB: Conceptual analysis and measure development. Ministry of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (91-3-4).
  46. Lu, L., 2002, Self-other relation and the operation of self. Ministry of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (90-3-3).
  47. Lu, L., 2001, Adjusting to be first-time parents: A panel study. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC89-2413-H-037-008.
  48. Lu, L., 2001, Self-construals, cultural values and happiness: A cross-cultural comparison between Taiwan and Britain. Ministry of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4
  49. Lu, L., 2000, Managerial stress and well-being in the Greater China. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC88-2413-H-037-002
  50. Lu, L., 1999, Effects of Chinese cultural values, positive and negative social interactions on happiness. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC87-2413-H-037-002
  51. Lu, L., 1998, Work stress of managers: A Taiwanese sample as a part of an international study. The CAPCO Cultural Foundation. Taiwan.
  52. Lu, L., 1998, Culture and happiness: A Taiwan-Britain comparison. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC87-2413-H-037-001
  53. Lu, L., 1997, Role satisfaction and happiness in adulthood. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC86-2413-H-037-004
  54. Lu, L., 1996, Satisfaction toward hospital services, social support, and life satisfaction of the community elderly with chronic conditions. Department of Health, Taiwan, DOH85-TD-104
  55. Lu, L., 1996, Correlates of happiness of the Chinese people. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC85-2413-H-037-002
  56. Lu, L., 1995, Potential negative effects of social support. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC83-H301-H-037-008
  57. Lu, L, 1995, Job stress, work motivation, and employees' well-being. The CAPCO Cultural Foundation. Taiwan.
  58. Lu, L., 1994, Functional social support and health among community elderly. Department of Health, Taiwan, DOH-83-HP-47-5S01
  59. Lu, L., 1994, The occupational stress indicators. Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Taiwan, IOSH83-M243
  60. Lu, L., 1994, The Psychosocial perspectives on quality‑of‑life and its correlates. National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, NSC82-H301-H-037-006
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