2018-06-12 更新
Friday 27 April 2018 13:30
Speaker: Associate Professor Lin, Chen-Ju(Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University) Information: http://www.iem.yzu.edu.tw/chinese/teacher/TeacherDetail.aspx?id=linchenju Topic: Applications of Multiple Comparisons to Supplier Selection Location: Room 203, Building 1, College of Management, NTU Sign up link: https://goo.gl/forms/sRxPIYkl9m7bjW3u1(Please sign up before April 26)
Abstract: Supplier Selection is a critical task to Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). The objective of Supplier Selection is to select a subset of suppliers containing the best among multiple candidate suppliers. Several methods have been developed to control the family-wise error rate when comparing the capabilities of multiple suppliers. In this talk, I’ll discuss two applications of multiple comparisons to Supplier Selection. The first application is about identifying the best suppliers of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) pre-amplifier for procurement management. The second application is about choosing the alternative processes of the lens module for the camera module under profile data. The proposed methods effectively select the best suppliers in practice.