GMBA Scholarships

The GMBA Scholarship Program recognizes students with outstanding academic performance and contributions to the GMBA and broader community.

Application Eligibility

All currently registered, active GMBA Students (including newly admitted and current students) are eligible to apply.

The GMBA Community Impact Award

At GMBA, we believe that academic achievement is about more than grades. We also consider that participating in the GMBA community is a critical component of generating a global mindset. Candidates shall be actively engaged with the GMBA community by arranging and leading projects that benefit all GMBA students. Applicants should thus demonstrate:

  • A diligence in GMBA classes.
  • A high sense of duty to GMBA and GMBA students.
  • Leadership both in and out of the classroom through projects benefiting GMBA students.
  • A high academic achievement as measured through the GPA.
Application Method & Required Document

The application period opens twice per year and usually falls in the summer break and the winter break. All Global MBA students will be notified via email with application instructions once the application period begins.
Applicants shall provide the following documents:

  • Resume
  • Transcript at GMBA (Newly admitted students can provide the one at your previous school)
  • A project proposal benefiting at least 10 or more GMBA students, or equivalent outside of GMBA
  • Extra supporting evidence such as blogs or social media posts, photos and videos
Required Post and Report by Awardee
  • After the result announcement, successful applicants shall provide GMBA Office with a word file (one page) and a personal photo for GMBA office to introduce who you are, and what you will do to benefit GMBA community in GMBA website, Facebook, IG and/or LinkedIn posts.
  • In addition, a monthly report should be submitted by 25th of the month.
Attention for International Students
  • Ensure your ARC and one of these Taiwan bank accounts  (E.Sun BankHua Nan Bank, Post Bank) are ready and valid by mid-September or mid-February. The awardee must provide these documents promptly after the results are announced, or you may lose the scholarship.
  • GMBA students on a leave of absence or deferring admission are NOT eligible.
  • Ensure external scholarships don’t affect your eligibility to obtain this scholarship.
  • GMBA office will cancel the scholarship if you violate these conditions or any Taiwanese laws.

If you still have questions about the GMBA scholarship program, please email