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[演講訊息] 臺大財金所 5/12 (二) Seminar
瀏覽數:117  2017-02-12 更新

5/11 (一) 與 5/12 (二) University of Tennessee 的 Prof. Andy Puckett 將分別訪問政治大學與臺灣大學,並進行專題演講。演講與 office hour 的相關訊息如下:

時間: 5/11 (一) 13:30-15:00
地點: 政治大學商學院3樓301教室
講者: Prof. Andy Puckett
講題: FORE! An Analysis of CEO Shirking

時間: 5/12 (二) 14:30-16:00
地點: 臺灣大學管理學院一號館2樓冠德講堂
講者: Prof. Andy Puckett
講題: The Performance of Institutional Investor Trades Across the Supply Chain

In this paper we investigate institutional ownership and trading across the supply chain. We find that institutions are more likely to own stock in a supplier firm, if they own stock in an economically linked customer firm. Institutions with stock in a pair of customer-supplier linked firms (i.e. joint owners) experience abnormal trading profits in supplier stocks. The magnitude of trading profits increases when institutions own a larger stake in the customer and when the supplier relies upon a concentrated customer base for sales revenue. Furthermore, we document that joint owner trading predicts unexpected earnings news, consistent with these institutional investors extracting material information from economic relationships. The results show that the supply chain is a rich source of information through which some skilled traders can forecast firm fundamentals and realize trading profits.

[Office Hour]
時間: 5/12 (二) 10:30-12:30
地點: 臺灣大學管理學院二號館7樓研討室

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