2017-05-10 更新
講者:林妙聰教授(國立交通大學資訊管理研究所) 題目:Intuition and interpretation of some algorithms and their proofs 時間:2017年05月12日(五)13:20–16:20 地點:管理學院 一號館203室 報名網址:https://goo.gl/forms/C1OPtRYFLeAPZZJD2 摘要: Intuition and interpretations of quantitative methods are pedagogically helpful in the context of operations management. In this talk, we discuss two classy algorithms, Moore’s algorithm for maximizing order fill rate and Johnson’s algorithm for minimizing makespan. Along with the execution course of the algorithm on numerical examples, we will discuss the intuition behind the algorithm design as well as present their corresponding economic and computational interpretations. |