【演講】2017.12.15營運管理組- Prof. Sachiko Yamao演講
瀏覽數:259  2017-12-11 更新

講者:Prof. Sachiko YamaoKeio University, Graduate School of Business Administration


演講題目:A social identity- and exchange-based explanation on host country nationals’ knowledge sharing toward expatriates

時間:20171215() 14:20–15:30

地點:臺大管理學院一號館2 203





This study highlights the perceptions that matter to host country nationals’ (HCNs) decisions to share knowledge with expatriates above and beyond their job roles. Using the survey data collected from HCNs in Australia, China, India, and Singapore, the results demonstrate that HCNs’ identification with the MNE is positively related to their extra-role knowledge sharing with expatriates. We also found HCNs perceived support for career development offered by their subsidiary units is also positively related to their extra-role knowledge sharing with expatriates.  Further, the results indicate that HCNs perceived career support moderated the relationship between their identification with the MNE and knowledge sharing in a way that identification is more strongly and positively related to knowledge sharing when perceived support is high than it is low. We provide a social identity- and exchange-based view on HCNs knowledge sharing. In the seminar, post-hoc analyses based on sub-samples from the four countries will also be presented as to discuss possibilities of different levels of importance of the two independent variables (i.e. HCNs’ identification with the MNE and HCNs perceived support for career development offered by their subsidiary units) based on contextual differences in those countries.


About the presenter:

Dr. Sachiko Yamao is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan. Prior to going back to her native country, Japan, she held a tenured position at the Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Melbourne, Australia. Sachiko's research theme is managing global workforce in multinational enterprises, with a focus on managing headquarters-subsidiary relations. She is particularly interested in employment practices of foreign subsidiaries, management of subsidiary employees and international assignees, and use of English as common language within multinationals from non-Anglophone countries. Her research has appeared in Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review. Sachiko teaches international management courses related to managing people in multinational organizations and managing diverse workforce in domestic and international organizations. She is well-travelled and held visiting research positions in countries such as Brazil, Finland, Slovenia, and the UK.