2017-2018 Tulane A.B Freeman School of Business Dual Degree Program/ Priority Admission Application Guideline
Activity day:2016-11-29 
Published At:2016-11-29 
Views:498  2017-02-12 updated

We would like to select students who have excellent academic performance, fluent in foreign languages, and have good character to join the double degree program or priority admission program. Selected students will go abroad to Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business in July for Master degree, in order to obtain an international perspective and promote international academic exchanges. Selected students will receive formal degrees of awarded by both NTU and Tulane.


NTU College of Management and Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business offer three programs for selected students. Applicants will be given priority to pursue the MACCT, MFIN or MME degree at Tulane as dual educational program students.

Dual Degree Program Application Guideline

Priority Admission Application Guideline


Application Materials

  1. Application form: Dual degree Form / Priority Admission Form. (Downloadable from the College of Management website and shall be filled out in English)
  2. Motivation letter. (Please include the motivation behind why one wishes to be a part of the program. Shall be written in English and is limited to one side on size A4 paper)
  3. CV in English (including academic and research performance. Maximum of 2 pages)
  4. Photocopy of GMAT score report and five years valid before May 1, 2017
  5. Photocopy language certificate (TOEFL/IELTS, two years valid before May 1, 2017)
  6. A NTU master degree formal transcript in English


The application portfolio shall be submitted with a binder clip or paperclip in the order listed.


Application Period & Procedure

  1. Application period: Monday January 16, 2017 – 0900-1200am, 1400-1600pm
  2. Application Procedure: Deliver your Application Portfolio to Linda Lin, room903, 9th floor, Building I of CoM.


(1)Two application portfolios needed when applied for two different programs

(2)The Application Portfolio cannot be returned. Please save your own documents in electronic file well.


Selection Method

The result list will be announced after the admissions board has reviewed all the applications.

(Selected applicants will be nominated to Tulane University. However, the final enrollment will be verified by Tulane)


Announcement of Enrollment confirmation

The admissions list is scheduled to be announced on February 14, 2017 before 17:00 on the College of Management website. Admitted students must turn in their confirmation letter to the College of Management, Room 903 by 16:00 on February 17, 2017. Those whom do not confirm their position will be deemed disqualified and their spot given to a student on the waiting list.  


Tulan University Website

MACCT  Brochure

MFIN       Brochure

MME       Brochure



Contact Person

Ms. Linda Lin

