2024 Fall Weekends & Intensive
Withdrawal Deadlines for Weekend Courses

Curriculum Number

Course Title


749 M1610

論文寫作 Thesis Writing


749 M0940

系統思考與學習型組織 Systems Thinking and Learning Organization


749 M1380

適能領導 Fit to Lead


749 M1470

談判與協商 Negotiation Strategies and Skills


749 U0110

華人家族企業Chinese Family Business


749 M1670

養成產業全球視野未來領袖 Cultivating Future Leaders with a Global Perspective in Industry


749 M1660

自我教練的領導力實踐 Leadership Practice by Self-Coaching


749 M1320

亞洲商務諮詢 Asian Business Consulting

Cannot Withdraw

(Special Course Design)

2024 Fall Weekends & Intensive

***All the course schedules are subject to change.***

Weekend AM Course Time: 
9:00-12:30  / Weekend PM Course Time: 13:30-18:00

749 M1610  |  Thesis Writing 論文寫作
Leon Jaarsveldt 堯里昂 & Kuan-Chou Ko 柯冠州   Syllabus
1-credit elective / Sat. AM 9/7, 9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26
Room 402, Building 1, College of Management
TA: Clover (Clovereat@gmail.com)

749 M0940  | Systems Thinking and Learning Organization

Joe Hsueh 薛喬仁   Syllabus
1-credit elective /  Sat. PM 9/7, 9/21, 11/2, 11/9  
多功能生活廳-會議室2, College of Management NTU
TA: Chichee ( r12749035@ntu.edu.tw, chicheeharuethai@gmail.com)

749 M1380  | Fit to Lead 適能領導
Eric Lien 連家瑩   Syllabus
2-credit elective / Sat. PM 9/14, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/26 | Sun. PM 11/3, 12/8, 12/15  
NTU Sports Center
TA: Lee Chern Yi ( r12322031@ntu.edu.tw)

749 M1470  | Negotiation Strategies and Skills 談判與協商
*During the add/drop period, please select this course from the course selection system directly, the system will use the lottery system to select students, no authorization code will be given.
David Chao 趙大維    Syllabus
2-credit elective / AM+PM 11/15 (Fri.), 11/16 (Sat.) | AM+PM+Evening  11/17 (Sun.)
**11/15 is NTU Anniversary Day. If you want to take OB or wish to participate the NTU anniversary, please do not choose this class.
Anyone who takes OB and Negotiation at the same time will be withdrawn from the Negotiation class.

多功能生活廳-會議室2, College of Management NTU
TA: Shirley Lai ( r12749032@ntu.com.tw)

749 U0110  | Chinese Family Business 華人家族企業
Louis Chen 陳立宗    Syllabus   *The syllabus is for reference only and may be subject to change
1-credit elective / Sun. AM 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 11/24
Room 402, Building 1, College of Management
TA: Shirley Lai ( r12749032@ntu.com.tw)

749 M1670  | Cultivating Future Leaders with a Global Perspective in Industry 養成產業全球視野未來領袖
CHANEY HO 何春盛    Syllabus
1-credit elective / Sun. AM 10/13, 11/3, 12/1, 12/8 多功能生活廳-會議室2, College of Management NTU
                                              10/27 多功能生活廳-會議室1, CoM
TA: Nicha (R12749076@ntu.edu.tw)

749 M1660  | Leadership Practice by Self-Coaching 自我教練的領導力實踐
Kevin Chen 陳彥豪   Syllabus
2-credit elective / Sun. PM 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 11/10, 11/24
Room 402, Building 1, College of Management
TA: Keita Tamuro (keita.tamuro0511@gmail.com)

749 M1140  | Asian Business Consulting 亞洲商務諮詢
Bryan Jean 簡睿哲 & James Hsieh 謝源弘 &  Leon Jaarsveldt 堯里昂  Syllabus   Details please see the website
3-credit elective 
-Opening Session: 11/9 (Sat.) Rm. 405   **Unless further notice, It's an in-person online session!
-Lectures: 11/30 & 12/14  (Sat.)  Rm. 405   **Unless further notice, these are in-person online sessions!
-Study Trip in Taipei: 1/13-17, 2024 (Mon.-Fri.)
TA: Lisa Angereni (R11749064@ntu.edu.tw) / Chia-Wei, Wang (R11749029@ntu.edu.tw)