[lecture] IT Multi-Sourcing from the Lens of Forced Coopetition
瀏覽數:364  2017-02-12 更新


Monday 25 May 2015 12:30pm


Speaker: Professor Carol Saunders ( University of Central Florida )
Topic: New and veteran CEOs: How do they affect investor reactions to acquisition announcements?
Location: 916 Meeting Room , Building 1 , College of Management , NTU
Admission: is free and open to all. No ticket required.


Carol Saunders is currently Professor of Management at the University of Central Florida.  Carol has received lifetime accomplishment awards from two disciplines: the LEO award in the Information Systems (IS) discipline and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the OCIS Division of the Academy of Management. She also is an Association of Information Systems Fellow and a Schoeller Senior Fellow. She served on a number of editorial boards, including a three-year term as Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly. She served as General Conference Chair of the premier Information Systems conference, ICIS, and is serving as the Program Co-chair of AMCIS 2015. She helped found the Organization Communication and Information Systems (OCIS) division of the Academy of Management and served in a variety of positions including its program chair and division chair. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Scholar at the Wirtschafts Universitaet – Wien (WU) in Austria and earlier held a Professional Fulbright with the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. She has held research chairs in Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Netherlands. Her current research interests include overload, sourcing, virtual teams, and time.  She has published in top-ranked Management, IS, Computer Science and Communication journals. She now serves on several editorial boards including Organization Science and Journal of Strategic Information Systems.