Detailed Information
Chia-Wei Kuo
Ph.D. Ph.D. in Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
Office : Building II, College of Management 504
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Associate Dean, School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies, NTU
Director, Case Center, College of Management, NTU
Research Field
• Operations Management/Marketing Interface
• Revenue Management/Dynamic Pricing
• Supply Chain Management
• Game Theory
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D. in Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
• Business Decision Making (EMBA)
• General Management and Leadership (EMBA)
• Operations Management (Undergraduate and Graduate)
• Revenue Management and Pricing Strategy
• Service and Operations Management (EMBA, PMBA/PMBM)
• Statistics (Undergraduate)
2020 NTU Outstanding Mentoring Award
2015 Wu Da-Yo Memorial Award
2014, 2021 Teaching Excellence Award, National Taiwan University
2012, 2015, 2019, 2022 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Management, National Taiwan University
2011 E. SUN Research Award
Graduate Student Instructor, IOE, University of Michigan, USA
Research Assistant, IOE, University of Michigan, USA
Conference Paper
  1. Yung-Xin Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang, October 2023, Optimal Selling Strategy of Products: Probabilistic Selling and Bundle Selling, APIEMS Annual Meeting, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
  2. Yung-Xin Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang , November 2022, Optimal Selling Strategy of Products: Probabilistic Selling and Bundle Selling,  中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會-產業永續與企業ESG下工業工程的責任與展望, (Kingmen, Taiwan).
  3. Yung-Xin Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang , October 2022, Optimal Selling Strategy of Products: Probabilistic Selling and Bundle Selling, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Indianapolis, USA).
  4. Yung-Xin Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang , April 2021, Optimal Selling Strategy of Products: Probabilistic Selling and Bundle Selling, Management Concepts and Applications, (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  5. Chia-Wei Kuo, Qianbo Yin, Kwei-Long Huang, Sean Zhou , June 2019, Simultaneous vs Sequential Bundling Strategies in a Distribution Channel, MSOM Conference, (Singapore).
  6. Ting-Kai Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Hsiao-Hui Lee, June 2018, OEM selling channels and supply-chain performance, INFORMS International 2018, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  7. Chao-Lung Yang, Kwei-Long Huang and Chia-Wei Kuo , July 2017, Crop scheduling of plant factory with considering multi-period harvest, IFORS 2017, (Quebec City, Canada).
  8. Kwei-Long Huang and Chia-Wei Kuo , July 2017, Cost sharing with consideration of network service quality between internet service provider and content provider, IFORS 2017, (Quebec City, Canada).
  9. Kwei-Long Huang, Chia-Wei Kuo, Cheng-Che Ho and Chen-Ni Yen , December 2016, Revenue-sharing contract with promotion cost for the film supply chain, APIEMS 2016.
  10. Kevin Jean, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Hsiao-Hui Lee, June 2016, OEM selling channels and supply-chain performance, Department Seminar, Department of Information Management, (NCCU).
  11. Kevin Jean, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Hsiao-Hui Lee, February 2016, OEM selling channels and supply-chain performance, Department Seminar, (University of Singapore).
  12. Kevin Jean, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Hsiao-Hui Lee, January 2016, OEM selling channels and supply-chain performance, The 7th POMS-HK International Conference, (Macau).
  13. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, and Kwei-Long Huang, May 2015, Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, National Tsing-Hua University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Seminar, (Hsingchu, Taiwan).
  14. Kwei-Long Huang, Han-Ju Shih and Chia-Wei Kuo, June 2015, Pricing and Production Strategies in Advance Selling with Freebies, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (University of Toronto, Canada).
  15. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Chao-Lung Yang, November 2014, Optimal Contract Design for Cloud Computing Service with Resource Service Guarantee, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (San Francisco, CA).
  16. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, and Kwei-Long Huang, June 2014, Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (University of Washington, Seattle, WA).
  17. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, and Kwei-Long Huang, February 2014, Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department seminar, (Hong Kong).
  18. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Chao-Lung Yang, January 2014, Optimal Contract Design for Cloud Computing Service with Resource Service Guarantee, The 5th POMS-HK International Conference, (Hong Kong).
  19. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, and Kwei-Long Huang, November 2013, Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Management Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  20. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, and Kwei-Long Huang, October 2013, Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Minneapolis, MN, USA).
  21. Chia-Wei Kuo, May 2013, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, College of Management Ph.D. Seminar, (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  22. Chia-Wei Kuo, February 2013, Revenue Management and Price Negotiation, Soochow University, Department of Business Administration Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  23. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, January 2013, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, The 4th  POMS-HK International Conference, (Hong Kong).
  24. Chia-Wei Kuo and Ying-Ju Chen, January 2012, New Product Introduction in a Supply Chain: Upward extension, fighter brand, or substitution?, The 3rd  POMS-HK International Conference, (Hong Kong).
  25. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, April 2012, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, POMS Conference, (Chicago, IL, USA).
  26. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, June 2012, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA).
  27. Chia-Wei Kuo, Chung-Yee Lee, and Cheng-Bang Chen, October 2012, Cooperative Game for Multi-Product Assembly Systems with a Common Component, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Phoenix, AZ, USA).
  28. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, October 2012, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Phoenix, AZ, USA).
  29. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, November 2012, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, National Chunghua University of Education, Department of Business Administration Seminar, (Chunghua, Taiwan).
  30. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Hsing-Ping Kuo, October 2012, On the Roles of Price Negotiation and Extended Warranty in a Distribution Channel, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Management Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  31. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, November 2011, Pricing Policy in a Supply Chain: Negotiation or Posted Pricing, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Charlotte, NC, USA).
  32. Chia-Wei Kuo and Ying-Ju Chen, November 2011, New Product Introduction in a Supply Chain: Upward extension, fighter brand, or substitution?, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Charlotte, NC, USA).
  33. Chia-Wei Kuo, October 2011, Revenue Management and Cloud Service, Resource Course Seminar, (NTHU, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan).
  34. Chia-Wei Kuo and Sunny S. Yang, July 2011, Strategic Shelf-space Management under the Store Brand Introduction, IFORS Conference, (Melbourne, Australia).
  35. Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang, July 2011, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories under Co-Existence of Multi-Generation Products, IFORS Conference, (Melbourne, Australia).
  36. Chia-Wei Kuo and Ying-Ju Chen, June 2011, New Product Introduction in a Supply Chain: Upward extension, fighter brand, or substitution?, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
  37. Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang, June 2011, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories under Co-Existence of Multi-Generation Products, INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference, (Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA).
  38. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, May 2011, When Customers Negotiate: Implications for Dynamic Pricing and Supply Chain Management, Department Seminar, (Institute of Industrial Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan).
  39. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, April 2011, When Customers Negotiate: Implications for Dynamic Pricing and Supply Chain Management, Department Seminar, (National Dong Hwa University).
  40. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, March 2011, Pricing Policy in a Supply Chain: Negotiation or Posted Pricing, 台灣管理學術研討會, (National Chung-Hsing University, Tai-Chung, Taiwan).
  41. Chia-Wei Kuo and Pei-Ju Lu, March 2010, Quota Allocation in National Brand and Store Brand Competition, National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  42. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, May 2010, Pricing Policy in a Distribution Channel: Negotiation or Posted Pricing, POMS Conference, (Vancouver, Canada).
  43. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, May 2010, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories When Customers Negotiate, POMS Conference, (Vancouver, Canada).
  44. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, June 2010, Pricing Policy in a Distribution Channel: Negotiation or Posted Pricing, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (Haifa, Israel).
  45. Chia-Wei Kuo, and Pei-Ju Lu, July 2010, Bargaining Power of Quota Allocation in National Brand and Store Brand Competition, C&IE Conference, (Awaji Yumebutai, Hyogo, Japan).
  46. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, October 2009, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (San Diego, CA, USA).
  47. Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang, October 2009, Dynamic Pricing of Multiple Products and Customer Negotiation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (San Diego, CA, USA).
  48. Chia-Wei Kuo, Ruei-Shan Guo and Ying-Fei Wu, June 2009, Optimal Pricing Strategies of the Manufacturer and the Retailer when Customers Negotiate, CORS-INFORMS International Conference, (Toronto, ON, Canada).
  49. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, June 2009, Sales Format in a Distribution Channel, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, (Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
  50. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, November 2008, Sales Format Decisions in a Supply Chain, , (National Cheng Kung University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Tainan, Taiwan).
  51. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, October 2008, Sales Format Decisions in a Supply Chain, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Washington DC, USA).
  52. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, June 2008, Sales Format Decisions in a Supply Chain, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA).
  53. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, December 2007, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Management Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  54. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, November 2007, To Negotiate or Not: The Effect of Capacity, INFORMS Annual Meeting,, (Seattle, WA, USA).
  55. Chia-Wei Kuo, April 2007, Revenue Management and Pricing, , (National Taiwan University, College of Management, Taipei, Taiwan).
  56. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, November 2006, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, INFORMS Annual Meeting, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA).
  57. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, June 2006, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, INFORMS M&SOM Conference, (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA).
  58. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, May 2006, Dynamic Pricing of a Product under Price Negotiation, IIE Conference, (Orlando, FL, USA).
  59. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, January 2005, Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing with Negotiation, Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering Seminar, (Taipei, Taiwan).
Journal Paper
  1. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hui Xiong, Ying-Ju Chen, Ting-Kai Chang, Shining Wu, and Yung-Hsun Chang, 2024, Vertical Product Line Extension When Onine Retailers Serve As Mom-and-Pop Stores’ Suppliers, Omega, 122: 102944.
  2. Yung-Hsun Chang, Chia-Wei Kuo, and Kwei-Long Huang, 2023, Optimal Selling Strategies for Multiple Products: Probabilistic Selling or Product Bundling, Under review.
  3. Qianbo Yin, Kwei-Long Huang, Chia-Wei Kuo, Sean Zhou, 2021, Add-On Pricing in a Distribution Channel, Production and Operations Management, 30(11), 4069-4088, 台灣大學管理學院傑出期刊, UT Dallas, Financial Times Journal List.
  4. Chia-Wei Kuo, Cheng-Bang Chen and Chialin Chen, Yi-You Yang, 2021, Formulating Cross-sector Horizontal Coalition Strategies for Multi-product Assembly Systems with a Common Component, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 159: 107399.
  5. Hsiao-Hui Lee, Tingkai Chang, Kevin Jean, and Chia-Wei Kuo, 2021, Channel Design and OEM Growth in a Multi-market Setup, European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3): 862-872.
  6. Chia-Wei Kuo and Hyun-soo Ahn, 2019, Negotiation under the Supply Chain and New Product Introduction, working paper.
  7. Chia-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Long Huang and Chao-Lung Yang, 2017, Optimal Contract Design for Cloud Computing Service with Resource Service Guarantee, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(9), 1030:1044, (SCI & SSCI).
  8. Kwei-Long Huang, Han-Ju Shih and Chia-Wei Kuo, 2017, Advance Selling with Freebies and Limited Production Capacity, Omega, 73, 18-28, Excellent Thesis in the MBA Division of “2014 Supply Chain Management Thesis Award”.
  9. Kwei-Long Huang, Chia-Wei Kuo, Ming-Lung Lu, 2014, Wholesale Price Rebate vs. Capacity Expansion: Optimal Strategy for Seasonal Products in a Supply Chain, European Journal of Operational Research, 234, 77-85.
  10. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn, Goker Aydin, May 2013, Pricing Policy in a Distribution Channel: Negotiation or Posted Pricing, Production and Operations Management, 22(3), 626 - 641, 台灣大學管理學院傑出期刊, UT Dallas, Financial Times Journal List.
  11. Chia-Wei Kuo, Sunny S. Yang, 2013, The Role of Store Brand Positioning for Appropriating Supply Chain Profit under Shelf Space Allocation, European Journal of Operational Research, 231, 88 - 97.
  12. Chia-Wei Kuo, Ruey-Shan Guo and Ying-Fei Wu, 2012, Optimal Pricing Strategies under Co-Existence of Price-takers and Bargainers in a Supply Chain, European Journal of Operational Research Society, 63, 865 - 882, (Excellent Thesis in the MBA Division of “2009 Supply Chain Management Thesis Award”).
  13. Chia-Wei Kuo and Kwei-Long Huang, 2012, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories for Multi-Generation Products, European Journal of Operational Research, 217(2), 394 - 403.
  14. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn, Goker Aydin, July 2011, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, Operations Research, 59, 882 - 897, 台灣大學管理學院頂尖期刊, UT Dallas, Financial Times Journal List.
  15. Chia-Wei Kuo and Ying-Ju Chen, 2011, New Product Introduction in a Supply Chain: Upward extension, fighter brand, or substitution, Extended Abstract, M&SOM.
  16. Chia-Wei Kuo and Pei-Ju Lu, 2010, Bargaining Power of Quota Allocation in National Brand and Store Brand Competition, Proceeding of CIE 40 Conference.
  17. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, 2006, Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories when Customers Negotiate, Extended Abstract, M&SOM.
  18. Chia-Wei Kuo, Hyun-Soo Ahn and Goker Aydin, 2006, Dynamic Pricing of a Product under Price Negotiation, Proceeding of IIE Annual Conference.
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Book Paper
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Technical Report
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  1. 郭佳瑋、郭姿辰, 2020, 【個案研究台灣版】飯店訂價策略,重數據?重經驗? (Harvard Business Review 中文版)
  2. 郭佳瑋、鄭安淇, 2019, 以收益管理打造競爭優勢 (Harvard Business Review 中文版)
  3. 郭佳瑋、郭姿辰, 2018, 【個案研究台灣版】餐廳品牌活化的路線之爭 堅持傳統?全面翻新?(Harvard Business Review 中文版)