2017- 2018 Student Exchange Program- Apply Now
瀏覽數:244  2017-02-12 更新


NTU College of Management has established a dynamic College-Level program in collaboration with leading business schools from all over the world. The Exchange Program allows students to study abroad at one of our partner schools for one semester. 



2017-2018 Exchange Program Online Application 

The list of exchange partner schools and available exchange slots 



Student Exchange Program Selection Process Information and Guidelines

Student Exchange Program Selection Process Important Dates

Statement of Purpose (Template)

Authorization Statement (If the applicant cannot submit the application materials)




(1)    Applicants may list 30 exchange destinations in the order of preference.

(2)    Application requirements for exchange students may vary with different Partner Schools. Please ensure that all requirements of the chosen exchange destination are met.

(3)    No revisions can be made on the Exchange Destination Preference List under any circumstances after application has been submitted.

(4)    International students or students with dual citizenship cannot apply for schools in the countries of which they hold current citizenship.


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Linda Lin via mengtinglin@ntu.edu.tw