2020-10-15 更新
講者姓名:洪秀瑜老師(Warwick Business School)
講者介紹: About Hsiu-Yu Hung (洪秀瑜): I graduated from the Ph.D. program at the University of Warwick ( Warwick Business School; WBS ) in 2020/Sep. This is my second Ph.D. degree. I received my first Ph.D. degree from National Taipei University in 2015, having one-year postdoctoral research experience in the same research institution. After that, I taught as an Assistant Professor at Tainan University of Technology from 2016 to 2017. I had worked for consulting companies and marketing research companies for several years in terms of my practical experience. My recent research topics include customer experience, customer journey, dynamic relationship, and customer experience management. I am now working on several papers submitted to JM, JMR, JIM, coauthored with Prof. Nick Lee and Prof. Yansong Hu in WBS.
題目:How are our repeat patrons doing? Building a Dynamic Model on Customer Experience Trajectories
報名網址:https://0rz.tw/GlJp1 |