Detailed Information
Yi-Ching Liu (Angel)
Ph.D. Ph.D.,Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA . Concentration: Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior
Office : Building II, College of Management 505
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Research Field
• Motivation in teamwork
• Team decision-making
• Social influence and group dynamics
• Virtual and cross-cultural team management
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D.,Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA . Concentration: Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior
• Experimental Methods
• Judgment and Managerial Decision Making
• Leading Teams and Organizations
• Organizational Behavior
• Seminar in Team Management in Organizations
Fall, 2013 - Spring, 2016 Independent Study, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Spring, 2015 Oral Communication, Instructor
Fall, 2014; Fall, 2011 Psychology of Entertainment, TA
Spring, 2014; Spring, 2013; Spring, 2011 Persuasion and Social Influence, TA
Fall, 2013 Research Methods in Communication Studies, TA
Spring, 2012- Summer, 2012 Research Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Fall, 2012 Cases in Communication, TA
Fall, 2010 Psychology of Online Relationships, TA
2009 - 2010 Full-Time Research Assistant, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
2008 - 2009 Product Marketing, ASUSTek Computer Inc, Taiwan
2007 - 2008 Full-Time Research Assistant, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
2003 - 2004 Qualified English Teacher, Sesame Street
Conference Paper
  1. Lee, H. M. & Liu, Y. C., July 2023, Hidden intergroup conflicts: Using social identity theory to examine the effects of group social support on individual attitudes, Paper presented at the Annual conference of Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, (Bellevue, WA).
  2. Liu, Y. C. & Lee, H. M., July 2023, Examining the effects of task reflexivity and social reflexivity on team efficacy, team coordination, and team performance, Paper presented at the Annual conference of Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, (Bellevue, WA).
  3. Liu, Y. C. & Garvi, M., June 2021, Teamwork done right?-The role of collaboration models in teams, Paper to be presented at the Annual conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), (Xi’an, China).
  4. Zhong, S., Su, B., Huang, W., Liu, Y. C., Lee, C., October 2020, Predicting collaborative task performance using graph interlocutor acoustic network in small group interaction, Proceedings of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), (Shanghai, China).
  5. Garvi, M., & Liu, Y. C., June 2019, Responsible leadership as purpose-driven influencing-differing orientations to influencing among leaders in Taiwanese B Corps, Paper presented at the Annual conference of European Academy of Management, (Lisbon, Portugal).
  6. Zhong, S., Lin, Y., Chang, C., Liu, Y. C., Lee, C., September 2019, Predicting group performances using a personality composite-network architecture during collaborative task, Proceedings of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), (Graz, Australia).
  7. Liu, Y. C., July 2018, The effect of anticipation for future interaction and team reflexivity for the free rider problems in teams, Paper presented at the Annual conference of Interdisciplinary Network for Group research, (Bethesda, MD).
  8. Liu, Y. C., July 2017, Examining the Effects of the Prospect of Future Relationship and Interaction Frequency on Team Members’ Responses to Low Contributors in Teams: An Attribution Model, Annual conference of Interdisciplinary Network for Group research, (St. Louis, MN).
  9. McLeod, P. L., Liu, Y. C., & Moore, O. A., July 2015, What do group communicationscholars have against personality? A call for interdisciplinary integration, Annual conference of Interdisciplinary Network for Group research, (Pittsburgh, PA).
  10. Liu, Y. C. & Bazarova, N. N., November 2014, Talking politics on Facebook: Goals andconcerns underlying political talk on social network sites, Annualconference of National Communication Association, (Chicago, IL).
  11. Liu, Y. C., & McLeod, P. L., July 2013, Stop squaring the circle: The role of individualpreference for procedural order and process accountability in team performance, Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group research, (Atlanta, GA).
  12. Liu, Y. C. & McLeod, P. L., November 2013, Effects of ideal communication sequencesand preference for procedural order on group decision making performance, Annual conference of National Communication Association, (Washington, D.C).
  13. Liu, Y. C., Li, S., Davids, R., & McLeod, P. L., May 2012, Technology affordances andgroup communication in an immersive virtual environment, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, (Phoenix, AZ).
  14. Liu, Y. C. & Li, S. S., 2008, Market competition and programming diversity: Examining theprime-time dramas of Taiwan terrestrial TV stations from 1986 to 2000, 2008 Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  15. Peng, X. E., Liu, Y. C., & Peng, H. C., 2006, Analysis of libel cases on Internet undercriminal law, 2006 Annual Conference of ChineseCommunication Society, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  16. Liu, Y. C., Huang, Y. T., & Hsieh, P. Y., 2006, An analysis of governmental image repairstrategies in two droughty crises in Taoyuan County, 2006Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  17. Peng, H. C., Liu, Y. C., Lin, S. Y., 2005, A study of relationships among sales promotion,promotion evaluation, brand equity & customer loyalty of online shopping, 2005 NCCU 13th AD & PR international conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  18. Liu, Y. C., 2005, Semiotic analysis of medicinal wine’s advertisement and audienceresearch, 2005 NCCU 13th AD & PR international conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  19. Liu, Y. C., 2004, Semiotic analysis of medicinal wine’s advertisement, Textual Types and Strategy of Discourse conference in the department of Speech Communication, (Shih-Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan).
Journal Paper
  1. Lin, Y. S., Liu, Y. C., & Lee, C., 2023, An interaction process guided framework for small-group performance prediction, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 19(2), 1-25.
  2. Huang, C. Y & Liu, Y.C., 2022, Influence of need for cognition and psychological safety climate on information elaboration and team creativity, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31 (1), 102-116.
  3. Liu, Y. C., McLeod, P. L., & Moore, O. A., 2015, Personality and small groups: Aninterdisciplinary perspective, Small Group Research, 536 - 575.
  4. McLeod, P. L., Liu, Y. C., & Axline, J. E., 2014, When your Second Life comes knocking:Effects of personality on changes to real life from virtual worldexperiences, Computers in Human Behavior, 59 - 70.
  5. Liu, Y. C. & McLeod, P. L., 2014, Individual preference for procedural order and processaccountability in group problem-solving, Small Group Research, 154 - 175.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. Li, S.S., Liu, Y. C., & Lee, C. Y., 2017, New media, Market Competition, and Media Diversity: An Examination of Taiwan’s Terrestrial TV Market from 1986 to 2002, ( New Media and Chinese Society, Communication, Culture and Change in Asia ).
  2. Li, S.S., Huang, L., & Liu, Y. C., January 2011, Communication and Group Performance: Comparing CMC with FTF Decision-Making Groups in Taiwan, In Yearwood, J., & Stranieri, A. (Eds.), ( Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches ).
Technical Report
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