Graduation Celebration for GMBA Class of 2024: A Joyous Milestone

On June 26th, 2024, the Graduation Ceremony for the GMBA Class of 2024 was held at Sungreat International Conference Hall. This year, the program celebrated 57 graduates, with almost 200 family members and loved ones in attendance to share  the joyous occasion.

The ceremony began with an inspiring speech from Dean of College Management, Professor Shing-yang Hu, setting the tone for the momentous event. The graduates were then honored to have Mr. Chaney Ho, Co-Founder and Board Member of Advantech, to deliver greetings and well-wishes. We then have GMBA Director Prof Audrey Hsu to give her celebration to the graduates, and remind them GMBA is always their home. The most exciting moment followed, as the lucky time capsule owner, Jelana from the Philippines, was invited to read the letter she had written during orientation. Her heartfelt speech resonated with the audience, and her brother, Miko, who graduated from GMBA in 2020, was also invited to share his reflections on their sibling bond. Next, Masaru Nagatsuka, Vice-President of the GMBA Student Council 2023, delivered a moving student speech, capturing the essence of the graduates' journey. The highlight of the ceremony was the tassels turning, as the graduates transitioned from students to alumni. The honor of presenting the diplomas and turning the tassels was shared by Dean Professor Shing-yang Hu, Director Audrey Hsu, Associate Dean Professor Chialin Chen, Professor Jung-yun Han, Professor Leonvan Jaarsveldt, Professor Edward Hsieh, Professor Chienhao Chen, Professor Kevin Chen, and Professor Shweta Pandey.

The ceremony was filled with both smiles and tears as the graduates embarked on a new chapter in their lives. Though their paths may lead them in different directions, the GMBA family hopes that the graduates will stay connected and never forget the cherished memories and invaluable lessons from their time in the program.

Group photo of Class 2024