2018-03-27 更新
講者:Prof. Amanuel Tekleab(Professor of Organizational Behavior, Wayne State University) 資訊:https://ilitchbusiness.wayne.edu/profile/ba9627 講題: 第一場 " Theories about supervisors' theories of idiosyncratic deals (I-deals): The role of supervisor justice sensitivity and trickle-down effects of ideals " 時間:4月13 下午1:10-3:00 地點: 政治大學商學大樓七樓712研討室 第二場 "Moving levels in psychological contract research: A multi-sample study of shared individual psychological contract fulfillment" 時間:4月16 下午2:00 -4:00 地點: 台灣大學管理一館九樓916會議室 報名:https://goo.gl/forms/wsgoEEqjKJ8CD3xo2(請於4/12之前報名)
Prof. Amanuel Tekleab研究專長: