Detailed Information
Nai-Hwa Lien
Ph.D. PhD,Cornell University
Office : Building II, College of Management 411
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Research Field
• Product Memory
• Purchase Decision
• Process and Effects of Advertising
• Consumer Information Process
Research Field Summary
No Data Available
• PhD,Cornell University
• Doctoral Seminar in Consumer Behavior
• Doctoral Seminar in Marketing Theories
• Promotion Strategy
• Seminar in Advertising
• Service Marketing
Conference Paper
  1. Nai-Hwa Lien, Chien-Wei Chen, August 2018, Visual Perspectives of Ad Pictures: Persuasion Effect and Underlying Mechanism, .
  2. Chien-Wei Chen, Nai-Hwa Lien, August 2017, Technologically Opportunistic Firms in Markets with Direct and Indirect Network Externalities: Performance Implications for High-Tech Marketing, .
  3. Nai-Hwa Lien, Chien-Wei Chen, Yi-Jen Tasi, August 2016, The Effects of Social Distance and Attribute Alignability on Gift-Giving Decision., .
  4. Nai-Hwa Lien, Chien-Wei Chen, August 2015, Consumer Evaluation of Co-Branded Product: Perspective of Construal Level Theory, .
  5. Chien-Wei Chen, Nai-Hwa Lien, August 2014, Launch tactics and product cannibalization in high technology markets, 2014 Global Marketing Conference.
  6. Lien, Nai-Hwa, Chien-Wei Chen, Yu-Hsin Chung, and Hsui-Fen Chien, 2011, The Moderating Effects of Guilt, Self-Control, and Temporal Distance on Consumer Preference toward Premium-Based Promotions, paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Retailing and Consumer Services Science, (_).
  7. Lien, Nai-Hwa and Yi-Ling Chen, 2010, The Effects of Electronic Word of Mouth on Attitude Adjustment and Change: The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition, paper presented at the 2010 INFORM Marketing Science Conference, (Colonge,Germany), Lien, Nai-Hwa and Yi-Ling Chen (2010), “The Effects of Electronic Word of Mouth on Attitude Adjustment and Change: The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition,” paper presented at the 2010 INFORM Marketing Science Conference, Colonge, Germany, June 2010..
  8. Chen, Chien-Wei and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2010, A Resource-Based View of Marketing Communications for International Product Launch, paper presented at the International Conference on Business and Information, (Kitakyushu,Japan).
  9. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2009, The Moderating Effects of Candidate Characteristics on Negative Political Advertisement, paper presented at the American Academy of Advertising 2009 Asia-Pacific Conference, Beijing, China, May 2009, (Beijing,China).
  10. Kao, Shu-Luan, Nai-Hwa Lien, and Jerome Chih-Lung Chou, 2009, The Mediating Effect of Membership Customers’ Identification and Commitment on the Relationships between Relationship Marketing Strategy and Relationship Performance: Evidence from a Fitness Club, paper presented at the 14th Asia Pacific Management Conference, (Surabaya, Indonesi).
  11. 高淑鑾,練乃華, 2009, 會員制關係行銷策略對關係績效之影響:心理態度之中介效果, 2009行銷學術研討會,98年11月,國立台北大學三峽校區, (台北).
  12. Kao, Shu-Luan, Nai-Hwa Lien, and Jerome Chih-Lung Chou, 2009, The Mediating Effect of Membership Custoomers’ Identification and Commitment on the Relationships between Relationship Marketing Strategy and Relationship Performance: Evidence from a Fitness Club, paper presented at the 14th Asia Pacific Management Conference, Surabaya, Indonesia, November 2009, (Surabaya, Indonesi).
  13. 李俊賢、徐木蘭、練乃華, January 2008, Does Firm’s Location Institutionalize Benefit Plans Implementation? Empirical study on Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry, 工研院創新與科技管理研討會.
  14. 陳怡伶,練乃華, 2008, 故事廣告效果之研究, 2008臺灣大學商學研究所校友學術研討會,97年4月,國立臺灣大學商學研究所。, (Taipei).
  15. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2008, Antecedents and Attitudinal Effects of Thought Confidence, paper presented at the 2008 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., February 2008., (New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.).
  16. Lien, Nai-Hwa, Chien-Wei Chen, and Grace Lo, 2007, Frequency Program Requirements and Consumers’ Reward Preferences, paper presented at the American Psychological Association 115th Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., August 2007., (_).
  17. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2007, Old Songs Never Die: The Effects of Nostalgic Songs in Television Ads, paper presented at the International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan, July 2007, (_).
  18. Lien, Nai-Hwa and Shih-Yin Fann, 2006, The Influence of Webmosphere on Shopping Values and Impulstive Buying Intention, paper presented at the 2006 INFORM Marketing Science Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., June 2006, (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.).
  19. 高淑鑾、練乃華, January 2005, 關係結合方式對忠誠度影響效果之研究, 2005第三屆流通與全球運籌研討會論文集.
  20. 練乃華,高淑鑾, 2003, 顧客的滿意度與依賴關係對企業的信任-承諾的影響, 第一屆全國當代行銷研討會論文集, (Taipei).
  21. 練乃華,留淑芳, 2003, 網路口耳相傳說服效果影響之研究, 第二屆服務業行銷暨管理學術研討會論文集, (_).
Journal Paper
  1. Shu-Fang Liu, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Nai-Hwa Lien, June 2021, Do Fast Fashion Consumers Prefer Foreign Brands? The Moderating Roles of Sensory Perception and Consumer Personality on Purchase Intentions, Asia Pacific Management Review.
  2. Chien-Wei Chen, Nai-Hwa Lien, June 2020, Fear of Product Obsolescence and Intention to Upgrade, 中山管理評論.
  3. Chien-Wei Chen, Nai-Hwa Lien, October 2018, Consumer Evaluations of Service Co-Branding, The Service Industries Journal.
  4. 周軒逸, 練乃華, October 2016, 品牌、代言人熟悉度於前導廣告效果之探討, 管理評論.
  5. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, February 2014, Old Songs Never Die: Advertising Effects of Evoking Nostalgia with Popular Songs, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising.
  6. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, July 2014, Effects of SMS Teaser Ads on Product Curiosity, International Journal of Mobile Communications.
  7. Nai-Hwa Lien, Yi-Ling Chen, April 2013, Narrative Ads: The Effects of Argument Strength and Story Format, Journal of Business Research.
  8. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, September 2013, The Effects of Appeal Types and Candidates' Poll Rankings in Negative Political Advertising, Asian Journal of Communication.
  9. Chien-Wei Chen, Nai-Hwa Lien, November 2013, Technological Opportunism and Firm Performance: Moderating Contexts, Journal of Business Research.
  10. Nai-Hwa Lien, Hsuan-Yi Chou, Chia-Hsin Chang, 2012, Advertising effectivness and the match-up hypothesis: Examining spokesperson sex, attractiveness type, and product image, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.
  11. 周軒逸, 練乃華, December 2012, 當簡訊遇上簡導:品牌熟悉度、互動性、個人化、誘因之好奇效果, 臺大管理論叢.
  12. 林正士,周軒逸,練乃華, 2012, 產品來源國聯想與廣告內容不一致之廣告效果, 管理與系統.
  13. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, 2012, The effects of incentive types and appeal regulatory framing in travel advertising, Service Industries Journal.
  14. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2012, The Effects of Incentive Types and Appeal Regulatory Framing in Travel Advertising, Service Industries Journal, IF=1.071.
  15. Lien, Nai-Hwa, Husan-Yi Chou, and Chia-Hsin Chang, 2012, Advertising Effectiveness and the Match-up Hypothesis: Examining Spokesperson Sex, Attractiveness Type, and Product Image, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, ABI/INFORMS.
  16. Nai-Hwa Lien, Yi-Ling Chen, 2012, Narrative Ads: Argument Strength and Story Format Effects, Journal of Business Research.
  17. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, Kuan-Yu Liang, September 2011, The Antecedents and Belief-Polarized Effects of Thought Confidence, Journal of Psychology, 481 - 506.
  18. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, September 2011, What does a negeative political ad really say? The effects of different content dimensions, Journal of Marketing Communications, 281 - 295.
  19. 周軒逸,陳怡伶,練乃華, January 2011, 部落格迴響一致性對讀者態度之影響, 管理評論, 41 - 57.
  20. 周軒逸,練乃華, 2011, 當簡訊遇上前導:品牌熟悉度、互動性、個人化、誘因之好奇效果, 台大管理論叢.
  21. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2011, What Does a Negative Political Ad Really Say? The Effects of Different Content Dimensions, Journal of Marketing Communications, 281 - 295.
  22. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwa Lien, December 2010, How do candidate poll ranking and election status affect the effects of negative political advertising?, International Journal of Advertising, 815 - 834.
  23. 周軒逸,陳怡伶,練乃華, December 2010, 你今天blog了嗎:部落格電影口碑之信任效果研究, 電子商務學報, 661 - 692.
  24. 周軒逸,練乃華, October 2010, 又愛又怕的夢幻市場─同性戀廣告效果之研究, 中山管理評論, 769 - 804.
  25. Hsuan-Yi Chou, Nai-Hwaw Lien, July 2010, Adveritisng effects of songs’ nostalgia and lyrics’ relevance, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 314 - 329.
  26. 周軒逸, 練乃華, June 2010, 時間距離對負面競選廣告效果之影響, 臺灣民主季刊, 33 - 76.
  27. 周軒逸,練乃華, March 2010, 旅遊廣告圖文比例的廣告效果研究:時間和空間距離之干擾, 戶外遊憩研究, 27 - 52.
  28. Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2010, How do Candidate Poll Ranking and Election Status Affect the Effects of Negative Political Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, 815 - 834, [SSCI, 2010 IF=1.508.
  29. Chou, Husan-Yi and Nai-Hwa Lien, 2010, Advertising Effects of Songs’ Nostalgia and Lyrics’ Relevance, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 314 - 329.
  30. 周軒逸,陳怡伶,練乃華, 2009, 你今天blog 了嗎:部落格電影口碑之信任效果研究, 電子商務學報, [TSSCI 期刊].
  31. 周軒逸,練乃華, 2009, 又愛又怕的夢幻市場同性戀廣告效果之研究, 中山管理評論, [TSSCI 期刊].
  32. Nai-Hwa Lien, Shu-Luan Kao, November 2008, The Effects of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction Across Different Service Types: Alternative Differentiation as a Moderator, Advances in Consumer Research, 522 - 526.
  33. 周軒逸、練乃華, December 2008, 現任者聲譽對負面競選廣告效果之影響, 政治科學論叢, 113 - 154.
  34. Lee, Chun-Hsien, Mu-Lan Hsu, and Nai-Hwa Lien, November 2006, The Impacts of Benefits Plan on Employee Turnover: A Firm Level Analysis Approach on Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1951 - 1975.
  35. 練乃華、蘇文達、曾杏如, April 2005, 個人因素在幽默廣告勸服途徑中之角色研究, 行銷科學學報, 23 - 41.
  36. 練乃華、高淑鑾, October 2005, 服務業顧客知覺關係狀態與未來關係發展之研究, 管理評論, 127 - 143.
  37. 彭縱仁、練乃華, December 2005, 廣告音樂在不同涉入型態下之效果與影響機制, 管理學報, 415 - 428.
  38. 練乃華、留淑芳, June 2003, 口耳相傳訊息之傳播及對消費者購買行為之影響:文獻回顧與評論, 中山管理評論, 283 - 307.
  39. 練乃華、留淑芳, October 2003, 廣告圖片效果中介模式之研究, 管理評論, 35 - 55.
  40. 郭瑞祥,蔣明晃,劉婉儀,劉基全, 2002, 供應鏈供需協調機制與決策支援模式, 台大管理論叢.
  41. Lien, Nai-Hwa, 2001, Gender Difference in Persuasibility: The Moderating Role of Product Type and Endorser Expertise,, Sun Yat-Sen Management Review.
  42. Lien, Nai-Hwa, 2001, Elaboration Likelihood Model in Consumer Research: A Review, Proceedings of the National Science Council Part C: Humanities and Social Sciences, 301 - 310.
  43. Lien, Nai-Hwa and Douglas M. Stayman, 1998, Memory-Based Judgments: The Role of Information Typicality and Processing Ability,, Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 94 - 99.
  44. Lien, Nai-Hwa and Douglas M. Stayman, 1996, Self-Referencing, Persuasion, and the Role of Affect,, in Advances in Consumer Research, 73 - 74.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. Lien, Nai-Hwa, 1998, Memory-Based Judgments: The Effects of Informational Typicality and Processing Ability, doctoral dissertation, Cornell University.
Technical Report
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