博士 英國曼徹斯特大學商學院企業管理博士
研究室 : 二館 511
電話 : 3366-7212
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相關連結 :
• 國際企業管理
• 國際行銷管理
• 全球企業平台策略以及數位國際化
研究專長為國際企業策略,研究方向主要聚焦於國際企業管理與國際行銷管理,特別專注於新興數位科技如 AI,數位平台,工業 4.0 等對於國際企業與國際行銷策略如國際市場進入,國際創業與全球供應鏈等相關主題影響的研究。過去研究曾發表於頂尖國際企業與國際行銷國際期刊。此外,已經獲得多項國內外學術獎項,如國科會傑出研究獎、國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎、國科會優秀年輕學者計畫、國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才,以及諸多國際論文及國際研討會最佳論文獎。
• 英國曼徹斯特大學商學院企業管理博士
• 人工智慧與商業應用
• 全球品牌管理
• 國際行銷管理
• 全球企業平台策略
• 國際企業管理
• 國際企業經營策略
2022- 台灣大學特聘教授
2022 國科會傑出研究獎
2024, 2021 全球前 2% 頂尖科學家(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024, 2021)
2021 政治大學研究特優獎
2018 政治大學教學優良獎
2010-2020 政治大學研究優良獎
2018 Ranked 1st in Taiwan and 8th in Asia in terms of research productivity and influence in the field of Marketing by Asia Marketing Journal,
2015 國科會優秀年輕學者計畫
2010 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎
2024- 台灣組織與管理學會理事長 (TAOM)
2024- 台灣大學管理學院國際事務副院長暨GMBA執行長
2023 - 台灣大學創意創業學程主任
2023- Associate Editor: International Marketing Review (SSCI) (國科會管理一學門推薦期刊,台大管理學院優良期刊)
2009-2021 政治大學國際經營與貿易系特聘教授
2019, 2024 美國哈佛大學商學院 個案教學Program on Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning 結業
2016 美國 Babson College 創新創業教學 Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators 結業
2014-2015 美國喬治亞州立大學商學院訪問學者
2009 美國密西根州立大學商學院訪問學者
  1. Jean, Ruey Jer Bryan, Kim, Daekwan, & Cadogan, John W. 2024. Antecedents and performance outcomes of exporters’ use of internet B2B platforms. International Marketing Review, 41(5): 1016-1043. (SSCI)
  2. Giovanna Magnani, Francesca Sanguineti, S. Tamer Cavusgil, Matt, Matevz Raskovic, & Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, (2024) “Developing resilience: Multinational enterprise business model transformation to mitigate major disruptions”. Journal of Business Research, 175: 114549. (SSCI)
  3. Jean Ruey-Jer “ Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, Rudolf R. SInkovics, & Erin Cavusgil, (2024) “The effect of business model innovation on SMEs’ international performance: The contingent roles of foreign institutional voids and entrepreneurial orientation”, Journal of Business Research, 175: 114449. (SSCI)
  4. Meyer, Klaus E., Jiatao Li, Keith D. Brouthers, and Ruey-Jer ‘‘Bryan’’ Jean (2023), "International business in the digital age: Global strategies in a world of national institutions," Journal of International Business Studies, 54 (4), 577-98. (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
  5. Kim, Daekwan, Geon-Cheol Shin, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, S. Tamer Cavusgil, and Charles Chen (2023), "Degree of involvement in supply chain system development and relational performance: A potential dark side in supply chain relationships," Journal of Business Research, 154, 113278. (SSCI)
  6. Jeong, Insik, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, Daekwan Kim and Saeed Samiee, (2022), “Managing disruptive external forces in international marketing”, International Marketing Review, accepted and forthcoming. (SSCI)
  7. Jean, Ruey Jer ”Bryan” and Daekwan Kim (2021) “Signaling strategies of exporters on Internet Business to Business Platforms” , Journal of Management Studies, 58(7): 1869-1898 (SSCI, FT50)
  8. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, Kevin Zheng Zhou, and S. Tamer Cavusgil (2021), "E-Platform Use and Exporting in the context of Alibaba: a Signaling Theory Perspective, "Journal of International Business Studies, 52(8): 1501-1528. (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
  9. Jean, Ruey Jer ”Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, and Kyuyeong Choi (2021), "Pattern of Information Technology Use and Relationship Learning in International Customer-Supplier Relationships," International Business Review, 30(4): 101815. (SSCI)
  10. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, Geon-Cheol Shin, and Tomas Hult (2021), "Enhancing Performance in Emerging-Market-Supplier/Mne-Buyer Relationships: An Examination of the Interplay between Virtual and Relational Governance," Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 101-114. (SSCI)
  11. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, Yung-Chih Lien, and Sangbum Ro (2020), "The Moderating Effect of Virtual Integration on Intergenerational Governance and Relationship Performance in International Customer–Supplier Relationships," International Marketing Review, 37 (3), 579-592. (SSCI)
  12. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, and Erin Cavusgil (2020), "Antecedents and Outcomes of Digital Platform Risk for International New Ventures’ Internationalization," Journal of World Business, 55 (1), 101021. (SSCI)
  13. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” and Daekwan Kim (2020), "Internet and SMEs' Internationalization: The Role of Platform and Website," Journal of International Management, 26 (1), 100690. (SSCI)
  14. Kim, Daekwan, Kyuyeong Choi, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, and John Cadogan (2020), "Ethno-National Ties and International Business Opportunity Exploitation: The Role of Environmental Factors," International Business Review, 29 (4), 101526. (SSCI)
  15. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” and Daekwan Kim (2020), "International Marketing Strategies in the Age of Digitalization: Past Accomplishment, Current Status and Future Research Direction," International Marketing Review, 37 (3), 1-10. (SSCI)
  16. Wang, Zhiqiang, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean and Xiande Zhao (2019), "The Direct and Indirect Impact of Relational Ties on Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study in China," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67 (2), 295-308. (SSCI)
  17. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” and Danchi Tan (2019), "The Effect of Institutional Capabilities on E-Business Firms’ International Performance," Management International Review, 59 (4), 593-616. (SSCI)
  18. Choi, Kyuyeong, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, and Daekwan Kim (2019), "The Impacts of Organizational Learning Capacities on Relationship-Specific Innovations: Evidence from the Global Buyer–Supplier Relationship," International Marketing Review, 36 (6), 1042-1066. (SSCI)
  19. Jean, Ruey-Jer ‘Bryan’, Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and Stefan Zagelmeyer (2018), "Antecedents and Innovation Performance Implications of MNC Political Ties in the Chinese Automotive Supply Chain," Management International Review, 58 (6), 995-1026. (SSCI)
  20. Kim, Daekwan, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2018), "Drivers of Virtual Interfirm Integration and Its Impact on Performance in International Customer–Supplier Relationships," Management International Review, 58 (3), 495-522. (SSCI)
  21. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Daekwan Kim, Jyh-She Chiou, and Roger Calantone (2018), "Strategic Orientations, Joint Learning, and Innovation Generation in International Customer-Supplier Relationships," International Business Review, 27 (4), 838-851. (SSCI)
  22. Oliveira, João S., Nahid Yazdani, John W. Cadogan, Ian R. Hodgkinson, Eleni Tsougkou, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, Vicky M. Story, and Nathaniel Boso (2018), "The Empirical Link between Export Entry Mode Diversity and Export Performance: A Contingency- and Institutional-Based Examination," Journal of Business Research, 88, 505-512. (SSCI)
  23. Deng, Ziliang, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2018), "Rapid Expansion of International New Ventures across Institutional Distance," Journal of International Business Studies, 49 (8), 1010-1032. (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
  24. Deng, Ziliang, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean, & Rudolf R Sinkovics,(2017), “Polarizing effects of early exporting on exit”, Management International Review, 57(2): 243-275. (SSCI)
  25. Jean Ruey Jer "Bryan";Daekwan Kim and Daniel C. Bello, (2017), "Relationship-based product innovations: Evidence from the global supply chain", Journal of Business Research, Vol.80, No.Winter, pp.127-140. (SSCI)
  26. Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”, Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and Daekwan Kim (2017), "Antecedents and Outcomes of Supplier Innovativeness in International Customer–Supplier Relationships: The Role of Knowledge Distance," Management International Review, 57(1),121-151. (SSCI)
  27. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan" , Ziliang Deng, Xiaohui Liu, and Daekwan Kim (2016), "Assessing endogeneity issues in international marketing research", International Marketing Review, 33 (3), 483-512. (SSCI)
  28. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Zhiqiang Wang, Xiande Zhao and Rudolf Sinkovics (2016), "Drivers and customer satisfaction outcome of CSR in supply chains in different institutional contexts, a comparison between China and Taiwan", International Marketing Review, 33 (4), 514-529. (SSCI)
  29. 陳厚銘;連勇智;許嘉文;林玟廷;簡睿哲, (2016), '國際企業研究發展的新方向和新興議題, ' 管理學報, Vol.33, No.1, pp.35-60.
  30. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Jyh-Shen Chiou and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2016), "Interpartner learning, dependence asymmetry and radical innovation in customer-supplier relationships", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing , 31 (6), 732-742. (SSCI)
  31. Pao-Lien Chen, Danchi Tan and Ruey-Jer "Bryan"Jean (2016), "Foreign knowledge acquisition through inter-firm collaboration and recruitment: implications for domestic growth of emerging market firms”, International Business Review, 25 (1, Part A), 221-232. (SSCI)
  32. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Daekwan Kim and Yong Kyu Lew (2015), "Drivers and performance implications of international key account management capability", International Business Review, 24 (4), 543-555. (SSCI)
  33. Xiaohui Liu, Ziliang Deng, Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean and Daekwan Kim (2015), "Hierarchical Linear Modeling in International Marketing Research: A Review with an Application on Innovation and Export in China", Frontier of Business Research in China, 9 (2), 135-160.
  34. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and Daekwan Kim (2014), "The impact of technological, organizational and environmental characteristics on electronic collaboration and relationship performance in international customer-supplier relationships", Information & Management, 51(7), 854–864. (SSCI)
  35. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan" (2014), "What makes export manufacturers pursue functional upgrading in an emerging market? a study of Chinese technology new ventures", International Business Review, 23 (4), 741-749. (SSCI)
  36. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics and Thoams Hiebaum (2014), " The effects of supplier involvement and knowledge protection on product innovation in customer-supplier relationships: a study of global automotive suppliers in China", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(1), 98-113 (SSCI)
  37. Pezderka, Noemi, Rudolf R., Sinkovics, and Ruey-Jer "Bryan"Jean (2013), "The Internet as an alternative path to internationalization?", International Marketing Review (SSCI), 30 (2), 130-155.
  38. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Daekwan Kim and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2012), "Drivers and performance outcomes of supplier innovation generation in customer-supplier relationships: the role of power-dependence", Decision Sciences (SSCI), 43(6), 1003-1038.
  39. Deng Ziliang , Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean and Rudolf R Sinkovics (2012), "Determinants of international innovation performance in Chinese manufacturing firms: An integrated perspective," Asian Business & Management (SSCI), 11 (1), 31-55.
  40. Jean, Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Danchi Tan, and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2011), "Ethnic ties, location choice, and firm performance in foreign direct investment: A study of Taiwanese business groups FDI in China," International Business Review (SSCI), 20 (6), 627-635.
  41. Sinlovics, Rudolf R., Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean, Anthony S. Roath, and S. Tamer Cavusgil (2011), "Does IT integration really enhance supplier responsiveness in global supply chains?," Management International Review (SSCI), 51 (2), 193-212.
  42. Sinkovics, Rudolf R., Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean, and Noemi Pezderka (2010), "Cross-Border Relationships and Performance: Revisiting a Complex Linkage -- a Commentary Essay," Journal of Business Research, 63 (12), 1368-1371.(SSCI)
  43. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and S. Tamer Cavusgil (2010) "Enhancing international customer-supplier relationships through IT resources: a study of Taiwanese electronics suppliers", Journal of International Business Studies, 41(7), 1218-1239 (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
  44. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan" and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2010) "Relationship learning and performance enhancement via advanced information technology: The case of Taiwanese dragon electronics firms", International Marketing Review, 27(2), 200-222. (SSCI).
  45. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and Daekwan Kim (2010) "Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Relationship Learning for Suppliers in Cross-border Customer-Supplier Relationships: The Role of Communication Culture", Journal of International Marketing, 18(1), 63-85. American Marketing Association, (SSCI).
  46. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Chia-Ling ‘Eunice’ Liu and Claudia Klausegger (2009), “ A review and enhancement of qualitative research on Asian-pacific emerging markets in international business: the case of using interview-based qualitative research in Taiwan “, der Markt ,48,1-2, 21-28.
  47. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Rudolf R. Sinkovics, and Daekwan Kim (2008), "Information technology and organizational performance within international Business to Business relationships – a review and an integrated conceptual framework," International Marketing Review. 25(5), 563-583.(SSCI)
  48. Jean Ruey-Jer "Bryan" (2007), " The ambiguous relationship of ICT and organizational performance: a literature review,” Critical Perspectives on International Business, 3 (4), 306-321.
  1. 國際行銷學 華泰書局代理
  2. Jean, Ruey-Jer "Bryan", Jyh-Shen Chiou and Shaoming Zou Eds. (2013), International Marketing in Fast Changing Environment, UK: Emerald Press. ISBN: 978-1-78190-896-9
  1. Jean, Ruey-Jer "Bryan" (2013), "An Explorative Study on the Impact of IT Capabilities on International Key Account Management Capabilities and Firm Performance in International Customer-Supplier Relationships" in Advances in International Marketing Vol. 24, UK: Emerald Press. Vol 24, pp.25-41
  2. Pezderka, Noemi, Rudolf R., Sinkovics, and Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean. (2012). Do born-global SMEs reap more benefits from ICT use than other internationalising small firms? in Mika Gabrielsson & V.H. Manek Kirpalani (Eds.), Handbook of research on born globals: USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.185-212.
  3. Jean, Ruey-Jer "Bryan" and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2010), "The Role of Virtual Integration, Commitment, and Knowledge-Sharing in Improving International Supplier Responsiveness," in Resources, Efficiency and Globalization, Pavlos Dimitratos and Marian V. Jones, Eds. Vol. 17 Houndmills, Basingstoke. U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan 27-43 .