KIT program: Korea, Indonesia & Taiwan — The Asian Business Consulting course


For the first time, three different Asian universities have organized a conjoint program called the Asian Business Consulting course. National Taiwan University Global MBA, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Business School (UPM) each have sent 12 young professionals as representatives for the program. UPM from Indonesia has taken the initiative to be the first host for course, which is taken place in the Indonesian capital Jakarta for one week. NTU Global MBA hopes that this program will not only bring our students consulting skills & experiences, but also friendship between the partner schools in order to build up robust foundation for further co-operations.

UPM has invited 6 different firms as client companies for the program. Our clients include companies from various industries such as Telecom, Medical, Manufacturing and even Social Enterprises. Problems our clients are facing vary as well, from operation integration to diversification (business expansion) strategy, long-term financial loss or HR management strategy. The total number of 36 participants are separated in 6 groups and each group is allocated to each client considering their background and prior knowledge of each single student.


Considering the fact that all students do not have the consulting background, KAIST has arranged several sessions for consulting skills and theoretical frameworks hosted by former Mckinsey consultants. After arrival in Jakarta, all teams are sent to the clients for interviews and try to find the core problem of the company assisted by professors from NTU, KAIST and UPM.

One week is extremely short for a consulting project. Within limited time frame and under great pressure, students are requested to deliver recommendation to their clients based on gained knowledge and information provided by clients. We hope that this program will not only bring our clients inspiration and new ideas for their business, but it will also give the students friendship and self-reflection.


本年春初,國立台灣大學Global MBA,韓國科學技術院商學院(KAIST)Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Business School三家大學歷史性首次舉辦跨國管理顧問課程(ABC, Asian Business Consulting)。本次課程因由三個不同國家的大學舉辦故又稱為KIT 課程(Korea, Indonesia & Taiwan)。課程此次由印尼方面舉辦,地點為雅加達,為期一個禮拜。本院Global MBA挑選了12位在各自領域背景中出類拔萃的MBA精英代表台大參加本次三國聯合舉辦之課程,NTU Global MBA希望從中不僅能為此12位精英帶來管理顧問方面之經驗與知識,更希望能為三所大學帶來友誼之橄欖葉作為長期合作之基石。



由於三國組員均非顧問背景,韓國方面故安排前麥肯錫(Mckinsey & Company)之顧問利用遠程授課模式為所有組員傳授提供顧問服務之技巧與理論框架。到達印尼後,各小組分別拜訪本組負責之企業進行訪談。之後三家大學的教授亦在旁指導找出問題關鍵之核心,然後各組亦提出可能之解決方案。



By Joe Li, GMBA student
