2018-03-12 更新
講者: Chia-Yen Lee 李家岩副教授(國立成功大學資訊工程學系) 講者簡介:http://polab.imis.ncku.edu.tw/Bio.html 講題: 資料包絡分析法於碳交易與空氣汙染邊際減排成本 Data Envelopment Analysis for Cape-and-Trade and Marginal Abatement Costs. 時間:2018 年 3 月 16日 13:20-16:20 地點:管一 203 教室
Abstract: The market-based approach called cap and trade provides economic incentives for achieving emissions reductions. The basic concept places a cap on the number of emission allowances assigned to power plants, factories, etc. Each allowance gives the holder the right to emit one ton of CO2, the main greenhouse gas, or the equivalent amount of pollutants. If the emissions reduction fails to meet the targets, the holder can participate in a permit trading market. The marginal abatement costs (MAC) or shadow prices of pollutants represent the costs of reducing one extra unit of pollutant. We conclude that estimating the shadow prices of each by-product separately may lead to an overestimation of the marginal productivity and an underestimation of the shadow prices.