Oral Defense Step by Step
10+ Days Before Defense

Once you have passed the graduation application procedure, you can arrange for your Oral Defence.

1. Get permission from your advisor.
2. Build a committee with the help of your advisor. 
3. Ask your advisor and the committee for their date and time availability and schedule the oral defense. 
4. Ask your advisor for help to reserve a examination venue.

When building the committee, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

1. The Committee Should be 3-5 Members: Advisor(s) + 2 Committee Members.
2. One Committee Member (other than the Advisor) must be from outside the GMBA program.
3. Members should have one or more of the following traits:

- Current or past (assistant/associate) professor
- Current or past (assistant/associate researcher of Academia Sinica of Taiwan)
- A Ph.D. with significant academic achievement
- An accomplished expert in the thesis-related field
- A committee member cannot be your family member

*The Committee must be confirmed by your advisor. 

7+ Days Before Defense:

1. Submit your thesis to your advisor and all committee members.
2. Unless otherwise agreed, ensure the committee members receive a hard and soft copy.
3. Check with your advisor and committee members whether they need any special arrangements such as parking. 
4. Ensure that the examination venue is booked.
5. Complete Step 3 in the GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024) to download relevant documents for the Oral Defense 
6. Complete the Thesis Similarity Check (See Below for Guidance)

Thesis Similarity Checking-Turnitin

In Taiwan, all postgraduate students need to have 6 hours of academic ethics course as a foundation to provide a good and ethical thesis. Before they graduate, their thesis has to do a similarity checking, and GMBA students must reach a plagiarism score no higher than 15%, excluding all references, correctly cited in-text quotations, and sources less than 1% as determined by the preset Turnitin filter.

When to do it?

Do it with your final version of the thesis after your oral defense. However, some advisors may request their students to do it before the defense; if this is the case, please do it both before and after your defense.

How to do it?
GMBA office will have a course at NTU COOL for this similarity checking. We will add you as one of the course students, and you will then receive an email from NTU COOL. Follow the instructions and upload your thesis as an assisgnment, then you will receive your score in 5-10 minutes.

What should I do with the report?
Please check if your percentages comply with the GMBA requirements.
By clicking on the percentage, you will see the breakdown. Check with your wording or sentences and see how they are duplicated with some other papers. Make the corrections and reupload again. 

How can I re-upload my thesis for another check?
Turnitin can only have 1 thesis of you at one time. If you need to upload a new version for checking, please inform the GMBA office during office hours and we will delete the old one for you then you can have a new one. 

How can I submit the report?
Please upload your report back to GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024) together with your finalized thesis after your defense. Please note that we need a report with a "percentage", not a receipt.

2~5 Days Before Defense:

After your submission, you can download your Oral Defense Documents packet from the GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024), including: 

1. Master Thesis Certification by Oral Defense Committee
2. Thesis Oral Defense Grade Form
3. Advisor, Thesis Examination, and Transportation Pay List
4. List of the Examination Board
5. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison
6. POD Checklist 

* Tips to know:
1. When preparing snacks/lunchboxes, be sure to consider the dietary preferences of your committees by checking with your advisors or the GMBA office.

2. Providing printouts of the PPT slides to the committees may be helpful for them to write down comments.
3. You may visit the oral defense venue during the office hours to familiarise yourself with the projecting equipment set-up inside the room. Check with GMBA Office for the availability. 
4. Read rediShow Wireless Projector User Manual to learn how the projecting system works.

On the Defense Day:

1. Arrive early at the venue and borrow the keys from the maintenance office on the first floor.
2. Ensure all equipment* (AC, Projector, laptop, PowerPoint slide deck, etc.) works. 

3. Ensure that you have brought a laptop and have any needed cables to connect to the projector and an AC charger for your battery.
4. Ensure that you have printed the Thesis Oral Defense documents packet.
5. Ensure that you have prepared hard copies of your thesis and slides (if needed). 
6. Ensure that you have prepared anything else as conferred with your advisor, e.g., snacks, pencils, notepads, parking passes for off-campus committee members...

Most of the class and discussion rooms are equipped with a projector with a VGA slot and or USB slot. Some facilities also have wireless connection capabilities. You need to bring your own laptop or borrow one from the GMBA Office. 

Post Oral Defense:

1. You may need to revise your thesis according to the recommendations from the committee. Several resources are introduced below for your reference. 

2. Self checking whether your thesis meets all the requirements listed on the POD Checklist and then sign the list. For the POD Checklist, here is an example.
3. Please scan and upload all signed Oral Defense Documents, the final version of your Thesis, signed POD Checklist and Turnitin report back to the Step 4 in the GMBA graduation system (Fall 2024).
4. Start the Thesis Submission and Leave School procedure when completing the steps above. 

Resources can help you deliver a high-quality thesis and reduce the need for additional revision:

1. Academic Formatting

- For Literature Management, Citations, and Reference, consider using the Endnote Software made available by NTU
- For Formatting consistency, we recommend you use APA or MLA. Regardless of which you use, please be consistent.
- For Cover Page Materials, please follow NTU library instructions. 
- Our Template is formatted in APA and already includes requested library formatting where needed. Your advisor may have a different preferred formatting style. If this is the case, please follow your advisor's instructions.
- You May find these references helpful:

* https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html

2. English Formatting

Microsoft Editor
Microsoft has a built-in grammar-checking and style-checking tool in Microsoft Office. However, many of the style-checking features are turned off by default. Follow these instructions to turn them back on:

  1. Go to File -- Options -- Proofing Options. Under Grammar and Refinements, you will see a list of grammar and spelling refinement options, most of which are turned off by default. Check the boxes to activate the settings.
  2. Ensure that you have the English version of Microsoft Office Installed
    1. You can also download English support for Office from here.
    2. If this does not work, try installing the English version of MS Office and check if your office version supports it.

Office 365 
You will see significantly more options if you use Office 365.

Grammarly.com or DeepL
Grammarly.com or DeepL are another recommended tools. The free version offers basic grammar and spelling suggestions, which are especially useful for dealing with repetitive, common issues. The paid version has advanced grammar and AI features for rewriting and tone management.

*Consider finding a native speaker to proofread your paper after editing. 

Start the Thesis Submission and Leave School procedures:

1. Check with NTU library for the online thesis submission system. https://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/en/node/1788
2. Check the graduation steps at myNTU to ensure you did not miss anything. 
3. For international/Overseas Chinese students, you will be able to renew your ARC for 12 months (can be renewed twice) from the date of your graduation diploma. If you graduate in the Fall semester, the date shown on the diploma will be January of the year. If you graduate in the Spring semester, the date shown on the diploma will be June of the year. Please see NTU OIA website for more details. 
4. Please print at least 3 (THREE) hard copies of your thesis, 2 are to be submitted to NTU library and 1 is to be submitted to GMBA Office. Always choose Burgundy redas the color of your thesis cover.