Guest Speaker Sessions: Baypay & LeadBest
Guest Speaker Sessions: Baypay & LeadBest

GMBA program invited Prof. Charles Chang and Prof. Ming-Daw Cheng to lead the IMP (Industry Mentoring Program) this semester for all GMBA students. After the first company visit on 5th Nov 2020, both professors successfully held the 3rd activity – Guest Speaker Session.

On 25th Nov, 3 guests were invited by IMP to have a sharing session with our GMBA students, who were Scofield Yeh, the founder and CEO of Baypay, Bryan Cheng CPO and Partner from LeadBest and Vivian Chen Consultant from LeadBest. 

Scofield shared with us on his various start-up experiences before Baypay. On top of that, he also shared with us his motivation to setup Baypay which is an infrastructure for the blockchain.  He also shared the challenges faced, milestone achievements along the way and the future of Baypay business.

The next sharing was by Bryan and Vivian on their consultant firm, LeadBest.  LeadBest is the consultant firm that understands the pain point of their customers and provides solution for their needs, from pre-investment to post-investment.  LeadBest also acts as a bridge between investors and projects.  Bryan and Vivian picked a few significant projects and shared with us in details on the customers’ pain point, the process and challenges of designing the solution and the outcome of the projects. 

A total of about 30 students attended the session through online streaming or in-person participation and benefited from their sharing.  It was safe to say that the session was a big success.


(Written by GMBA student Hooi Ying Chua)