2018-04-10 更新
臺大商學研究所作業管理研討 (博士班課程) 專題演講
講者:王逸琳教授,國立成功大學,工業與資訊管理學系 簡介:http://www.iim.ncku.edu.tw/files/11-1407-20096.php?Lang=zh-tw 2017 年參賽得獎:成大工資管王逸琳教授團隊 奪國際鐵道解題競賽冠軍 http://news.secr.ncku.edu.tw/files/14-1054-172248,r81-1.php?Lang=zh-tw 講題 : Recent network restoration works in humanitarian logistics management 時間:2018 年 4 月 13 日 13:30 地點:管一 203 教室 報名:https://goo.gl/forms/sRxPIYkl9m7bjW3u1 (請於4/12之前報名)
Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce recent research of network restoration in the post-disaster humanitarian logistics management. In particular, the first two parts focus on optimal arc restoration scheduling over road networks and underground pipeline networks, whereas the third part introduces a node restoration scheduling problem. Starting with the applications, we will explain why these problems are important and difficult. We will start to formulate these problems as resource constrained project scheduling problems over networks, or K-Traveling Repairmen Problems (KTRP). Mixed integer programming formulations, as well as proposed solution methods will be introduced and summarized.