2017-02-12 更新
2016.08.30 行銷組BBL─Claire I. Tsai教授演講 講者:Claire I. Tsai 教授 (University of Toronto) 講者資訊:https://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/FacultyAndResearch/Faculty/FacultyBios/Tsai 演講題目:Consumption Experience over Time: The Role of Event Framing and Counting Direction
People predict that unpacking a positive event into separate activities enhances consumption experience. This research demonstrated that counting direction moderated such effect on actual enjoyment. Specifically, unpacking increased (decreased) enjoyment when the sub-activities were counted downward (upward). Data showed that upward counting reduces enjoyment by triggering a cognitive belief about satiation (a 10th bite of chocolate is less tasty than the first bite), whereas downward counting causes people to savor the end experience.
Keywords: unpacking, framing, counting, consumption experience, consumption enjoyment
時間:2016年8月30日(二)12:00 ─ 14:00 地點:臺大管理學院壹號館916室 報名網址:https://goo.gl/forms/fVTsrCzgxp54Tyrt1