Detailed Information
Chris Lin (Chris)
Ph.D. Ph.D., Smith School of Business, University of Maryland at College Park
Office : Building II, College of Management 501
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Research Field
• Digital Marketing
• Global Brands Managemnet
• Experiential Marketing
• Customer Relationship Marketing
• Service Quality Management
• Brand Marketing
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., Smith School of Business, University of Maryland at College Park
• 1.Marketing Management
• 2.Global Brands Management
• 3.Customer Services Management
• 4.Seminar on Marketing Management
• 5.Special Topics on Marketing
Conference Paper
  1. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin, and En-Yi Chou (2021), Service Employees as Brand Ambassadors: The Influence of Service Employees’ Branding Behaviors on Brand Outcomes, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), (Online).
  2. Chih-Ying Chu and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin (2021), Getting Better Services: The Influence of Service Experience Upgrades on Experiential Value and Brand Outcomes, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), (Online).
  3. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin, and En-Yi Chou (2020), What if I Make the Wrong Decision? The Role of Anticipated Regret in Switching Barrier Based Customer Retention, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference (AMA SERVSIG), (Online).
  4. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin, and En-Yi Chou (2020), Do We Click at the First Sight? Modeling Customer-Employee Instant Rapport in the First Service Encounter, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference (AMA SERVSIG), (Online).
  5. Haw-Yi Liang, En-Yi Chou, and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin (2019), Believe to Go the Extra Mile: Exploring the Influences of Internal CSR Initiatives on Service Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), (Edinburgh, Scotland).
  6. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Chih-Ying Chu, and Haw-Yi Liang (2019), What if I Make the Wrong Decision? The Role of Anticipated Regret in Switching Barrier Based Customer Retention”, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), (Edinburgh, Scotland).
  7. Haw-Yi Liang, En-Yi Chou, and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, June 2018, The Influence of Internal CSR Initiatives on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Employees, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference (AMA SERVSIG), (Paris, France).
  8. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Chih-Ying Chu, and Haw-Yi Liang, June 2017, Linking Employee and Customer Engagement Behaviors in Service Encounters: The Mediation of Relational Energy and Interaction Quality, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), (Christchurch, New Zealand).
  9. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and En-Yi Chou, Cheng-Yu Lin, June 2016, Satisfying Customers through Satisfied Service Employees: Integrating the Emotional Labor and Emotional Contagion Perspectives, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference, (Maastricht, the Netherlands).
  10. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, July 2015, The Effects of Self-service Technology Initiatives on Firm Value, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Conference, (Bari, Italy).
  11. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, and Cheng-Yu Lin, June 2014, The Role of Anticipated Regret in Switching Barrier-Based Customer Retention, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference, (Thessaloniki, Greece).
  12. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Cheng-Yu Lin, En-Yi Chou, June 2013, Service Employees as Brand Champions: The Effect of Service Employees’ Branding Behaviors on Brand Outcomes, 2013 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, (Melbourne, Australia).
  13. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Cheng-Yu Lin, June 2012, Modeling Customer-Employee Instant Rapport in the First Encounter, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Conference, (Helsinki, Finland).
  14. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and En-Yi Chou, June 2012, The Role of Anticipated Regret in Switching Barrier-Based Customer Retention, American Marketing Association Service Research Conference, (Helsinki, Finland).
  15. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Cheng-Yu Lin, July 2011, Do We Click at the First Sight? A Model of Customer-Employee Instant Rapport in the First Service Encounter, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, (Reims, France).
  16. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Hsing-Chi Chang, April 2010, Integrating Technology Readiness into Technology Acceptance in the Context of Self-service Technologies, American Marketing Association (AMA) SERVSIG Service Research Conference, (Porto, Portugal) (入圍最佳論文獎).
  17. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin* and Haw-Yi Liang, June 2010, The Influence of Service Environments on Customer Emotion and Service Outcomes, American Marketing Association (AMS) SERVSIG Service Research Conference, (Porto, Portugal) (獲最佳論文獎).
Journal Paper
  1. En-Yi, Chou, Haw-Yi Liang, and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin*, 2021, “Believe to go the extra mile: The influence of internal CSR initiatives on service employee organizational citizenship behaviors”, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, (SSCI, Impact factor = 3.512) (臺大管理學院 行銷領域優良期刊).
  2. Haw-Yi Liang, Chih-Ying Chu, and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin*, 2020, “Engaging customers with employees in service encounters: Linking employee and customer service engagement behaviors through relational energy and interaction cohesion”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 1071-1105 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  3. Cheng-Yu Lin and Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, 2017, “The Influence of Service Employees’ Nonverbal Communication on Customer-Employee Rapport in the Service Encounter”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp 107-132 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  4. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin and En-Yi Chou, 2016, “Service Experience Management in Asia: A Review and Directions for Future Research, NTU Management Review, 26(2), pp 303-352 (TSSCI) (臺大管理學院 優良期刊).
  5. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Pei-Ling Hsieh, 2012, “Refinement of the Technology Readiness Index Scale: A Replication and Cross-Validation in the Self-service Technology Context”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 34-53 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  6. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Yun-Chi Chang, 2012, “Retailers’ New Product Acceptance Decisions: Incorporating the Buyer-Supplier Relationship Perspective”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 89-99 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.462) (Industrial Marketing領域前三名期刊,臺大管理學院 行銷領域優良期刊).
  7. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Hsing-Chi Chang, 2011, “The Role of Technology Readiness in Self-service Technology Acceptance”, Managing Service Quality, 21(4), pp. 424-444 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.512) (臺大管理學院 行銷領域優良期刊).
  8. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Cheng-Yu Lin, 2011, “What Makes Service Employees and Customers Smile: Antecedents and Consequences of the Employee’s Affective Delivery in the Service Encounter”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 183-201 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  9. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Haw-Yi Liang (2011), 2011, “The Influence of Service Environments on Customer Emotion and Service Outcomes”, Managing Service Quality, 21(4), pp. 350-372 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.512) (獲2010年American Marketing Association SERVSIG Service Research Conference 最佳論文獎) (獲該期刊年度最佳論文獎), (臺大管理學院 行銷領域優良期刊).
  10. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Chia-Chuan Hsieh, 2011, “Modeling Service Friendship and Customer Compliance in High-contact Service Relationships”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2011, pp. 607-631 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  11. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Chung-Yueh Wu, 2011, “The Role of Expected Future Use in Relationship Based Service Retention”, Managing Service Quality, 21(5), pp. 535-551 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.512) (臺大管理學院 行銷領域優良期刊).
  12. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Pei-Ling Hsieh, 2011, “Assessing the Self-service Technology Encounters: Development and Validation of SSTQUAL Scale”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 194-206 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 5.873) (Marketing總領域前五名期刊,臺大管理學院 行銷領域傑出期刊).
  13. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and David Chien, 2010, “An Investigation of Supplier-Dealer Relationship Bonds in Industrial Marketing Channels”, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 141-164.
  14. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Pei-Ling Hsieh, 2009, “Service Quality Delivery through Self-service Technologies: A Review of Extant Knowledge and Research Agenda”, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1-34.
  15. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Ching-Rung Chen, 2008, “Determinants of Manufacturers’ Selection of Distributors”, Supply Chain Management, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 356-365 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 9.012) (Supply Chain Management領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  16. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Woan-Yuh Jang and Kuan-Jiun Chen, 2007, Assessing the Market Valuation of E-service Initiatives, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 224-245 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊).
  17. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Pei-Ling Hsieh, 2007, “The Influence of Technology Readiness on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions toward Self-Service Technologies”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 1597-1615 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 6.829) (臺大校級優良期刊).
  18. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Hui-Ju Chan, 2006, “Influence Strategies and Promotion Support in Supplier-Retailer Relationships”, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 113-134.
  19. Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin and Pei-Ling Hsieh, 2006, The Role of Technology Readiness in Customers’ Perception and Adoption of Self-service Technologies, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 497-517 (SSCI, Impact Factor = 11.768) (Service Research領域前三名期刊,臺大校級傑出期刊) (獲該期刊年度最佳論文獎).
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