2017-02-12 更新
CALL FOR PAPER 2016 服務科學與創新國際研討會The 7th International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI2016) 將於 6/23-24 日在台大管理學院舉辦, 此次會議主軸為The Future of Service Science and Innovation in Asia 歡迎與「服務科學和創新」領域相關的學術研究成果、產學合作創新、與個案投稿, 投稿件可以是 full paper 或 abstract 的方式,必須是英文稿件。 相關信息 如附件1, 或上網查詢 http://icssi.s3tw.org/content/725 本次會議同時安排以下3場keynote 演講,和4場論壇, 如附件2。 3場Keynote 演講 Service Science and Social Innovation Service Science and Project Innovation Talent Development in New Service Era
4場論壇 Panel I: Serviceology Panel II: Data Analytics and Service Engineering Panel III: Users Experience and Service Design Panel IV: Talent Development in New Service Era 邀請之keynote 和 panelist 如下 Keynote:
Couger Professor of Information Systems, College of Business and Administration, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
Professor Tamio ARAI is now a full professor in Shibaura Institute of Technology. President, Society for Serviceology, and was a professor in Department of Precision Engineeringat School of Engineering The University of Tokyo from 1970 to 2012
Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD The Shell Chaired Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Development Panelist:
歡迎投稿和參加。 附件1: ICSSI 2016 Program0218.docx 附件2: ICSSI 2016-call for paper0219.docx 敬請參閱網址: http://icssi.s3tw.org